As early as two thousand years ago, the ancient Romans grew melissa on their plantations. Medicinal properties and contraindications to it are described in ancient manuscripts. The Romans used it as an aphrodisiac to increase appetite. The Greeks affectionately nicknamed lemon balm the bee, because its calming effect extends not only to people, but also to bees.
In our region, it is also called differently: “lemon mint”, or “heart grass”, because of the lemon smell and soothing properties. In addition, it is a favorite spice of culinary specialists due to its aromas.
Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of lemon balm. Currently, it can be found not only in Asia and North Africa, but also in many European countries, including Russia.

It has become so popular that in every garden or summer cottage they now grow a medicinal plant called melissa, the beneficial properties of which people use to treat and prevent many diseases.
Melissa prefers to grow in not very shaded places, although her habitat is very extensive, but if shebeing in the shade all the time will become less fragrant and yields will be reduced. The plant begins to bloom in summer, and the boxes ripen by early autumn.
In order for the beneficial properties to be preserved after harvest, you need to know how to dry lemon balm correctly. Seeds and leaves are harvested in autumn. Collect them when the lower leaves and boxes turn brown. You need to dry them in the shade and make sure that there is no direct sunlight. To avoid diaper rash, the collection must be periodically turned over or gently shaken. It is better to store raw materials in paper bags or cardboard boxes.

Chemical composition
The melissa plant itself, its medicinal properties and contraindications have long been studied in the laboratory. The main biologically active components of lemon balm are essential oils, flavonoids, tannins, phenylpropanoids, monoterpenes, phenolcarboxylic acids. There are about 200 compounds in essential oils, among them are neutral and geranial, which resemble a lemon scent, as well as rosmarinic acid, vitamins B, C, P, micro and macro elements. For the preparation of essential oil, the plant is processed raw, then used in traditional and folk medicine. In addition to the above, you need to learn more about the medicinal properties of Melissa and contraindications in order to use it correctly.
Healing and beneficial properties
Melissa is brewed as a tea, based on its beneficial properties, medicinal infusions are made, used in culinary delights.

Healing plant can stimulate appetite, normalize the digestive tract, relieve inflammation, spasms, it is a natural antidepressant and has a calming effect on the body.
Folk herbalists have long recognized the leading right of the plant to treat many diseases. For example, an infusion of lemon balm reduces heart pain, relieves shortness of breath and helps to normalize blood pressure. This infusion is also used for asthma attacks, migraine, anemia.
As an external agent, infusions and decoctions are used to rinse the mouth if there are inflammation in the gums or toothache.
Compresses help with skin diseases, also effectively relieve joint, rheumatic pain.
Treats lemon balm and tantrums accompanied by fainting.
On the shelves of pharmacies you can see a significant number of medicines, which include medicinal lemon balm: "Persen", "Nervoflux", aromatic waters, various fees, etc.
Contraindications to Melissa treatment
To be most effective from the treatment with the melissa plant, medicinal properties and contraindications should be known to everyone and not neglected.
- Melissa lowers blood pressure, so it should not be used by hypotensive patients.
- Do not use baths and compresses for infectious skin diseases.
- Negatively affects male potency.
- Cannot be used duringpregnancy.
- Individual intolerance.
It cannot cause much harm, unless it is used incorrectly. Melissa is a unique herb. Its benefits are enormous.