Green stool in a baby - a pathology or a norm? This is a common question. Let's figure it out in this article.
When a child has feces of this color, you should not immediately panic. Such a phenomenon is not always considered pathological, but one must take into account the fact that such a signal may indicate a disease.
You need to pay attention not only to the color of the stool, but also to its smell, consistency and frequency, which also have a certain meaning. What are the reasons why a baby can have green stools?

When is it not considered a pathology?
Such a phenomenon in the vast majority of cases occurs due to natural processes occurring in the child's body and do not adversely affect he alth.
Green stools in a newborn baby are normal. It is connected with the fact that the body in the first day beginsget rid of amniotic fluid and epithelium - the so-called meconium (the baby swallows them while in the womb).
After three to five days, the changes become noticeable. It is normal to find small inclusions of curdled undigested milk in the feces. Over time, the color of feces changes, it acquires a yellow-green color. By about one month, the feces become mustard-colored. However, in some cases there are deviations.
For example, a green stool in a breastfed baby with an admixture of mucus indicates the fact that the gastrointestinal tract has not yet fully coped with the production of enzymes that are involved in the digestive process. In addition, bilirubin is also excreted along with the stool, that is, the substance that gives the dark green color to the excrement.

The role of nutrition
The nutrition of the baby also has a significant impact on the shade of feces. A woman's milk contains hormones that can affect the color of feces. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the mother’s nutrition, because everything that enters her body also penetrates into milk.
It is very important to know that a bottle-fed baby may react to the formula he uses, which is especially true for a diet that contains a lot of iron. Such a phenomenon from five months may be the result of complementary foods. In addition, each parent needs to remember that due to the eruption of the first teeth, it can appear in the chair. What is the norm, it is better to check with the doctor.

When is this symptom pathological?
When should parents worry? The main thing in such a situation is to monitor the well-being of the baby. If he has become capricious, cries a lot, refuses to eat, then these are the first symptoms of his unsatisfactory condition. If there is an increase in temperature, then it is necessary to go to the pediatrician as soon as possible.
What should parents worry about?
The following symptoms should worry parents.
- The green stool in the baby is liquid, while he often defecates. This factor indicates a lack of nutrients in the child. In addition, the cause may be an infection, especially when accompanied by a state of elevated temperature. So, bowel movement often stimulates colostrum, but it contains almost no fats and nutrients.
- Feces have a pronounced green tint, smell unpleasant and foam. A bad smell can indicate the occurrence of an inflammatory process.
- Black-green feces with a putrid odor. You need to contact a specialist, because such a chair can talk about suppuration.
- There is mucus in the child's feces, and his general condition worsens greatly. Most likely, there are digestive problems or the intestinal lining is damaged.
- There are bloody inclusions in the feces. This signal is mainly indicative of defects.digestion, often found in babies with constipation. You should also contact a specialist.

Warning signs
The following warning signs should also be taken into account:
- drowsiness, weakness and lethargy;
- the appearance of stool with mucus, the baby's temperature rises;
- the child constantly tightens his legs, which indicates pain in the tummy;
- frequent crying;
- weight loss and lack of appetite;
- vomiting or nausea;
- bloating and colic;
- constipation or diarrhea;
- appearance of a rash on the skin;
- bad breath.
It is very important to consider that in a child who is only three months old, such signs can be an indicator of defects in the digestive system. In a one-year-old baby, such symptoms may be the result of infectious diseases.

Why does the chair turn green?
The main and most common cause of green stools in babies is nutrition. The thing is that the child's body is not able to function at full strength, as it needs adaptation. Green stools interspersed with mucus indicate that there are problems with the digestion of foods. The reason is also an incorrectly selected mixture. Mothers should be careful as this condition causes skin rashes and irritation and requires medical advice.
Little children are still susceptible to pathology such as dysbacteriosis. The infant organism has not fully formed its microflora, and therefore the intestines can be colonized by pathogenic microorganisms. With artificial feeding, green stools in an infant will return to normal after the balance is restored.
You need to know that dysbacteriosis is typical not only for newborns. Pathology can occur in a baby at the age of three, and at five years. In addition, it also occurs in adults. It has such a threat as dehydration of the whole organism. That is why, with signs of dysbacteriosis, a medical consultation is required.

Possible diseases
In the case when a mother noted green stools in a breastfed baby for several days, whims, deterioration in general well-being and refusal to eat, it can be judged that there is a certain problem.
Why is this happening? What are the reasons?
- Infection. Intestinal infections can be caused by various viruses, bacteria and microbes. As a rule, in the acute form, the child has a fever, vomiting appears, the baby is naughty, nervous, lethargy is characteristic.
- Dysbacteriosis. The baby in this case often defecates, while there is irritation near the anus, rash, colic and swelling. This is all due to a violation of the intestinal microflora, in connection with which an attack by pathogens occurs. It is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe probiotics - special means,containing beneficial bacteria. This will help get rid of the yellow-green stool in the baby.
- Viruses. Due to the fact that young children have poorly developed immunity, their body is attacked by viruses. In infants who are breastfed, such pathologies occur in rare cases - this is due to the content of special antibodies in mother's milk. There is no such protection in artificial formulas, so it is likely that the baby may develop diarrhea.
- Allergic reactions. The child's body can respond to a change in formula, nutrition, the mother's diet, and pharmacological preparations. When treated with antibiotics, the baby's body often produces a response in the form of diarrhea, which is not surprising, because even adults often have a similar reaction to drugs.
Let's take a closer look at the causes of green stools in babies.

What factors influence baby's stool?
The following factors influence a baby's stool:
- insufficient content of enzymes - the digestive system is not yet fully formed, which means it is not able to produce them in the right amount;
- one of the reasons is the mother's diet, chosen incorrectly, and in this case, a revision of one's own diet is required;
- if complementary foods are introduced or the mother's diet changes, the baby has greenish stools;
- stool color and consistency change if baby is shortnutrients when he only eats foremilk;
- beginning of baby teething;
- in some situations, the cause may be an allergic reaction - the mixture is not suitable for the child's body in its composition.
- baby started teething;
- in some cases, the cause may be an allergic reaction - the body does not perceive the mixture, that is, its composition is not suitable for the child.
The causes and treatment of green stools in babies are often interrelated.
Actions of parents with this pathology in a child
If fecal changes occurred after drug treatment, then everything will be restored after cancellation.
If the mother does not follow the diet, the infant may experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the exclusion of products that affect the feces is required.
When IW, you need to be careful about the choice of mixture. It is best to purchase a mixture that contains some iron.
When a child's stool color is a concern, it is best to consult a competent pediatrician.
So, we looked at the causes of green stools in newborns.