The drug "Macmirror" and alcohol: compatibility

The drug "Macmirror" and alcohol: compatibility
The drug "Macmirror" and alcohol: compatibility

"Macmirror" is an antibacterial, antifungal drug. The drug effectively resists many types of infectious pathologies and is well tolerated by patients. Side effects and contraindications of the drug are practically absent. The instruction does not contain any information about whether it is possible to drink alcohol while taking this drug. However, it must be remembered that any medications interact with ethanol. In this regard, the question arises of how McMiror and alcohol will behave when taken at the same time.

macmirore and alcohol
macmirore and alcohol

Indications and properties

This drug is most often prescribed to combat diseases inherent in the female half of humanity, namely, it is most effective when infecting the reproductive system. Therefore, gynecologists often prescribe it to their patients. However, men are also assigned "Macmirror" in certain situations. Andit is they who tend to combine alcohol and therapeutic agents.

It comes in tablet form. The main active ingredient of the drug is nifuratel. The latter is a substance with an antimicrobial effect, which is quickly activated and inhibits harmful microorganisms. Tablets are prescribed in case of detection of a vulvo-vaginal infection, intestinal giardiasis, pathologies of the urinary system and amoebiasis. The maximum daily dosage is determined by the attending physician, depending on the individual characteristics of the course of the disease.

"Macmirror" is also available in the form of vaginal suppositories and suppositories. They are usually used as part of the treatment of mycosis, vaginitis, candidiasis, etc. They include a substance of the antibiotic group, namely nystatin. The main advantage of the drug over similar drugs is that it does not destroy the natural microflora of the female genital organs. You can drink McMiror and alcohol, this question is of interest to many.

Suppositories are active against Giardia, Trichomonas, Toxoplasma, Trypanosomes and Amoeba. The active ingredients of the drug are minimally toxic, which allows for the most gentle effect on the body. The compatibility of "McMiror" and alcohol will be discussed below.

macmirror and alcohol compatibility
macmirror and alcohol compatibility


Contraindication to taking is an individual reaction to the components of the drug. However, the attending physician should prescribe the drug based on the patient's complaints and the examination. itto avoid undesirable consequences from taking the drug. The patient may not be aware of an allergy to a particular substance.

Can I drink alcohol and McMiror?

Side effects

If you start taking it against the background of an intolerance to the substances included in it, the following side effects are possible:

  • Redness of the skin.
  • Itching.
  • Rash when applied topically.

Uncontrolled pill intake can cause completely unpredictable reactions from the body, which will negatively affect overall he alth. If overdose symptoms or side effects appear, you should consult a specialist. The doctor will decide whether to stop taking the drug or to adjust the dose taken.

macmirore you can drink alcohol
macmirore you can drink alcohol

When pregnant and breastfeeding

During the bearing of a child, "Macmirror" is prescribed quite rarely. The decision to take it during the gestation period should be reasonable and balanced. Specialist supervision is required. For the appointment, it is necessary to assess the possible risks for the child.

Substances of the drug can pass into breast milk. For this reason, Macmirror is also not prescribed during lactation. If it is impossible to avoid taking the drug during lactation, then breastfeeding for this period should be stopped. The combination of the drug with alcohol against the background of the above situations is not considered, since alcoholic beverages during pregnancy and lactation are strictly prohibited.

So, let's look at how to take McMiror andalcohol.

Alcohol Compatibility

The drug can be combined with taking other medicines. No cases of interaction were registered. The situation with alcohol is somewhat different.

Macmirror candles and alcohol compatibility
Macmirror candles and alcohol compatibility

Most often, taking alcohol at the same time as drugs deactivates the beneficial properties of the latter. For this reason, it seems illogical and wrong to be treated with medication and drink alcohol. Is it possible to drink alcohol and McMiror, they ask quite often.

There are chemical components that, when combined with ethanol, can cause serious consequences for the whole body. The composition of the drug does not include such substances, however, there is also no information about its interaction with alcohol. The consequences of the simultaneous administration of the drug and the use of alcoholic beverages directly depend on the dosage and form of the drug. For example, a drug in the form of tablets with ethyl alcohol should not be mixed.

When taking McMiror and alcohol at the same time, the consequences can be unpredictable.

This element is present in any alcoholic drink. There is a widespread belief that tablets should not be mixed only with strong alcohol, like vodka or cognac, and light drinks like beer or wine, when taken with the drug, are not terrible. This opinion is not meaningless. If you do not abuse alcohol, then most likely you will be able to avoid serious consequences for the body even while taking medication.

Compatibility of McMiror candles and alcohol is also doubtful.

macmirror complex and alcohol
macmirror complex and alcohol

When taken in moderation

The maximum allowable daily allowance is 30 ml of ethyl alcohol for men and 20 ml for women. If the patient has chronic diseases, then alcohol is prohibited. Thus, with moderate alcohol consumption while taking Macmirror, there will be no reaction from the body. However, it should be noted that ethyl alcohol can significantly reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

When combining McMiror and alcohol, the active substances precipitate and, accordingly, can no longer fulfill their purpose. Therefore, the course of therapy may be prolonged for some time.

Excessive alcohol consumption can cause intoxication of the body, and taking pills can aggravate this factor. The liver, which will, in addition to removing the drug, also deal with getting rid of toxins, can suffer greatly.

Suppositories and cream do not interact with ethyl alcohol. Therefore, there are no restrictions on their simultaneous use. However, in this case, it is also best to stop drinking alcohol, as this can weaken the body's immune system.

Possible Complications

The consequences of the simultaneous use of alcoholic beverages and the intake of Macmirror are difficult to predict. This point will depend on many factors, including the amount of alcohol consumed, the severity of the disease, and the age and weight of the patient.

macmirror can i drink alcohol
macmirror can i drink alcohol

We have already mentioned that the effectiveness of "McMiror" is significantly reduced against the background of the simultaneous use of alcoholic beverages. In the event of an exacerbation of an infectious disease, this can play a fatal role in therapy and aggravate the course of the pathology.

If as a result of drinking alcohol there is vomiting, nausea, loss of consciousness, then you should immediately stop drinking alcohol. It is also worth refusing to take the medicine for about four hours. The patient needs to wash the stomach, giving plenty of water to drink. If it does not get better, you need to seek help from a specialist without delay.

Most often, the combination of Macmirror Complex and alcohol leads to negative consequences due to the low quality of the latter. Therefore, expensive alcohol is a kind of guarantor of the absence of consequences. In any case, it is better to consult with your doctor about combining drug treatment and alcohol.

How to avoid the consequences?

If it is not possible to avoid alcohol while using Macmirror, then the main rule should be observed: it is necessary to pause between one and the second. It must be remembered that the duration of the break is different for both sexes. This factor is also affected by the presence of other diseases in the patient's history.

Alcohol is excreted from the female body longer than from the male. Therefore, alcohol can be consumed only two days after the last pill intake. Before taking the drug after drinking alcohol should not passless than a day. These rules apply to women without chronic diseases.

macmirror and alcohol consequences
macmirror and alcohol consequences

Ethyl alcohol is excreted from the male body much faster, so you can take the drug 20 hours after drinking alcohol. The break after taking the pill for men is similar to that for women and is one day.

The elimination of toxins from the body in people with kidney or liver failure occurs over different periods of time. Only the attending physician in this case can give permission for the use of even the smallest amount of alcohol. Self-will in this situation can lead to significant intoxication and unpredictable consequences.

In conclusion

Thus, the drug, like any other drug, is not recommended to be taken simultaneously with alcohol. Small doses of ethyl alcohol are unlikely to cause complications, but the effectiveness of the drug will definitely be reduced.

We examined the compatibility of Macmirror Complex candles and alcohol, as well as tablets.
