Oral cancer: early stage

Oral cancer: early stage
Oral cancer: early stage

About such a disease as cancer, it has been known since the time of the Neanderthals. This is confirmed by archaeological excavations. The name of the disease was given by Hippocrates. The percentage of patients is growing every year. In the risk group, first of all, people of middle and older age. Oral cancer is rare. This accounts for only 5% of cancers. Next, consider the initial stage of oral cancer. It is very important to recognize the disease at this stage.

What can provoke the development of the disease

If you do not treat diseases of the oral cavity in a timely manner, this can lead to the development of cancer. The dentist can diagnose the problem. Consider diseases that pose a real threat to our he alth:

1. Leukoplakia. It has two forms - verrucous and erosive. In the mouth, on the mucosa, whitish, flat lesions appear. An integrated approach to treatment is needed:

  • Oral sanitation.
  • Vitamins are prescribed.
  • Glucocorticosteroid ointments.

2. Bowen's disease. Spotted nodular formations appear on the mucosa. They tend to merge into hyperemic plaques with a smooth surface. Are removedsurgery or close-focus X-ray therapy.

3. papillomatosis. This is a papillary proliferation of whitish connective tissue on a stalk. May harden over time. Treated with a surgical method.

4. Erythroplakia. Red spots can turn into cancerous ones. On examination at the dentist, having discovered them, it is necessary to urgently begin treatment.

5. Also, the threat comes from the erosive form of lichen planus and lupus erythematosus. Characterized by erosion and non-epithelialized manifestations, as well as compaction of the stratum corneum. The solution to the problem should be based on the treatment of the underlying disease. At the same time, they appoint:

  • Glucocorticosteroid drugs.
  • B vitamins.
  • Antimalarials.
  • Nicotinic acid.
  • Neoplasm in the oral cavity
    Neoplasm in the oral cavity

All these diseases are precancerous. Cancer of the oral mucosa is clearly shown in the photo above. As a rule, it can be detected during regular inspection. Most often, the diagnosis is confirmed during a visit to the dentist.

Who is at risk

As a rule, oral cancer makes itself felt in men after 40 years. Also at risk can be attributed to persons who:

  • Smoking and chewing tobacco.
  • Have ill-fitting dentures.
  • Drink frequently.

Patients with these diseases are also at risk:

  • Leukoplakia.
  • Papillomatosis.
  • Bowen's disease.
  • Erythroplakia.
  • Lichen red.
  • lupus erythematosus.

And also the human papillomavirus can trigger the development of cancer.

More causes of cancer

It is necessary to indicate the reasons that can serve as the development of oral cancer in any person:

  • Hereditary factor.
  • HIV
  • Poor oral hygiene.
  • Frequent fungal diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Dietary deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
  • Unfavorable environmental situation.
  • oral cavity
    oral cavity
  • Insufficient salivation.
  • Prolonged contact with asbestos.
  • Weakened immunity.

Early symptoms

At the initial stage of development, oral cancer can skillfully disguise itself as various pathological processes on the mucous membrane. These could be:

  • Wounds on the mucosa.
  • Persistent ulcers.
  • Seals.
  • Chronic fungal diseases.

The symptoms of oral cancer can be distinguished as follows:

  • Teeth falling out and loosening.
  • Poor gum he alth. Bleeding.
  • The tongue grows numb and thicker.
  • It is difficult to move the tongue.
  • Hoarse voice.
  • Loss of taste.
  • Pain in the jaw, swelling is possible.
  • Difficulty swallowing, chewing.
  • The appearance of bad breath.
  • Nearby lymph nodes are enlarged.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
    Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Uncaused lossweight.

If these symptoms are present, oral cancer is not always confirmed, but they should not be ignored. It is necessary to see a specialist and, if necessary, start treatment. Bleeding of wounds and an increase in pathological changes is an unfavorable sign during the course of the disease. A neglected disease can develop into cancer.

Sick patients at the initial stage believed that the cause was in the throat or related to the teeth, so it is very important to consult a doctor.

Location of cancer

Let's consider where the tumor process can be located:

  • On hard and soft palate.
  • From the inside of the cheeks.
  • On the sides of the tongue. Very rarely, the root or tip of the tongue, as well as the upper and lower surfaces are affected.
  • On the muscles of the floor of the mouth, on the salivary glands.
  • On the alveolar processes of the upper and lower jaws.

Also divided into stages of oral cancer and forms.

Forms of oncological pathology of the oral cavity

At the very beginning, cancer has three forms:

  • Ulcerative. It develops quickly, but can also slowly. In each case individually. This is 50% of the patients. Cancer of the oral cavity is clearly visible in the photo. The initial stage in the ulcerative form is successfully treated.
  • Nodal. Occurs less frequently. These are white spots that have seals around the perimeter. Develops more slowly than the ulcerative form.
  • Papillary. The development of this form is very fast. Dense growths over the mucosa.

Periods of Cancer Development

The process of cancer of the oral mucosa in itsdevelopment goes through the following stages:

  • Beginner.
  • Process development.
  • Started.

The absence of symptoms is one of the characteristic manifestations of the first stage of the development of oral cancer. Wounds, cracks, nodules appear, which increase gradually.

Wounds in the mouth
Wounds in the mouth

No pain. The initial stage oral cancer is clearly shown in the photo above. When pain occurs, patients associate it with diseases of the throat, teeth, but not with the formation of a tumor.

Stages of the tumor process

Evolution of oral mucosal cancer can be divided into 4 stages:

  • The first stage. The tumor is less than 1 cm in diameter. It is characteristic that the process does not go beyond the mucous and submucosal layers. No metastases.
  • Second stage. The tumor in diameter does not exceed 2 centimeters. Characterized by germination in the underlying tissues to a depth of 1 centimeter. Metastases are absent. There may be one regional metastasis.
  • Third stage. The tumor does not exceed 3 centimeters in diameter. There are many regional metastases on the side. The absence of distant metastases is characteristic.
  • The fourth stage. The tumor is larger than 3 cm in diameter. Sprouting into the sublingual region, cortical layer, bones, skin, lower alveolar nerve is characteristic. Metastases are observed in all distant organs.

To diagnose and determine the stage of cancer of the oral mucosa is possible only after a completediagnostics. More on that later.

Diagnosis of disease

First of all, the doctor should find out the following questions:

  • How long has the discomfort in the oral cavity appeared.
  • What is the nature of the pain, if any.
  • What anti-inflammatory or painkillers did the patient take.
  • What are the bad habits.
  • Have there been similar diseases in the family.

Physical examination of the oral cavity, palpation of regional lymph nodes. The doctor may then refer you for an ultrasound. If there is a tumor process, a fine-needle aspiration biopsy of the lymph node and tumor is performed. It is a biopsy that makes it possible to confirm or refute the diagnosis.

The diagnosis can only be confirmed by a histological examination of the tumor. This is possible after surgery. The tumor and the removed organ are sent for examination.

Also, diagnostic procedures include:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
  • Diagnosis of oral cancer
    Diagnosis of oral cancer
  • Chest X-ray.
  • Osteoscintigraphy.
  • CT head and neck.

Such studies are needed to determine metastases in distant organs.

Early stage treatments

Oral cancer at the beginning of its development involves surgical intervention. Used to treat the first stage.

Surgery depends on where the tumor is located. Sometimes you have to do radical operations and remove halflanguage. On the soft palate, after its excision, restoration by the tissues of the tongue is possible. As a rule, after surgery, reconstruction is required. It is also a huge risk for patients. A large number of deaths. Operations are very difficult and traumatic.

In the early stages, the technique of irradiation with gamma rays is used without surgical intervention. It can be combined with complete or partial removal of the tumor. A popular treatment for early stage oral cancer is shown in the photo below.

Irradiation with gamma rays
Irradiation with gamma rays

X-ray radiation has a great influence on the tumor process.

The rest of the stages can only be treated by using the combined method.

Radiation therapy

This method is used before surgery. Irradiation is also used in the early stages of cancer development. It allows you to reduce the tumor to 1 centimeter. The larger the size of the malignancy, the greater the dose of radiation used. Before treatment with a beam method, a complete sanitation of the oral cavity should be carried out. All teeth must be he althy, and metal crowns and fillings must be removed. Typically, radiation therapy is used if the tumor is small.

Gamma rays kill not only cancer cells, but also he althy ones. Possible side effects are:

  • Redness of the skin.
  • Increased dry skin, cracks.
  • Voice change.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Difficulty swallowing.

All side effects go away aftertreatment.

It is also possible to use the method of brachytherapy. A rod is inserted into the cancerous tumor, which provides radiation.

Radiation therapy can reduce the growth and reproduction of cancer cells, and also reduces the risk of recurrence.


Chemotherapy can be used in combination treatment both at the initial stage and in advanced cases. It is used both before and after surgery. May be combined with radiation therapy. Preparations in each case are selected individually. Medicines are administered through a drip. Which one depends on the stage, type and progressiveness of the tumor process.

Chemo drugs can reduce the tumor, remove metastases, reduce the risk of recurrence. The chemotherapy procedure is also shown at the initial stage of oral cancer. The photo shows the procedure.

Chemotherapy is an effective method of fighting cancer
Chemotherapy is an effective method of fighting cancer

In the early stages, chemotherapy drugs may also be prescribed.

The following side effects may occur during chemotherapy:

  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Failure.
  • Fungal infections.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Pain.

When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should consult a doctor. Your life depends on it. What is the prognosis for oral cancer? More on that later.

Disease prognosis

The effectiveness of treatment depends on many factors:

  • Tumor size.
  • Presence of metastases.
  • How longthe process lasts.

It is also important to know the degree of differentiation of the malignant process. She can be:

  • High.
  • Low.
  • Moderate.

Prognosis is good when processes are less aggressive. In this case, the tumor responds well to treatment and the risk of spreading metastases is reduced.

At the initial stage, oral cancer is curable. The chances of a full recovery are very high. The third and fourth stages reduce the likelihood of complete recovery, especially if the metastasis process has covered all organs. However, science does not stand still, and oncologists have achieved a 60% survival rate even with the third and fourth stages.

Prognosis of treatment depends on how timely you went to the doctor. In the early stages, it is favorable, but the third and fourth stages are treatable. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor.

Prevention of oral cancer

If you are at risk or have a genetic predisposition, here are some simple tips to help reduce your risk of oral cancer:

  • Give up bad habits. Smoking, chewing tobacco increase the risk by 4 times.
  • Keep good oral hygiene.
  • Treat your teeth and gums in a timely and quality manner.
  • Check that there are no traumatic fillings and dentures in the mouth.
  • Food should be balanced. Vegetables and fruits, cereals must be included in the diet.
  • Avoid very hot and cold foods, food withpreservatives, fried and spicy.
  • Limit your sun exposure. Use sunscreen.
  • If you are at risk, get regular checkups with your doctor.
  • Treat fungal diseases, stomatitis and chronic diseases in a timely manner.

Take care of your he alth! Remember: Seeking a doctor early can save your life.