Mole in most cases - a dark spot on the skin. Some of them are present on the human body from birth, while the rest arise under the influence of external factors. However, what are they? In other words, what are moles? This is nothing more than an accumulation in the skin layers of a dark pigment called melanin. It forms a benign neoplasm. Spots can be of several varieties: flat, warty type, "pedunculated".
So, what are moles and what are they like? They can be quite tiny, like dots, and quite large - up to several centimeters in diameter (popularly called "birthmarks").

Single hairs or fluff may grow on the surface of moles. The color, as a rule, is dark brown or burgundy; this color is characteristic of vascular formations. Most people have pigmented moles - flat, medium-sized spots. Most of them occur during childhood and puberty. Many experts cite prolonged exposure to the sun as the reason for the appearance of these formations. Often women find new similar spots on their bodies duringtime of pregnancy. Moles as such are not dangerous. However, if you notice that they increase in size, become swollen and painful, be sure to see a specialist: there is a possibility that the neoplasm has become malignant. What are moles, we found out. Now let's list the categories of people who are at risk and should especially carefully monitor their skin:
- pregnant women;
- people with fair skin;
- lovers lie on the beach under the bright sun;
- those who have a large number of moles (especially if the size of each speck is more than five mm in diameter).
Reducing those spots

If for some reason you want to have absolutely clear skin, you can resort to a service such as laser mole removal. This procedure takes only a few minutes. It would seem that after it you can enjoy the smoothness of the skin, but this is not entirely true. A mole with which you wanted to say goodbye forever can remind you of yourself in a very unpleasant way. The fact is that each of them has roots, which, like the roots of a tree, occupy a rather large area (more than itself). The danger lies precisely in the roots: by injuring them, you increase the likelihood of a malignant formation.
If you certainly want to get rid of an unnecessary spot, before you do this, ask yourself: "Where to remove the mole?" Do not run to the first salon you come across, it is better to go to a good where you will be treated by an oncologist.
Factors to pay close attention to
Try to track the condition of all your moles, especially large ones. Be careful: if they hurt when pressed, redden, itch, increase in size, their contours become fuzzy - be sure to see a doctor.
Reducing risks

In order to prevent anything bad from happening to your moles, try to expose them less to the sun, refuse to visit the sauna, do not wax and sugar epilate the skin covered with such spots. That's all. These rules are very easy to follow. We hope our article has given a detailed answer to the question: “What are moles?”