What are the symptoms of appendicitis in men?

What are the symptoms of appendicitis in men?
What are the symptoms of appendicitis in men?

The appendix is a appendix of the caecum, which has the ability to become inflamed and provoke the occurrence of specific symptoms. In order to conduct treatment in a timely manner and prevent the occurrence of dangerous complications, it is imperative to know what are the symptoms of appendicitis. In men, how it manifests itself - we will consider in the article.

Why does the appendix get inflamed

It is impossible to answer the exact question of why the appendix becomes inflamed, since there are several different versions at once. This organ regulates and stimulates the immune system, and when the functioning of the immune system is disturbed, it gives a kind of signal. In addition, constant constipation can cause such a condition, which provokes the accumulation of feces in the lumen of this process.

appendicitis symptoms in men
appendicitis symptoms in men

The appendix accumulates various undigested food fragments, and inflammation can also occur in case of infection.

The main symptoms of the disease in men

Signs and symptoms of appendicitis in men can be very different, it all depends onfeatures of the course of the disease and its form. However, in any case, severe pain is observed, and a person cannot always immediately determine exactly where exactly it hurts. Only after a while a place is discovered that causes a lot of discomfort. Pain may occur in the area:

  • right hypochondrium;
  • pubis;
  • lower back or side of abdomen.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient and the course of the disease, the nature of the pain can be very different. Increased pain occurs when coughing, sneezing and even moving. Often there is a strong increase in body temperature. Nausea and vomiting may also occur, resulting in a decrease in the patient's appetite.

Disturbances affect the processes of bowel movement, so the patient often suffers from constipation or diarrhea. However, urination increases and the urine becomes dark in color.

symptoms of appendicitis in men
symptoms of appendicitis in men

There are characteristic symptoms of appendicitis in men to highlight:

  • pain in the right testicle when pressing on the scrotum;
  • when probing the abdomen, the testicle rises slightly.

Having studied the description of the signs and symptoms of appendicitis in men, it is possible to recognize the disease at the initial stages and carry out complex treatment.

Features of pain depending on localization

With an uncomplicated course of the disease, pain mainly occurs in the lower abdomen on the right side. ATin some cases, pain may occur in another area of the abdomen, which makes the diagnosis much more difficult. This is due to the anatomical location of the caecum and the peculiarities of the course of inflammation.

Many people are interested in how appendicitis hurts in men. Symptoms of this disease can be clearly expressed or somewhat blurred. With the course of appendicitis, pain can occur on the right side, often this is due to the mirror arrangement of the internal organs. In some cases, the pain may be localized in the navel.

If the inflamed appendix is located in the retroperitoneal region, then the symptoms of appendicitis in men are similar to renal colic, which greatly complicates the correct diagnosis. Painful sensations in some cases can be localized in the area of the pelvic organs.

Acute catarrh

What symptoms of appendicitis in men occur largely depends on the form of the disease. With acute catarrh of the caecum at the initial stage, a man may feel only minor pain.

signs of appendicitis in men symptoms description
signs of appendicitis in men symptoms description

The operation takes place with the most minimal consequences for the patient. However, there may be certain problems in making a diagnosis, since there is no clearly defined clinical picture. This type of appendicitis can be determined using special tests and blood tests to identify the inflammatory process in the body.


The ordinary type of appendicitis is also called superficial, since its symptoms are not pronounced enough. The patient may feel a slight soreness that does not go away after taking painkillers. In addition, there is nausea, as well as vomiting, which does not bring relief.

There is also a slight increase in temperature and a slightly rapid pulse. When conducting palpation of the abdomen, a man may notice an increase in pain, which disappears after the cessation of manipulation. The results of blood tests show a sharp increase in leukocytes, which indicates the course of the inflammatory process.

Acute phlegmonous appendicitis

Acute phlegmonous type of inflammatory process is considered quite dangerous, in this case, the blind process is filled with pus and ulcers form on the surface of the intestine. A strong inflammatory process affects adjacent tissues, into which purulent contents penetrate.

symptoms of appendicitis in men how to check
symptoms of appendicitis in men how to check

During palpation there are very sharp pains. In addition, the symptoms of appendix in men can be expressed in what happens:

  • temperature increase;
  • palpitations;
  • plaque on the tongue;
  • tension of abdominal muscles;
  • severe abdominal pain.

This type of appendicitis is dangerous because at any moment the contents of the process can spill into the abdominal cavity, which greatly complicates the process of the operation and subsequent recovery.

Gangrenous appendicitis

Gangrenous acute appendicitis is the most severe and dangerous type of disease, as a man develops a number of life-threatening abnormalities that require immediate surgery. Among the main signs of the disease are the following:

  • strong weakness;
  • pain in the peritoneum;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • tachycardia;
  • intoxication leading to impaired functioning of the nervous system;
  • severe bloating.

In this type of appendicitis, purulent contents from the appendix are poured into the peritoneal region, which leads to peritonitis. If the operation is not carried out in a timely manner, then a person may die from blood poisoning.

Dangerous symptoms of disease

Acute and chronic appendicitis symptoms in men can be completely different, it all depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease. Chronic appendicitis periodically worries a person throughout his life. The acute type of the disease has a fairly pronounced, rapidly growing symptomatology. There are quite dangerous signs of appendicitis, among which are the following:

  • a sudden strong increase in temperature for no apparent reason;
  • temperature drop to critical values;
  • vomiting that aggravates the condition;
  • severe pain, constantly growing;
  • confused mind, delirium.
how does appendicitis hurts symptoms in men
how does appendicitis hurts symptoms in men

If all appearedthese signs, you should definitely consult a doctor, since such a condition can lead to the death of the patient. Even if a person feels that the pain has passed, this does not mean at all that there is no more inflammation. This may indicate that the appendix has ruptured.

It is forbidden to carry out treatment at home, as this can only aggravate the condition. When the first symptoms of appendicitis are detected (a man has them, a woman or a child does not matter), you need to urgently call an ambulance.


It is important to know how to test for appendicitis in men by symptoms so that a correct diagnosis can be made with complete certainty. You should not take any medications before contacting a doctor, as the relief of pain attacks can lead to an incorrect diagnosis.

chronic appendicitis symptoms in men
chronic appendicitis symptoms in men

During the diagnosis, the doctor uses the method of palpation. At the initial stage, he taps the iliac region of the abdomen, presses on the inflamed area. All this should provoke severe pain. In addition, the following research methods are additionally assigned:

  • blood test to determine inflammation;
  • urinalysis;
  • radiography;
  • ultrasound;
  • computed tomography;
  • laparoscopy.

All this will make it possible to make a completely accurate diagnosis and perform an operation in a timely manner in order to prevent deterioration of he alth.

Feature of treatment

Treatment is carried out only through the operation. This is a whole range of activities, which implies a certain preparation. Before the operation you need:

  • eliminate hair on the patient's skin;
  • to carry out degreasing and disinfection of the skin surface;
  • pick up anesthesia.
what are the symptoms of appendicitis in men
what are the symptoms of appendicitis in men

The operation is carried out in several stages, in particular, such as:

  • patient is put under anesthesia;
  • abdominal wall incision is made;
  • appendix and intestines being examined;
  • the inflamed caecum is removed and its edges are sutured;
  • the peritoneum is tightened and sutured;
  • the skin is tightened and sutured.

Without surgery, treatment is impossible. If there are complications associated with the penetration of purulent contents into the peritoneal cavity, then it is thoroughly cleaned and drainage is established. This device helps to remove pus from the body.
