Many patients who seek help at the trauma center complain of neck strain. This injury is very common and affects the cervical ligaments and muscles, manifested by the occurrence of severe pain.
Therapy of the disease involves the use of various warming and anti-inflammatory ointments, massage, in some cases - wearing special orthopedic collars, corsets.

The neck area does not tolerate physical influences well. Every year, thousands of cases of fractures of the cervical vertebrae, muscle ruptures are recorded in emergency rooms, which occurred for a variety of (sometimes even insignificant) reasons: a fall, an accident, a sudden movement, a domestic injury. Even an uncomfortable posture adopted in a dream can act as a reason.
A sprain does not imply injury to the spinal column: it is to the cervical ligaments or muscles.
The most common cause of a neck strain is a sudden movement of the head (for example, when performing physical exercises in training). Sometimes it is enough just to take an uncomfortable position in a dream, whichoften occurs when falling asleep in a chair.
Danger of stretching
Most often, a neck strain does not cause any unpleasant or dangerous consequences that require hospitalization or emergency care. Moreover, in 70% of cases, you can do without a visit to a specialist and specific therapy: unpleasant symptoms will go away on their own.
If a person has simply stretched muscles or ligaments, then moderate pain will occur. There is also the possibility of developing an inflammatory process, which will manifest itself as a slight swelling. If there is a rupture of ligaments or muscles, then there will be more consequences: there may be pain in the neck, head, which will radiate to the ears, eyes, fever is possible.

The greatest problems are experienced by people who have defects or anomalies in the structure of the spine in the cervical region. In some (rather rare) cases, there is a possibility of developing compression (partial compression) and complete obstruction of one or two arteries in the spine. And this, in turn, threatens with a cerebral infarction, a stroke.
However, such serious consequences with a neck strain are exceptional and extremely rare.
Stretch symptoms

Many people believe that the only symptom of a neck strain is pain. However, the clinical manifestations of the injury do not end there, and a number of other symptoms can join the pain, including:
- Stiff movement. Head movements become impossible, because withtrying to do this causes unbearable pain, which can intensify when you touch the skin in the projection of the location of the pathological focus.
- The development of an inflammatory process at the site of injury, which leads to edema. Outwardly, the edema looks like a small tumor and is located on the back of the neck. The symptoms of a neck strain are quite unpleasant.
- Increase in temperature up to 38 degrees (with severe injuries). The increase occurs in the first hours after injury, and then the fever usually disappears by itself.
- Severe pain. It can occur on one side of the neck, or on both sides, it can cover the entire neck and radiate to the head.
Symptoms in children
The symptoms of a neck sprain are similar to those in adults. The differences between the symptoms are minimal, but there is one peculiarity: in children, the trauma is usually mild. That is, the same injury in adults and children manifests itself with varying degrees of pain. In addition, children rarely develop other symptoms such as inflammation and swelling.
Also, when the neck is stretched, the child may experience a local increase in temperature. That is, the skin, located in the projection of the focus of injury, to the touch will have a higher temperature than the adjacent areas. Also, the skin can change its color to pink and bright red.
There are no other significant differences between sprain symptoms in children and adults. It is important to bear in mind that babies tend to exaggerate their own feelings, in connection with which the childmay complain of severe pain while the damage is minimal.
What to do with a neck strain?
First Aid

Sprain is a specific injury - the sooner action is taken to repair the damage, the sooner the result will be obtained. This means that first aid should be provided as soon as possible, which is as follows:
- It is necessary to put the victim on a flat surface and try to immobilize the head. If this is not possible, then the patient should simply not move it.
- After that, it is necessary to apply cold to the injured area. You can use ice, a frozen product, cold water, which is filled with a bottle, for this. You should keep the cold for about an hour, periodically changing the ice (water) to a new one as it melts (heats up).
- There is no ban on the use of painkillers, so the patient can take "Analgin", "Ketanov", "Paracetamol" or any other analgesic. The advantage is on the side of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as they can not only stop pain, but also eliminate the inflammatory process and lower the temperature.

Cervical sprain therapy should be coordinated with the doctor, however, as practice shows, many patients prefer to treat the injury themselves. This is usually sufficient.
Further treatment for a neck sprain is to keep the neck area quiet anddrug use.
- You can use any ointment intended for the treatment of muscle sprains. However, it should be applied in strict accordance with the proposed instructions for use. It is strictly forbidden to apply the product on the front of the neck.
- If there is pain, simple painkillers can be used (Paracetamol will be the safest; if the pain is severe, Ketanov can be used, but only after consulting a specialist).
- It is important to keep the cervical region calm. If necessary, you can purchase a special collar that will support the neck.
How long does the soreness last?
Each patient's pain persists for a different time, but on average it is very disturbing for up to 3 days, then its severity decreases to moderate. Moderate pain can persist for up to a week, most often it occurs with head movements. In the case when the pain persists longer, it is recommended to visit a surgeon, therapist, traumatologist.
Scars can form on muscles and ligaments, which will interfere with the normal functioning of the neck. In the absence of appropriate treatment, the patient will develop contracture, which is a limitation of the functions of the ligamentous and muscular apparatus. A person will not be able to move normally, namely, to bow and turn his head to the sides. Your posture will also suffer. Stretching the neck often leads to improper innervation of the arms and collar area. Against the backdrop of trauma, oftendestruction (destruction) of the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs begins, the elbow and shoulder joints hurt.
Which specialists should I contact?
A sprained neck usually does not require medical attention, but there may be warning signs to look out for.

When they appear, it is important to consult a doctor without delay. You can visit a therapist or urgently go to a trauma center. Warning signs requiring immediate action are:
- Preservation of high temperature, which does not pass for more than one and a half to two days.
- Preservation or increase in soreness, the presence of severe pain that persists for 4 days.
- The occurrence of strong reporting, severe reddening of the skin in the projection of the injured area.
- The appearance of cognitive disorders, hearing impairment, decreased visual acuity.
- Difficulties in eating and drinking due to spasm of the jaw muscles, increased pain when chewing, swallowing.
It is important to remember that going to a doctor will prevent negative consequences that may develop in the absence of proper therapy.
Preventive measures

It is impossible to completely protect against cervical strain, however, if you follow certain recommendations, the likelihood can be significantly reduced. Preventivemeasures aimed at preventing sprains of the cervical ligaments and muscles are the same for adult patients and children. Recommendations are as follows:
- It is important to prevent hypothermia of the cervical region. In winter, it is recommended to wear warm scarves, in summer - you should not sleep under a fan, air conditioning.
- Avoid too sudden movements of the head and neck, especially if the neck muscles are not prepared for physical exertion.
- Choose the most comfortable position and pillow for sleeping.
- Before doing physical exercises (before training or lifting weights), it is necessary to stretch the muscles (including the cervical ones). Even if the load on the neck is not expected.
- In martial arts, especially wrestling, it is important to use special ammunition that will protect the body and neck from injury.
- With the development of back diseases that provoke spasms of the spinal muscles, you should start treating them in a timely manner. The most dangerous diseases in this regard are scoliosis and osteochondrosis.
As a rule, sprained neck muscles do not require specific treatment and resolve on their own in a short time. However, it is important to remember that under some circumstances, a doctor's consultation cannot be avoided. Only timely diagnosis and adequate therapy will help to avoid deterioration and the development of unpleasant consequences.