If a bruise appears on the body from a blow, a bruise, or, for example, after a massage, this is upsetting, but bruises on the face bring even more anxiety. Unfortunately, there is no instant cure for them. But there are ways that prevent its expansion and eliminate it much faster. So, we will understand in the article how to smear a bruise so that it passes faster.

Most often bruises appear after mechanical impact: touch, impact, pressure on the skin. In the area of collision with a provoking factor, small vessels do not withstand, burst, and the blood circulating in them automatically enters the layers under the skin, while forming stagnation. It is he who becomes the very dark spot, which subsequently changes color and turns into a simple bruise. Mechanical damage to vascular integrity is not always the result of a significant external impact. In many ways, the formation of a bruise is determinedelasticity of the vascular walls. The higher it is, the more the likelihood of ugly darkening on the skin is reduced. The same applies to tissue regeneration, as a result of which different people have different bruise recovery periods.
So, many people are interested in how to spread a bruise so that it passes faster. We'll talk about it below.
Stages of resorption of a bruise

It is necessary to consider what stages any hematoma overcomes, regardless of its size and location.
Stages of bruising:
- Red-purple color indicates that the injury happened a few hours ago. It has such a shade due to red blood cells that color human blood red. If the vessels rupture, blood flows out under the skin and a spot forms. At this stage, the hematoma is often accompanied by soreness and swelling.
- The bruise becomes purple-blue already in the first day. This is because the oxyhemoglobin contained in red blood cells begins to break down and becomes darker in color. If you touch the hematoma, you can still feel the induration and soreness. However, she does not bother if not touched. At this stage, it is already quite late to grab your head and think about what actions to take so that the bruise goes faster. The right time has passed, and the process will now go more slowly.
- Green-yellow color becomes hematoma after 5-6 days. Hemoglobin, which has already collapsed by this time, penetrates into the surroundingtissue and there it goes through various chemical reactions, due to which the color changes. At this stage, there should no longer be swelling, and soreness remains only with strong pressure.
- The bruise turns yellow before disappearing. This shade occurs due to bilirubin, which appears in the tissues after chemical reactions. Since it should normally reside exclusively in bile, it is perceived here as a foreign substance, so special protective cells gradually “eat” it.
We continue to understand the topic.
What else causes bruising?
If people lead an active lifestyle, then the likelihood of an unsightly spot on the body or face is quite high. These are bruises received on a sports equipment, as a result of falling on ice, hitting a soccer ball, etc. Bruises can appear on the body after anti-cellulite or regular massage. Whatever the cause of the bruise, you always want to remove it sooner rather than in 2-3 days.
It should be noted that in people with weakened vascular walls and in old age, hematomas on the body can occur even after a slight blow or touch. There are other factors that affect the formation of bruises: vitamin deficiency, poor circulation, long-term use of painkillers.
If left untreated?
In this case, it will heal on the face for more than a week, while on the body - about a month. Naturally, it can be hidden with makeup, but it is best to actively fight it using various proven methods, which will be discussed later.will be discussed. So, let's find out how to quickly remove a bruise under the eye, the step-by-step steps are discussed below.
Heat and cold
The first remedy for a fresh bruise is exposure to cold, which promotes vasoconstriction and reduces the intensity of bruising. It simultaneously helps to eliminate swelling in the bruised area.

Cold lotions and ice are allowed to be used only on fresh bruises, for an hour and a half after the impact. Do not allow direct contact of ice with the skin.
You can also use compresses from herbal chilled decoctions. If a bruise appears on the body, you can substitute a bruised place under a stream of cold water, which is also quite effective.
After a day, when the pain and swelling in the area of impact subside, you can no longer use cold, in which case you will need heat. Well-known methods are used: heated s alt, a hot egg, several layers of fabric, ironed. An excellent tool that helps speed up the healing of a bruise at home is a warm compress of herbal decoctions, for example, chamomile or plantain. Bruises should preferably be warmed up for 10-15 minutes 3-4 times a day. We continue to figure out how to spread a bruise so that it passes faster.
Pharmacy products
The modern pharmaceutical industry is constantly evolving, and therefore there are more and more new bruise-removal products on the market. Any pharmacist will tell you which ointment will help get rid of them faster. In presented inIn pharmacies, the most popular ointments are such ointments as Troxevasin, Sabelnik, Bruise OFF, Arnika, Lyoton, First Aid for Bruises, Rescuer.

Let's consider other means
Looking ahead a little, we will find out how to spread a bruise so that it passes faster, using folk recipes. So, no later than two hours after the bruise, it is recommended to apply a solution of blue clay to the affected area. At a later date, it does not reveal healing properties.
If bruises appear on the skin of a person instantly, even without extraneous touch, he will have to drink a course of vitamin C. The desired dosage per day is 500 milligrams.
And now let's talk about folk methods
No need to think that folk remedies require some special ingredients and actions. Recipes of this type for getting rid of bruises are quite accessible to every person and will help to cope with adversity. The accumulated wisdom of the people over the years suggests the following ways:
- You need to rub laundry soap into the bruised place - a great way to prevent bluish plaque and ugly swelling of the skin.
- No less effective is plain butter. Naturally, a natural product is needed, which should be used immediately after an injury.
- Very popular is such a tool as badyaga. It is sold in any pharmacy, diluted with alcohol, and then rubbed into a bruise. Due to this, the time of skin “blooming” is greatly reduced. powder candilute with vegetable oil, and its effect will be the same. And you can use the finished ointment.
- Very good in the fight against bruising white cabbage. Sheets are applied to the bruise.
- And brewing tea in the form of a compress will also help.
- Garlic. A slice of vegetable should be lubricated with any bruises, even those received a long time ago, but the remedy works especially well on fresh bruises. It can repel a pungent odor, but for the sake of the beauty of the body, you can endure. Just don't overdo it, as garlic juice can cause burns.
These are easy recipes. How to quickly remove a bruise at home, everyone should know.

There are such means
Let's look at them:
- Raw potatoes. Its gruel or juice must be applied to the bruise. Someone fixes it with a bandage or cling film for better effect.
- Plantain juice or cabbage leaves - that's what else you can anoint a bruise so that it passes faster, especially in children. This product is completely non-aggressive and is perfect for sensitive skin. However, in terms of its effectiveness, it is in no way inferior to other means. It is necessary to grind or make a slurry from the plant, apply to the bruised area. What else can you put on a bruise to make it go faster?
- Essential oils also give good results. For fresh bruises, it is better to use lavender oil, and for older ones, rosemary. Do not apply too much essential oil in its pure form to the skin, there may be a burn. BUTit is better to dilute it with vegetable, linseed, sunflower or olive oil. So, how to cure a hematoma and quickly remove a bruise yet?
- A banana peel or a pineapple wedge would also work well. You need to apply the inside of the peel for half an hour or lubricate the bruise with pineapple juice as often as possible.
How to quickly remove a bruise? Unfortunately, there are no instant ways, but if you follow these recommendations, you will be able to get rid of the hematoma on the second day. And you can also use the iodine grid from the second day. Before treating bruises on the face, you can apply a rich cream to them, which will help the iodine to be absorbed faster.

Let's draw a conclusion
So, people with weakened blood vessels most often suffer from bruises, their bruises take much longer to pass. For the appearance of a small hematoma, it is not necessary to hit at all, just pressing on the skin is enough. It is more difficult to heal a bruise on a woman's body. Women have softer and thinner skin. Under the influence of the blow, the vessels burst, the blood flowing through them spreads to the bruised area. A bruise is nothing more than a microtrauma. If left untreated, it disappears in about two weeks. During this time, the formation under the skin changes color. It is good to use a contrast shower, massaging the bruised skin area under water. The walls of the vessels will be strengthened by oranges and sweet peppers. Rosehip decoction and carrots will help restore the vitamin balance. Now we know how to quickly reduce a bruise.

According to reviews, pharmacy products help bruises best of all. Patients report that if they are started immediately, the hematoma disappears after 2-3 days. And also people speak well of folk methods. The most popular remedy is badyaga. It is easy to use, provides quick relief from bruises. If you have any questions about how to quickly remove a bruise under the eye, the instructions for the drug will help you figure it out.