When dermatitis occurs, accompanied by skin itching, the he alth of an adult or a child deteriorates sharply. Constant anxiety and reddened skin cause discomfort in the sick person and the people around him. For treatment, you will need to consult an allergist or dermatologist, but you need to know what dermatitis is. Home treatment of this disease will be described in the article.
Types of diseases
During the examination, in order to prescribe the correct treatment, the doctor must determine the type of disease. Dermatitis is as follows:
- contact, which may occur under the influence of allergens or from physical effects on the skin;
- atopic - manifests itself mainly in young children and becomes less with age;
- toxidermia - manifested by the reaction of the skin to toxic effects;
- seborrheic.
Besides the main speciesthere are other varieties depending on external factors:
- actinic;
- sunny;
- caterpillar;
- gold;
- follicular;
- diaper and others

Symptoms of disease
Dermatitis occurs when the body is exposed to allergens, physical or chemical irritation. Often household chemicals used daily, food, plants and animals become allergens.
Regardless of what type of disease manifested itself, they have a common property - the manifestation is local, with clearly defined edges and itching. There is swelling and burning. Itching can vary from unbearable to mild.
Acute dermatitis is manifested by redness of various forms and severe itching. The manifestation of the disease will be present until the interaction with the allergen disappears. In the acute stage, bubbles may appear, which become wet when combed. There is a risk of suppuration.
If the disease is not de alt with at the first stage, then the next form of dermatitis appears. How to treat at home if the main symptoms are dry skin and the appearance of crusts? You will need constant hydration of the skin. With constant exposure to the allergen and the lack of effective treatment, there is a risk of developing a chronic form of the disease.
The chronic form is manifested by thickening of the skin in inflamed areas, redness becomes bluish.

The disease is based on exogenous and endogenous factors. Exogenous are called external factors affecting the skin. These include friction, squeezing, pressure, household chemicals, washing powder, temperature changes, dry air, sunlight, sweat, and much more that human skin can come into contact with.
Endogenous are internal factors that affect the body's resistance to allergens. With a lack of vitamins, a violation of the endocrine system, a decrease in immunity, dermatitis manifests itself more actively.
Sometimes the cause of dermatitis can be hormonal disorders, the use of low-quality cosmetics, the abuse of allergic foods. Vitamin A and E deficiency exacerbates the manifestation of the disease in the same way as dry air in the apartment.
The reason for the manifestation of skin disease in children is a violation of the mother's diet during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding. It has been proven that people who have diseases of the liver, stomach and digestive disorders are more likely to suffer from this disease.
Seborrheic dermatitis
One of the manifestations of skin disease is seborrheic dermatitis. Treatment at home requires discipline, because the disease is not treated quickly. It is caused by fungi and manifests itself where the sebaceous glands are located. Worldwide, up to 5% of people suffer from this disease. With a decrease in immunity, the probability of developing seborrheic dermatitis reaches 80%. Most often, men aged 30-35 years suffer from it.

This pathology manifests itself most often onhead. The main symptoms include peeling, the appearance of light or yellow crusts, dandruff, acne, rashes, and in severe cases, hair loss.
For treatment, you need to consult a dermatologist. Some drugs provoke the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis. Treatment at home involves the use of antiallergic and antifungal drugs. To determine the cause of seborrhea, it is necessary to take tests: UAC, blood for sugar, for hormones, and a stool test for dysbacteriosis.
For severe seborrheic dermatitis, the doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs. In a complicated disease, antibacterial agents are used.
Allergic dermatitis
Allergic dermatitis develops when the skin is exposed to products that cause allergies. Most often, allergens surround a person in everyday life and are used daily.
Allergies can occur when using ointments, antibiotics, jewelry containing nickel, as well as washing powder, soap, shampoo, cream, latex, clothes with synthetic materials, etc.
When a doctor diagnoses allergic dermatitis, home treatment involves the exclusion of the allergen, the use of antihistamines and ointments. The manifestation of an allergic disease begins with redness and itching, swelling and blisters are possible.
Modern allergy medications do not cause drowsiness, unlike previous generation medications. They canuse by children.
For severe inflammation, corticosteroid ointments are used, it is enough to apply them to the affected area once a day. In a few days, the skin returns to its original state.
Allergic dermatitis is a delayed reaction of the body to an allergenic product. This is where the difficulty lies in identifying the allergen. The reaction may appear after 10 days. Children most often develop allergic dermatitis. How to treat the disease at home, you need to decide with your doctor.

For a complete cleansing of the body, sorbents are used, which contribute to the rapid removal of allergens and speed up the healing process.
Sunny dermatitis
This dermatitis looks like a sunburn, because it captures areas of the skin that have been exposed to ultraviolet rays. In these areas, redness and a rash appear. Occurs 2-3 days after sun exposure. This causes itching and burning.
If a few days do not fall under direct sunlight, the disease passes. But in the future it will manifest itself again if you stay under the sun for a long time. Inflammation begins most often in early summer or at sea.
If you have solar dermatitis, home treatment is possible. To do this, you need to wear closed clothes, avoid bright sun and take antihistamines. Panthenol cream can be applied to the skin.
How to treat dermatitis in adults
Treatment of dermatitis in adults is easier than in children. An adult needs to follow a diet and exclude from the diet foods that may be allergens, as well as fried, smoked and s alty.
Successful treatment of dermatitis in adults with folk remedies. Tar compresses are considered the most effective. They are applied to redness at night, washed off in the morning. This method relieves inflammation and itching.
If there are rashes on a large area of the skin, it is recommended to use baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs. Apply herbs bought at the pharmacy. Essential plants to take a bath with:
- chamomile - relieves inflammation;
- succession - dries the skin, eliminates itching;
- oak bark;
- birch buds.
Decoctions are added to the water. Take a bath for 10-20 minutes.
Calendula is also great for dermatitis symptoms. For home treatment with herbs, the following recipe is often used:
- 2 parts nettle;
- 2 pieces of cornflower;
- 2 parts marigold;
- 3 parts of chamomile.
Pour all this with water and boil for 10 minutes. It is infused for about two hours, after which the decoction can be used.

Features of the treatment of children
Children are more likely to develop skin diseases than adults. Treatment of dermatitis at home with folk remedies in children can only be used as an additional therapy. It is unacceptable to use herbal decoctions and ointments without consulting a doctor. You can not only not achieve the result, but alsomake things worse.
Dermatitis in children appears most often in the first year of life. It may present with rashes or dry skin.
Genetic predisposition is the main factor against which childhood dermatitis develops. If a child has a history of bronchial asthma, allergic reactions, if there are family members who smoke, then the risk of allergic skin diseases is very high.
Babies may develop diaper dermatitis. For treatment at home, children need to wash inflamed areas with water, change diapers or diapers more often, maintain optimal temperature and humidity in the room, arrange air baths.
Folk treatments
Folk remedies are often used to eliminate dermatitis. Treatment at home is possible with ointments of own production. They remove itching, eliminate peeling and redness. Apply to the skin at night. It is necessary to mix honey and Kalanchoe juice in equal proportions. The mixture is aged for a week at room temperature, after which it is ready for use. The finished product should be stored in the refrigerator.
No less effective treatment with homemade zinc ointment. To do this, you need to buy powdered zinc, white clay and baby powder. Mix everything in equal proportions until you get a paste. It is necessary to smear at night those areas of the skin where there is inflammation.
Dermatitis in dogs
Such a disease as dermatitis also occurs in animals. Dermatitis is most common in dogs. Treatment at home is possibleafter consulting a veterinarian. It is necessary to make sure that there is no danger from pathology for a person.

The main symptoms are:
- itch;
- pet nervousness;
- redness;
- rashes;
- hair loss.
Antihistamines are used in the treatment of dogs. The doctor can prescribe special - for animals - or human.
Special ointments to combat dermatitis are applied to the skin, on which the hair is cut in advance. If the skin disease is caused by parasites, then antiparasitic drugs are used.
In the bacterial form, antimicrobials are used. For complex treatment and strengthening of immunity, it is recommended to take vitamins.
Dermatitis in cats
Feline dermatitis may be caused by another disease. Treatment of dermatitis in cats at home requires a preliminary examination by a specialist. The disease happens:
- superficial - accompanied by itching and sores on the body;
- purulent - there is severe inflammation with purulent discharge;
- wet - in which the animal's hair falls out.

For treatment, you can use the "Stop Itching" ointment, designed specifically for animals; antihistamine tablets - "Suprastin", "Zodak" and others. The dosage should be adjusted by the veterinarian, depending on the weight and condition of the animal.
Preventiondermatitis in adults and children
Actions to prevent the disease in adults and children are aimed at prolonging the period of remission. To do this, it is necessary to minimize contact with the allergen, eliminate excess products, carry out daily wet cleaning, use hypoallergenic household products, and children's washing powder.
In atopic dermatitis, mechanical action on the skin plays an important role, so it is recommended to use baby balms or rinses after washing.