Postmyocardial cardiosclerosis appears against the background of an inflammatory process, in medicine called myocarditis. Pathology causes the degradation of muscle tissue, instead of which connective tissue grows. But if the muscles in the normal state are elastic and can contract, the connective tissues are not capable of this, so the functioning of the heart is complicated. Postmyocardial cardiosclerosis is associated with heart failure, arrhythmia.

This is important
Postmyocardial cardiosclerosis is more often observed if myocarditis was triggered by allergies or systemic pathologies. Statistics indicate an increased incidence of cases leading to heart rhythm disturbances.
Postmyocardial cardiosclerosis often affects people at a young age.
It is customary to distinguish two subtypes of the disease:
- focal, when the tissues are partially affected, while the affected areas may differ in format, extent, location;
- diffuse, when all tissues are equally affected.

The diagnosis of "postmyocardial cardiosclerosis" is made when the disease is identified on the basis of a number of known signs. In this medicine, there are cases when even a diagnosis did not oblige to take medication measures. This is due to the fact that in a mild form, the pathology is eliminated by the body on its own, without outside help. As a rule, the presence of clinical manifestations is not typical for such cases.
But more serious manifestations of the disease already oblige to take various measures to save the he alth and even the life of the patient. Symptoms characteristic of the disease are also characteristic of a number of other cardiac disorders, which greatly complicates the determination of the exact cause of ailments. An important feature of the pathology under consideration is that its manifestations are usually recorded when the disease has reached a serious stage.
At the beginning of the formation of pathology, note:
- arrhythmia;
- lower pressure;
- low cardiac conduction;
- heart murmurs.

Symptoms become more noticeable with time, when the volume of affected tissues increases, especially if there is a diffuse change in the myocardium. Postmyocardial cardiosclerosis manifests itself as a number of side effects that worsen the quality of life of the victim:
- shortness of breath;
- regular feeling as if there is not enough air;
- weakness;
- fatigue;
- pain in the heart;
- cough;
- swelling of the legs,hands, in the abdomen;
- pale skin;
- feelings before fainting;
- Limbs constantly feel cold.
With the development of pathology will also appear:
- arrhythmias;
- bradycardia;
- tachycardia;
- systolic murmurs.
Diagnostic features
Postmyocardial cardiosclerosis (ICD code 10 I20.0-I20.9) is difficult to diagnose precisely because of the similarity of the manifestations of the disease with a number of other cardiac pathologies. As a rule, only an experienced doctor can make a correct diagnosis and choose the appropriate treatment for the situation. To identify the disease and determine its form, as well as the extent of the lesion, a series of studies and tests will have to be carried out.
If a person notices the manifestations described above, it is urgent to visit a doctor to examine the heart. Most often, electrocardiography is prescribed first. This study is indispensable if the patient has already suffered a viral, infectious disease that was severe and could provoke cardiac complications. If a severe form of the disease is detected, treatment is necessary. Postmyocardial cardiosclerosis in adolescents and adults is a dangerous diagnosis.

How to tell?
A patient with a suspected illness is first auditioned by a doctor. This helps to detect the presence of noise and to determine if there are weakened tones. They also measure pressure. Pathology is characterized by reducedvalues, but may be normal.
Several laboratory, clinical methods have been developed for determining the disease and highlighting it against the background of other pathologies. Postmyocardial cardiosclerosis (ICD code 10 I20.0-I20.9) is detected during radiography and ultrasound. The first study allows you to clarify whether the size of all parts of the heart is normal or something is enlarged. Ultrasound gives a correct assessment of the thickness of the walls of the myocardium. They study both individual elements of the heart, and the entire organ as a whole. Usually studies show that the cavities are dilated. This is most often seen on the right side.

Disease development
At a late stage, postmyocardial cardiosclerosis (ICD 10 I20.0-I20.9) causes communicating cavities not to be blocked by valves, even if necessary. In this case, the blood can move back. To fix the phenomenon, they resort to echocardiography.
An electrocardiogram allows you to determine if the heart impulses are normal, as well as to assess deviations in different periods.
Often, with the progression of pathology, diffuse changes are observed in the right ventricle of the heart. To find scar tissue, they resort to radionuclide diagnostics.
Blood tests rarely show abnormal functioning of the heart system. Biochemistry remains normal. However, this allows us to distinguish between pathology and the consequences of heart attack and stroke, which are characterized by an increase in the concentration of cholesterol, lipoproteins.

Important nuances
When visiting a doctor for the first time in order to diagnose a pathology, the patient must definitely mention what diseases he had earlier. In the case when the anamnesis contains myocarditis, the likelihood of developing disorders increases significantly.
Can postmyocardial cardiosclerosis be cured? Unfortunately, today science does not yet know how to reverse the negative process. The exception is the mildest forms of the disease, which the body overcomes with its resources.
The gene therapy being developed now has a certain positive effect. True, such treatment is expensive and still at an insufficient level.

Electrocardiogram in postmyocardial cardiosclerosis
It is generally accepted that ECG is the most careful method for determining pathology, which gives fairly accurate results. As a rule, in a personal medical book, the results of the study are recorded as "signs of cardiosclerosis", which is due to insufficient knowledge of the disease and its manifestations, as well as associated pathologies.
Diffuse form: features
Very common is a diffuse form of pathology provoked by X-ray exposure. Such an impact on the human body leads to various pathological processes, including the death of normal cells of the heart tissue.
Radiation sickness provokes postmyocardial cardiosclerosis, the treatment of which is stillnot really developed, at the same time is not a key factor. If the patient has been diagnosed with such a pathology, survival is determined by concomitant acute diseases. The most effective practice for treating the diffuse form is to eliminate the causes that led to the death of muscle tissue.

How to treat?
Symptoms usually attract the attention of the patient at the moment when the pathology has already developed significantly, the myocardial tissue has undergone a change over a large area. In such a situation, regression through known medical methods is impossible.
Therapeutic measures are prescribed in such a way as to slow down the death of heart tissue and prevent complications, as well as improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole.

Where to start?
The first thing that usually begins with the treatment of the disease is the identification of the causes that led to the pathology. In some cases, this is provoked by an infection, then antibiotics or antiviral treatment are prescribed, focusing on the specifics of the pathogen.
In case of systemic failures, measures are taken to combat the main disease that provoked heart complications.
In some cases, the main reason is allergies. Here, the efforts of doctors are concentrated on identifying the allergen and eliminating it.
Additionally, it is mandatory to prescribe drugs that allow to normalize and stimulate the work of the heart.

What drugs help
Drug therapy includes all the drugs commonly used for heart failure. Most common:
- antioxidants;
- diuretics;
- vasodilators.
Determination in favor of one or another option occurs when taking into account the specifics of a particular case. To do this, spend:
- 24-hour heart monitoring;
- treatment trial.
Additional medical measures
The help of drug therapy has a complex effect on the body: a special diet, limiting stress. Arrhythmia is compensated by drugs developed for this purpose.
In case of bradycardia, an implant is additionally installed, which, through electrical impulses, controls heart contractions. An aneurysm is usually treated with surgery. The most difficult case is when a heart transplant is needed.
In recent years, a lot of money has been invested in medical research in this area, which allows us to hope that it will be possible to invent a method of regression in pathology with the return of patients' quality of life. It is assumed that it will be possible to find a method to eliminate the pathology by stem cell transplantation, but the theory has not yet been sufficiently developed.
What to expect?
The most common question of people who have been diagnosed with postmyocardial cardiosclerosis: "Do they take the army?" It all depends on the form of the disease and the degree of its development. Light form will not be an obstacle toservice, while complex cases become the reason for the appointment of disability. Of course, in this case, it is impossible to serve in the army.

Disability is prescribed if, as a result of pathology, a person becomes unfit for work. Practice shows that cases of death in pathology are quite frequent. Many of them are associated with the development of complications: stroke, heart attack.
The most effective method of disease prevention is a comprehensive responsible approach to your he alth. When diagnosing infectious diseases, one should not start them, delay the visit to a doctor, but treat them strictly in accordance with the doctor's recommendations, resorting only to traditional medicine.
If the patient does not follow the recommendations of a specialist, there is a high probability of heart complications, primarily postmyocardial cardiosclerosis. Self-medication leads to the same.
An additional measure for the prevention of pathology is vaccination against infections:
- diphtheria;
- rubella;
- flu.
If the patient is characterized by frequent colds, it is necessary to take measures to increase immunity. If allergies are not uncommon, an immunologist and an allergist should be examined. If immune disorders were found, therapy is needed:
- antioxidants;
- vitamin;
- immunomodulating.
The most favorable prognosis is in cases where cardiosclerosis has affected only small areas of muscle tissue. In this situationfull recovery is possible. Also, options are positively evaluated when there is no arrhythmia.

If, over time, the processes of substitution of connective tissue by muscle continue, the prognosis worsens. Also, additional concerns are arrhythmia, poor circulation and aneurysm. It should be remembered that the first stages of the disease are almost impossible to notice, so preventive measures are much more effective than cure.