All parents know how many worries and worries cause digestive problems in a newborn. The baby reacts to bloating and colic with continuous crying. Sleepless nights tire the mother and cause constant anxiety for the child.
Worried parents use a variety of methods to help their baby. Some are turning to the popular and publicized drug Espumizam Baby.
In the article, we will figure out what is included in the children's version of the drug, in what form it is produced, what is the dosage for a newborn. We will also consider whether it causes allergic reactions in babies, how parents can understand its symptoms, how to provide first aid to a baby, and in case of a negative reaction to Espumizan Baby, what analogues can be replaced.
Why does a baby have colic
The cause of problems with the digestive tract is considered to be the immaturity of the GI system. Colic is the body's response to a newway of eating. Before birth, the child received everything he needed through his mother's umbilical cord. With birth, everything changes dramatically. The baby feeds on mother's milk through the mouth, the stomach must digest it all, and the intestines must complete the process. But not everything is so simple! Gases form in the intestines, because the baby swallows some air during sucking and crying. Gas bubbles press against the walls of the intestines, causing severe pain.

They appear already in the second week of existence and can last for several months. Absolutely all the parents of the world go through this, so this phenomenon should not cause much anxiety in parents. However, suffering can be alleviated in several ways. Let's take a closer look at some of them.
How to reduce colic
A breastfed baby may not properly latch onto the nipple, swallowing a lot of air. Try to keep the baby in an upright position and feed on time, avoiding hungry crying before eating. If the baby is formula-fed, the formula bottle should only be given after the air has been expelled from it.
After feeding, be sure to hold the baby upright, giving him the opportunity to burp the air that got in with food.

It is difficult to digest food in a baby who has been lying down for a long time. Through the vertical intestine, foodpasses much faster, descending under its own weight along the walls of the intestines. When you are awake, hold your baby upside down more often.
When crying and crying for a long time, the baby swallows a lot of air, which will only increase colic. Do not give him this opportunity, try to immediately respond to the behavior of the baby and calm him down in your arms or by giving a pacifier, thereby limiting the flow of excess air.
Do not overfeed your baby, as excess milk does not have time to be processed and stagnation occurs in the intestines. Food begins to ferment, producing gases.
In addition to the methods described above, some pediatricians may prescribe drugs that quench the accumulation of bubbles in the intestines, such as Espumizan. Suspension for newborns is the best fit.. Manufacturers claim that such an "antifoam" (and milk in the intestine mixes with gases and is a foam with small bubbles) is able to reduce the surface tension between the liquid and gas bubbles, turning the foam into a liquid substance. In this case, the gas is absorbed into the walls of the intestines and exits naturally through the rectum.
Instructions for "Espumizan" (drops)
This product is available in two versions for young children.
"Espumizan L". This is an emulsion designed not only for newborns, but also for older children and adults. The active substance is simethicone. One vial contains 40 mg. Additionally, there are giprolase and sorbic acid, as well as sodium cyclamate andsodium saccharin. Banana flavoring is added for a pleasant taste. The mixture of substances is diluted with purified water. Outwardly, the emulsion looks like a viscous white liquid. The instruction indicates how much "Espumizana" can be given to a newborn. Babies need to drip 25 drops of medicine into a bottle of milk or water. You can give it in a small spoon before or after feeding

The second version of the drops is called "Baby". It's made just for babies, it's a little more expensive than the one above, but it's more concentrated. For a baby, 5 drops will be enough at one time
Ask your pediatrician about the dosage of the drug. After opening the jar, you can use the medicine for only 4 weeks. Be sure to check the expiration date before buying. Now consider whether there is an allergy to "Espumizan" in newborns.
Allergy Causes
Drug allergy occurs when the body has reacted negatively to the presence of an allergen in the preparation. The main such component is simethicone, since the rest of the substances in the children's composition of "Espumizan" are slightly allergenic, but there are times when a child even reacts to them.
Drug allergies often develop in babies whose parents suffer from this disease or, in general, asthmatics. Also, the child may react negatively to the medicine if the mother was treated with other drugs during pregnancy.
Symptoms of an allergic reaction to the drug
Allergy to "Espumizan" in newborns manifests itself literally 1 hour after ingestion. The negative impact first affects the gastrointestinal tract, and only then the respiratory and nervous systems. In order not to miss the moment of the onset of the disease, doctors recommend that mothers keep a diary in which all new products given to the child, including medicines, will be recorded. If you listen to the advice of pediatricians, you will not regret it, as it will be immediately clear what the baby had a negative reaction to.

Let's look at the signs of Espumizan allergy in newborns:
- swelling of the face and mouth appears;
- skin rashes;
- she becomes dry, may even peel off, diaper rash occurs, from which even bathing does not help;
- the child is experiencing just unbearable itching;
- runny nose;
- body temperature rises;
- nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting;
- the baby is dizzy to the point of losing consciousness;
- due to swelling of the respiratory tract, shortness of breath appears, breathing is difficult;
- intestine reacts with colic and diarrhea;
- in severe cases, anaphylactic shock occurs.
It is natural that a baby reacts to allergies with frequent crying and restless behavior. And parents are deprived of sleep, as the child wakes up many times at night. At the first manifestations of an allergy to "Espumizan" in newborns, an urgent need to contactdoctor for help. But in life it happens that inexperienced mothers do not understand the reasons for the child's anxiety, and the appearance of rashes is correlated with clothing and food. In no case should everything be left to chance, since the disease in its advanced form can lead to death.
It is also not recommended to self-medicate a child, following the advice of grandmothers, neighbors or advertising on TV. Treatment in this case is prescribed only by a pediatrician. The instructions for the Espumizan drops indicate that individual intolerance to one of the constituent components of the drug is possible. When buying, be sure to read it to the end. If you know that an allergy to the drug is possible, then at the first sign you can suspect something is wrong and take urgent measures.
What to do
When newborns are allergic to Espumizan, it is necessary first of all to stop giving drops to the child.
Never start treating your baby with antihistamines intended for adults, as they affect the liver. If the child receives breast milk, then the mother should go on a diet for about a month, excluding foods that can cause allergies, as well as s alt and sugar.
Get rid of skin itching with special ointments prescribed by a doctor, also take care of the naturalness of clothes that are in direct contact with the baby's skin. This will relieve his irritation.

When the temperature is high, give the child an antipyretic. The only requirementso that it does not contain dyes and flavors, which can cause an additional allergic reaction to a new medicine. Be sure to read the instructions for use to find out if there are any contraindications.
Antihistamines for children
Can Espumisan cause allergies in newborns? You already know what can, and with dire consequences. Anti-allergic medicines intended for the smallest will help with the problem.
To save your child from suffering, you can give him drops of "Fenistil". They are designed for babies from 1 month to a year. The bottle has a volume of 20 ml. It is convenient to use, as it contains a dispenser for counting drops. The composition of "Fenistil" includes dimethindene, which eliminates swelling, itching and redness. The drug is also available in the form of an ointment, but you can use "Fenistil-gel" only from 1 month.
If the baby is already six months old, then you can buy Erius syrup. It is enough to give the child 2 ml once a day. "Zirtek" in drops has a similar effect. Both drugs relieve itching, allergic rhinitis, sneezing and redness of the skin.
Before buying any antihistamine, be sure to read the instructions on the Internet or directly at the pharmacy, as there are age restrictions, for example, Claritin can only be given to babies from the age of two. Also check the composition so that there are no sweeteners or any flavoring additives.
Folk remedies
Using herbs beforeuse is best discussed with your doctor. If he does not mind, then baths and rubdowns will contribute to a speedy recovery. In the fight against skin manifestations of allergies, suitable:
Chamomile decoction. It can be poured into a bath for bathing, after filtering through gauze or a bandage, or you can wipe the inflamed areas on the skin. Everyone knows the antiseptic properties of this plant. It has not only a bactericidal effect, but also soothes dry skin and redness. To prepare 1 tbsp. l. inflorescences pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. You can put it in a water bath, which will also give a good effect

- Oak bark has anti-inflammatory properties, heals wounds and treats dermatitis.
- St.
Before using herbal decoctions for bathing or sponging, check the child's reaction to them. Firstly, it is impossible to steam more than 1 tbsp. l. dry grass. Second, do an allergy skin test by putting a little decoction on the newborn's hand. After 10 minutes, check if there is no redness, then calmly bathe the child. But before that, be sure to consult with your pediatrician.
Medicines for colic
If your baby has a normal reaction to "Espumizan" and is not allergic to simethicone, then we can offer several analogues of this medicine.
- "Sub Simplex" (with the active substance simethicone) - producedin the USA. Available as a suspension with a fruit flavor.
- "Kuplaton" is a Finnish medicine whose main component is dimethicone, which is more effective against children's colic, in addition, parents can replace Espumizan with it in case of allergies. Its price is inexpensive, you can buy the drug in bottles of 30 or 50 ml. Available in drops.
- "Kolikid" is made in Ukraine. It also contains simethicone. Available in both baby bottles and adult tablets.
- The Russian analogue of "Espumizan" is the drug "Simethicone", which completely duplicates its constituent parts.
- "Infacol" is produced in the UK and is also considered a complete analogue of the medicine we describe.
- "Bobotik" made in Poland, also includes simethicone. However, it can only be given to newborns from 28 days old.
- "Baby Calm" is not a cure. This is a biological supplement produced in Israel. The composition contains a mixture of oils - dill, anise and mint, fennel is added, which has a carminative effect. All components have a beneficial effect on the intestines, eliminating colic and bloating. This tool can also be used as a substitute for "Espumizan" in case of allergies.
- Another drug that can be used for allergies to simethicone is Plantex, which contains fennel fruits. You can give it to newborns from two weeks of age.
About "Espumizan" for kids, the opinions of parents were divided. If it does not cause allergic reactions in a child, they write that the medicine helped much more effectively than dill water and fennel.
Some have met with an allergy to "Espumizan" in newborns. Reviews of such parents say that in children it quickly passes after discontinuation of the drug. In just a couple of days, the rash and swelling disappear.

Doctors treat the drug differently. It is noted that it affects adults just fine. Without it, it is impossible to do a colonoscopy, it perfectly extinguishes the foam after laxatives, but they note a slight turbidity in the washing water from the intestine.
Neonatologists warned some mothers at the maternity hospital, pointing out that infants are often allergic to this drug. One mom wrote in the reviews that the pediatrician advised her to use the adult "Espumizan" in capsules. It is necessary to pierce the capsule and spread the liquid contents on the baby's nipple or nipple. The adult counterpart is less allergic, as it does not contain the additives contained in the children's one.
Before using "Espumizan" for newborns, be sure to consult your pediatrician and watch after taking signs of allergies.