How do I know what my child is allergic to? How to find out the cause of an allergy in an adult?

How do I know what my child is allergic to? How to find out the cause of an allergy in an adult?
How do I know what my child is allergic to? How to find out the cause of an allergy in an adult?

In the modern world, allergy is an urgent problem. It manifests itself in the fact that sensitivity to certain factors, the so-called allergens, increases. Most often this can be observed in people with weak immunity. It does not always appear for the first time in childhood. This will happen already in adults.

How do you know what a person is allergic to? How does it manifest itself? An allergic reaction can be easily confused with food intolerance. Therefore, one must be informed about its symptoms.

how to find out what you are allergic to
how to find out what you are allergic to

Symptoms of an allergic reaction

To avoid serious consequences due to allergies, you should know what symptoms you need to see a specialist and take any measures.

  • Allergies can make breathing difficult. In addition, there is a cough, wheezing, sneezing. The patient feels congestion in the chest.
  • The occurrence of a common cold, which is not a sign of a cold, indicates the presence of this problem. At the same time, he is accompanied by conjunctivitis.
  • The most common symptom is a skin rash. She oftenaccompanied by itching.
  • There is a violation of digestion. This is indicated by the appearance of nausea, diarrhea, vomiting.
  • Swelling of the lips and eyelids also indicates the manifestation of an allergy.

For many, these signs appear to varying degrees and may indicate not only an allergic reaction. In this case, a strong increase in temperature is possible. Combines the symptoms and the fact that they are rapidly developing. Some of them are specific, and therefore it would be best to consult a doctor.

how to find out what your child is allergic to
how to find out what your child is allergic to

Allergy Causes

Before you deal with this problem, you should find out the reasons that contribute to its occurrence. These include:

  • Diseases of the internal organs. Most often, problems with the liver, stomach, endocrine and nervous systems have an impact on the appearance of an allergic reaction.
  • Weakened immunity. Often, because of this, the body loses the ability to effectively deal with the influence of irritants, that is, allergens.
  • Excessively sterile living conditions. Due to the fact that there is no or very little contact with allergens, the immune system weakens.
  • Environmental situation. Exposure to radiation from electrical appliances, the presence of hormones, antibiotics in products increases the risk of allergies.
  • Problems of a psychological nature. They undermine the normal state of the body, make it the most susceptible to negative factors. Most often, such problems include long-term depression or a nervous breakdown.

At the little oneschildren, the risk of allergies increases if one of the close relatives suffered from this problem. This is due to a genetic predisposition.

how to find out what an allergy in an adult
how to find out what an allergy in an adult

Types of allergens

How do you know what a person is allergic to? Allergens can be one of two types. They can be endoallergens and exoallergens. In the first case, the substances that provoke an allergic reaction are formed in the body itself, in the second they penetrate there from the environment. Exoallergens can be food, dust, plants, antibiotics, alcohol.

How do you know what adults are allergic to?

In case of signs of allergy, it is best to consult a specialist. In this case, see an allergist. How to find out what an adult is allergic to? Currently, medicine has a sufficient arsenal of ways to determine its causes. These include skin tests. Their essence is that allergens in their pure form and in small quantities are injected under the skin of the forearm.

Skin tests are divided into three types:

  • Scarification test. In this case, non-bleeding scratches are left on the skin with needles or lancets, which are covered with a drop of the allergen.
  • Intradermal test. The irritant is injected with a syringe.
  • Trick is a test. This test is administered by injection.

How else can you find out what an adult is allergic to? There is such a method as a provocative test. It gives more information and is indicative. Such a testinvolves the introduction of an allergen into the organ most affected by allergies. They call it shock.

How do I know what I'm allergic to? The most effective way to determine the allergen is a blood test for the presence of IgE antibodies in it. For its implementation, the patient needs to donate a small amount of blood from a vein.

how to find out what your baby is allergic to
how to find out what your baby is allergic to

How to find out what you're allergic to using a non-laboratory method

If there is no possibility or desire to contact a specialist, then you can identify the allergen at home. Currently, pharmacies offer various tests for these purposes. They are a strip on which blood is applied. If a plus appears on it, then there is a reaction to the allergen, a minus is not. However, this method is questionable and unreliable.

How do I know what my child is allergic to?

Children over the age of 3 may be subjected to laboratory tests to determine allergens. In some cases, the allowable age is increased to 5 years. The methods are not much different from those that are carried out with adults.

How else can you find out what your child is allergic to? Parents can also keep observations and record them in a diary. This will be effective, since allergies appear not only due to food, but also due to the influence of other factors. Infants should be handled differently.

how to find out what a person is allergic to
how to find out what a person is allergic to

Allergies in babies

How do I know what my baby is allergic to? The definition of allergens in infants has its own characteristics. It's connected withthe fact that laboratory tests are useless and uninformative due to the immature immune system of babies.

In this case, a hypoallergenic diet, which a nursing mother should take, helps. Her diet should not contain foods that can cause an allergic reaction. The duration of this diet is two weeks. Then the previously prohibited foods are slowly returned to the diet with a period of 2-3 days. A product that causes a negative reaction of the baby is excluded from the mother's diet. Household allergies in babies are not excluded. It can be provoked by animals, synthetic clothing, shampoos, powders. In this case, it is necessary to exclude them from the baby's life for some time, and then, in the same way as the products, carefully return them. However, before all these procedures, you should contact a pediatrician who will consult and not allow you to make mistakes.

how to find out the cause of allergies
how to find out the cause of allergies

Allergy Prevention

How to find out the cause of allergies, you already know. Now let's talk about its prevention. First you need to limit contact with things that cause it. In addition, you can prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction by organizing wet cleaning and weekly washing. There are also products that will carry out the prevention of allergies. These include mustard, horseradish, and oily fish. Their action lies in the fact that they contribute to the removal of harmful substances from the body. You can cope with allergens using a method such as washing the sinuses. The procedure is carried out using salinemortar or sea water.

Folic acid will help to increase the body's resistance to factors that provoke allergies. It is found in foods such as pears, spinach, bell peppers, lettuce. You just need to introduce them into your diet to get it.

Timely prevention is a great way to avoid such a problem. It is necessary and important for those who have a predisposition to allergies.

Such prevention is suitable for both adults and children. To prevent allergies, it is advisable for babies to breastfeed as long as possible.

how to find out what a newborn is allergic to
how to find out what a newborn is allergic to

How to deal with allergies

The most effective way to get rid of allergies is to eliminate the influence of the allergen. In addition, the doctor may prescribe medications that eliminate its symptoms: ointments, creams, antihistamines, steroids, and decongestants. To alleviate the condition, it is necessary to deal with the elimination of deeper causes. You can't get rid of allergies forever. One can only lessen its symptoms or eliminate the sources that lead to it. In this case, it is necessary to cleanse the body of harmful and toxic substances. A systematic approach will be more effective. It lies in the fact that measures are taken gradually.

Fiddling with allergies can make things worse. For example, anaphylactic shock is a dangerous outcome. Therefore, it is better not to aggravate the situation and not to delay contacting a specialist. In no case should you complicateself-medicated state.

In the article we told you how to find out what an allergy is in a newborn or in an adult. Take care of yourself and your children. Stay he althy!
