Demographic urticaria (so often erroneously called dermographic urticaria) is considered one of the most common pathologies that is diagnosed in 5% of the world's population. The disease makes itself felt by the appearance of a rash on the skin. At the same time, itching, characteristic of other forms of the disease, is absent or mild. From our article you will learn the main causes of the disorder, as well as the methods of its treatment offered by modern medicine.
Features of the disease
Urticaria is a skin disease in which an allergic reaction occurs due to exposure to a specific agent. It manifests itself in the form of redness and swelling of certain parts of the epidermis. A little later, blisters ranging in size from 1 mm to 5-7 cm form at this place. The foci of the pathological process are very similar to nettle burns. This disease can occur in both adults and children.

Demographic urticaria, more precisely, dermographic, is considered a not very common pathology of the skin. Inflammation never occurs at the site of an allergic reaction. The disease is not accompanied by headaches or loss of consciousness. Usually, its symptoms disappear within a few hours, so many people do not rush to see a doctor for help. In fact, a doctor's consultation will not be superfluous. He will be able to determine the etiology of the disease, and in case of its severe forms, he will prescribe the correct treatment.
Main causes of skin disorder
The appearance of rashes on the skin is most often due to various mechanical influences. These include insect bites, scratching and rubbing, rubbing clothes. Demographic urticaria also does not bypass small children. In them, the reaction of the epidermis may be the result of outdoor games, during which they receive scratches and bruises.

The exact causes of the development of the disease could not be established. However, doctors distinguish a whole group of factors contributing to the onset of the disease:
- hereditary predisposition;
- frequent stress;
- pathology of internal organs;
- taking NSAIDs;
- thyroid dysfunction;
- presence of neoplasms in the body.
Often, the pathological process is accompanied by diseases that significantly weaken the immune forces of the body.
First manifestations
What demographic urticaria hassymptoms? The disease does not affect the general well-being of a person. For him, the characteristic signs that appear with standard allergic reactions are not characteristic. These include watery eyes, nasal congestion, sneezing, difficulty breathing.
Both adults and children with demographic urticaria have similar symptoms. First, traces appear at the site of skin contact with the irritant. It can be stripes or other shapes. In their form, the traces accurately reproduce the pattern that was left on the skin after exposure to an irritant agent.

After a while, the damaged area acquires a characteristic swelling. Stripes or other marks first turn red, then swell and begin to rise above the surface of the skin. Sometimes there are scars or blisters. These symptoms may persist for several hours.
When should I see a doctor?
If demographic urticaria is suspected, you can first conduct a simple test at home. To do this, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe forearm, you need to scratch a grid with a well-sharpened pencil. After a few minutes, white stripes will first appear in this place, and then pink marks. They may slightly rise above the surface of the skin. Normally, such traces disappear in about an hour. In addition, the strips should not itch or hurt. This simple test allows you to determine if you have demographic urticaria. A photo of the results of the procedure itself is presented a little higher.

After diagnosing at home, it is imperative to visit a dermatologist. Identification of the disease is usually not difficult. To confirm the final diagnosis, the doctor only needs to examine the patient's epidermis and do several skin tests. Sometimes outside expertise is required. For example, a parasitologist helps to identify the presence of pathogenic flora, and an endocrinologist evaluates the functioning of the thyroid gland.
Drug therapy
As mentioned above, specific treatment for this disease is extremely rare. Symptoms usually disappear on their own within a few hours or days. However, for many patients they still cause aesthetic discomfort. Therefore, they are interested in the question of how to treat demographic urticaria.
Therapy should begin with first-generation antihistamines. These include the following medicines: Zyrtec, Tavegil, Claritin, Cetirizine. They relieve the symptoms of the pathological process, and noticeable relief occurs after 2-3 hours. Therapy is usually reduced to a single pill before bedtime.

If for some reason the patient refuses to take pills, you can replace them with ointments. For example, the Fenistil gel perfectly relieves itching and inflammation. "Drapolen Cream" effectively fights scars and small scars characteristic of such a pathology as demographic urticaria.
Treatment of the chronic form of the disease is recommendedsecond generation antihistamines. These are drugs such as Tagamet, Zantak and Brikanil. When the listed medications do not give a positive result, oral steroids and physiotherapy are considered appropriate.
It should be noted that only a doctor can choose specific drugs for treatment. Self-therapy often ends in disastrous results.
Help of traditional medicine
Mild disease often does not require specific therapy. To eliminate unwanted symptoms, you can use the recipes of folk healers.
Decoction of string is especially effective. It should be brewed like tea and consumed throughout the day in small portions. No less useful is celery juice. Every day you should drink 1/3 cup of a delicious medicine. You can also moisten a cotton pad in this juice and treat the affected areas with it.

Prognosis for recovery
Demographic urticaria belongs to the category of curable diseases. After the start of therapy, noticeable improvements occur the very next day. The mild form of the disease completely disappears within three days. In 8% of patients, a complicated course of the pathological process can be observed. In this case, doctors diagnose "chronic demographic urticaria". The reasons for its appearance are most often due to severe stress and psycho-emotional overload.
Prevention measures
Specific measures to prevent the disease have not been developed,because the exact reasons for its appearance are still unknown. To prevent skin allergic reactions, doctors recommend following these rules:
- give preference to outfits made of natural fabrics;
- minimize stressful situations;
- refrain from visiting saunas;
- do not use hard washcloths;
- to undergo a preventive examination.
Remember that with a timely visit to a doctor, any disease is easier to cure. Stay he althy!