Intestinal infarction is a condition in which blood circulation in the intestinal vessels is disturbed. Vessels are clogged with blood clots, as a result of which blood does not flow to certain departments. This leads to cell death, or acute necrosis. Intestinal infarction is a very dangerous disease.
Why is this happening?
But not only a blood clot can clog a vessel. A sclerotic plaque that has come off can also do this. Therefore, obesity is another risk factor. Interestingly, men and women get sick equally often.
This happens most often in the small intestine and its immediate areas. Often this happens when there is a disease of the cardiovascular system, and it progresses. Consider in this article an intestinal infarction. Symptoms - the first signs of this disease - will be described.
What heart disease leads to thrombosis in the intestine?

It happens in older people over 50 years old. Rarelyhappens at a young age. But if there are certain diseases, which will be discussed later, it is possible that even a not very old person will face such an ailment.
Intestinal infarction is otherwise called mesenteric thrombosis or mesenteric obstruction. There is a reflex spasm of the intestine, this leads to vasoconstriction. Vessels, in turn, can become clogged with blood clots. Some people are predisposed to this condition and therefore are at risk.
There are several types of mesenteric obstruction. They depend on the affected vessel:
- Arterial obstruction.
- Venous.
- Mixed bowel obstruction.
Main causes of bowel infarction
In connection with what can cause an intestinal infarction? The reasons are often obvious.
Mesenteric thrombosis results from:
- developing rheumatism;
- atherosclerosis, which leads to vasoconstriction;
- vascular paresis;
- acute and chronic cardiovascular failure;
- a strong shock, as a result of which the blood flow is disturbed. Blood in large volume enters the heart and brain, and departs from the intestines and other internal organs. This causes a narrowing of the lumen of the vessels, which can provoke the appearance of blood clots;
- severe blood loss;
- heart disease;
- myocardial infarction;
- atrial fibrillation;
- infective endocarditis.
Sometimes reasonsthere can be several at the same time.
Most often people with severe pathologies of the heart suffer from this disease. Sometimes the disease develops as a result of postpartum thrombosis. And also at risk are women who take hormonal contraceptives for a long time. Therefore, you can drink medicines only under the supervision of a doctor, this should be done with great care. A woman taking oral contraceptives should definitely stop smoking if she smokes.

Additional factors
In some cases, small bowel infarction develops due to:
- sepsis;
- endocarditis;
- hypertension;
- thrombophlebitis.
After surgery, this situation is possible, because the forces of the body are aimed at preventing blood loss as a result of the bleeding that has opened. It is during this period after surgery that blood clots often form, which can clog blood vessels. Sometimes it is the intestines that suffer. Illnesses and symptoms often go unnoticed, with dire consequences.
Diagnostic Methods
Diagnose an unpleasant and dangerous disease using instrumental and laboratory research methods. It is necessary to contact the specialists in time and undergo a complete examination of the whole organism. This will help determine the early stage of the disease. Measures will be taken to avoid clot formation.
Mesenteric thrombosis and predisposition to it are diagnosed by severalways:
- using diagnostic laparoscopy. In this case, several small holes are made in the abdominal cavity. Then an optical device penetrates into these holes, so the intestinal walls are examined. Thus, intestinal infarction can be avoided. This diagnostic method is very informative, but it is used with obvious signs of the development of the disease in order to prevent a pathological condition;
- a clinical blood test (inflammation in the body is indicated by the indicators of leukocytes and ESR, which are above normal);
- using diagnostic laparotomy. An incision is made in the middle of the abdominal cavity, the examination is carried out through it. Determine the state of the vessels, as well as intestinal loops. If an area with dead cells is found, it is immediately removed;

- with selective mesentericography, which reveals any disturbances in blood circulation;
- during an angiography of the vessels - a procedure for staining the blood with a special substance is performed, then a picture is taken that shows the state of the mesenteric vessels of the intestine.
It is important to understand that laparotomy, laparoscopy, vascular angiography is performed only if there are all signs that acute thrombosis of the mesenteric vessels will soon develop. If these symptoms are not yet present, a clinical blood test will suffice.
If allowed to develop mesenteric thrombosis, it will lead to death. That is why it is so important to seek help in time. Specialiststhey will perform a laparotomy and remove the dead area, which will save the patient's life.
Other research methods are used in cases where there is no risk to life.
What are the signs of an intestinal infarction?
The disease can begin acutely, gradually, and it may also have certain precursors.
If you manage to recognize the disease in time, you will be able to save a human life. Let us consider in more detail the main symptoms of mesenteric thrombosis:
- pallor of the skin;
- strong and irregular heartbeat;
- increased body temperature;
- stool with blood (in some cases, the blood is dark in color, which indicates that it is old - this is the necrotic mucosa being rejected);
- bloated stomach;

- the appearance of a lump in the abdomen;
- severe abdominal pain;
- vomiting blood;
- jumps in blood pressure;
- fainting;
- gas and feces are difficult to pass.
If the disease develops gradually, then the symptoms do not appear so brightly at first. Harbing pains in the abdomen, bloating, frequent diarrhea can be harbingers. But the intestines hurt so often (diseases and symptoms must be known in order to be able to distinguish them).
Distinguish bowel infarction from other acute surgical conditions, for example:
- from acute appendicitis (pain is localized on the right side, there is nausea and vomiting);
- intestinal infection or toxicpoisoning (violation of the stool, vomiting);
- gastric or intestinal bleeding (vomit in which blood is present, feces with blood).
Three stages of intestinal infarction
There are several stages of the disease:
- 1st stage. This stage is called ischemic. It is characterized by severe pain in the abdominal region. Its duration is about 5-6 hours. Pain at the first stage resemble contractions, then become constant. It hurts mainly in the area near the navel, because the small intestine is affected. Pain is accompanied by diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
- 2nd stage. If the patient is not treated in time, the disease progresses. Intestinal necrosis occurs. The patient's he alth worsens, there is a strong pallor of the skin. And now the pain subsides. The patient's tongue is coated. The abdomen becomes soft but bloated.
- 3rd stage. A person suffers from severe intoxication, dehydration. There is apathy towards others, convulsions, coma. At this stage, a person may die.
Therefore, if there is any suspicion of a possible bowel infarction, you should immediately call an ambulance.

For pain in the abdominal cavity, it is necessary to consult a surgeon. As a result of the consultation, one or another examination may be prescribed.
Maybe it's a bowel infarction. What is it and the consequences of this disease we discussed earlier.
Mesenteric thrombosis treatment
Heart attack therapybowel should be timely and extremely fast. As already mentioned, only a few hours will pass from the beginning of the ischemic stage, and it will be very difficult to save a person. Therefore, when the first signs of mesenteric thrombosis appear, you should immediately seek medical help.
But there are times when the operation is performed, and the person still dies. This means that there was a rapid development of necrosis. The human body has suffered greatly from this, damage to internal organs is incompatible with life. This is how the diseases of the elderly often manifest themselves.
Stages of surgical intervention
- First of all, you need to find the clot that clogged the vessel.
- Then highlight the mesentery and the area of the intestine that is affected.
- Remove dead and diseased tissue.
- Remove clot.

The faster and more accurate the actions of doctors, the greater the area of tissue will be able to save. This improves the patient's chances of survival.
In cases where an incomplete blockage of the vessel has occurred, drug therapy is carried out. Namely, anticoagulant drugs that can thin the blood. Further occlusion of the vessel does not occur. But with incomplete blockage of the vessel, there are no special signs of the disease, so this stage is often skipped. As a result, surgical intervention cannot be avoided.
This condition has a high risk of death.
The disease can result in the following outcomes. The patient can recover after surgery, in the intestinesulcers may form, inflammatory processes in the intestines will occur, bleeding will open, perforation of the intestinal wall can form, and it can also become purulently inflamed, which is fraught with peritonitis. That's how insidious bowel infarction. Its symptoms must be recognized in a timely manner.
What is the prognosis for bowel infarction?
It is important to understand that this disease has a high mortality rate. It is higher than in perforated ulcer and acute appendicitis. Since intestinal thrombosis often resembles other diseases that need to be treated surgically, it is quite difficult to diagnose. The consequences of this may be irreversible.
A he althy and young person does not need to be tested for existing mesenteric thrombosis. But those who fall into a certain risk group should be examined on a regular basis. This will help to identify the pathology as early as possible. Those who have a sick heart or bad blood vessels should be worried. It is necessary to donate blood for analysis periodically to identify the onset of increased thrombus formation. Anticoagulants will thin the blood to prevent clots.
To avoid a recurrence of the situation, you should regularly take tests and take drugs (dilating blood vessels, preventing thrombosis, regulating blood clotting). If no action is taken, a severe bowel infarction will develop, which can be fatal.
But if the operation is carried out in a timely manner, the stage is early, success is guaranteed. There will be no complications. Of course, the location of the thrombus determines the possibleeffects. The patient is likely to recover completely after surgery. Especially if you take drugs to restore intestinal microflora.
Preventive measures

All actions aimed at preventing intestinal thrombosis are similar to those carried out in case of myocardial infarction. First of all, it is necessary to prevent increased blood clotting. In general, the recommendations are as follows:
- maintaining a he althy lifestyle;
- carrying out procedures for hardening the body, which strengthens blood vessels;
- you need to move as much as possible, do physical education (jogging, swimming, active outdoor games are suitable);
- regulate nutrition - give up fatty, fried, starchy foods, it is better to eat less meat and fish, more vegetables and fruits;
- it is imperative to bring the weight back to normal;
- rejection of all existing bad habits - smoking is especially detrimental to the state of blood vessels, it also provokes the formation of blood clots;
- well, you definitely need to take drugs to restore the intestinal microflora.
If you follow all the recommendations, the danger can be avoided.