Compulsive movements in a child are quite common. It is difficult not to notice them, since they are a constant repetition of monotonous movements over a long period of time. For example, parents may begin to worry about why the child bites his nails, sways, shakes his head, and so on.

Let's try to understand in more detail with such a concept as "compulsive movement syndrome". In addition, consider the symptoms, causes, methods of treatment and prevention of the disorder.
Why Compulsive Movement Syndrome appears
Who is most susceptible to this type of disorder? What is the cause of compulsive movements?
Most often they suffer from children who are very often in stressful situations, brought up in dysfunctional families, or babies after traumatic brain injuries. But there are also cases when obsessive movements in a child appear without visible (forparents and others) reasons. In any of the cases, it is important to identify the factor that contributes to the development of the disorder, and eliminate it in time so as not to aggravate the situation even more.
Compulsive movement symptoms
There are many variations of this type of disorder. Caring parents should be alert to situations where their child is very often:
- snaps or sucks fingers;
- biting nails;
- shakes his head or sways his whole body;
- sniffing frequently (not including a runny nose);
- waves his arms or swings his leg;
- pinches the skin on the hands or other parts of the body;
- blinks fast;
- often turns neck or tilts to one side;
- twirls her hair around her finger.

At the same time, it is important to repeat that the presence of a problem can be said not when the above actions are performed once, but when they are repeated regularly.
What can obsessive movements go with
In young children, the symptoms of the disorder in most cases appear on their own. There may be a constant repetition of any one or several signs at once.

As for school-age children, their obsessive movements may be accompanied by enuresis, stuttering or neurotic insomnia. This is especially true of the expectation neurosis, which manifests itself as a result of the fear of making a mistake (for example, when answering nearboards, etc.). At the same time, obsessive movements in a child may be accompanied by a tick in the form of coughing, sniffing, blinking, grumbling. Their amplification is usually observed during excitement, fear, worries, anxiety.
Are obsessive movements in a child the norm?
What do doctors say about this, including the well-known doctor Komarovsky? Obsessive movements do not always indicate the presence of mental problems. In cases of mild severity, they may soon disappear on their own. It is important to remember that often such actions are the next stage of understanding the world and growing up.
But if the child has been snapping his fingers for a long time, biting his nails, shaking his head, or other symptoms of the problem are observed, you should contact the local pediatrician for a special diagnosis and, possibly, prescribing the necessary type of treatment.
Diagnosis of the disorder
We must not forget that obsessive movements in children are not a separate disease, but may indicate the presence of more serious problems. And only with the help of special diagnostics it is possible to exclude or identify the presence of pathologies. For example, the cause of constantly repetitive movements may be the presence of such diseases:
- Tourette syndrome.
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
- Trichotillomania.
At the same time, they can manifest themselves at absolutely any age, both in completely he althy children, and in those who are distinguished by slow rates of intelligence development.
Therapy for neurosisobsessive movements
How to get rid of such a problem as obsessive movements in children? Treatment includes different types of therapy, depending on the degree of manifestation and severity of the symptoms of the disorder.

If in some cases drug treatment is not required, in others drugs are used. The combination of psychotherapeutic sessions with a child psychologist and drug therapy is most effective. At the same time, parents should understand that for the successful recovery of the child, they will also have to make some efforts.
First of all, it is worth reviewing your parenting methods. It is unacceptable to use screams and assault in relation to the child. Look and voice should always be calm and friendly.
In addition to this baby, you need to teach independence, accuracy and cleanliness, and from a very young age. It will be useful to carry out hardening, communication with peers, reading together, and so on. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it and prevent both physical and mental overwork.
It is advisable to dance with your child for at least a few minutes every day. You need to choose funny and rhythmic songs that the baby will like first of all.
Medicated treatment
Once the true reason why the child bites his nails or makes other obsessive movements has been identified, the pediatrician may decide on the need for medical treatment.

The most commonly prescribed drugs are:
- "Asparkam".
- "Glycine".
- "Cinnarizine".
- "Pantogam".
- "Persen".
- "Milgamma".
We must not forget that such drugs can only be used as directed by a doctor, as they affect the central nervous system. They are used only in extreme cases, when serious deviations are observed or the disease is at a very advanced stage.
Treatment with traditional medicine
Folk remedies for getting rid of the disorder can be used in combination with the main therapy. Some of them help to entertain the child and distract from the problem, while others help to calm his nervous system.

Let's consider several possible options:
- Soothing baths. During daily water procedures, you can use herbs such as string, chamomile, lavender, mint. They calm the nervous system and relieve tension.
- Water with honey. It seems like such a simple tool, but it has a great effect. To prepare it, you need to dilute a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm (by no means hot!) Water and let the child drink right before bedtime.
- Decoction of oatmeal. To prepare it, it is necessary to wash the oat grains and cook them until half cooked over low heat in a liter of water. After that, strain the resultingdecoction and add one tablespoon of honey to it. Give your child a glass of it once a day.
Prevention of the onset of the disorder
It is in the power of each of the parents to prevent or at least reduce the likelihood of a child developing obsessive movements or any other mental abnormalities and neuroses.

First of all, prevention methods consist in a sufficient amount of communication with the baby. It is important to allocate at least some time every day to talk with a child (regardless of his age, even with a baby), read fairy tales to him, find joint entertainment (drawing, modeling, dancing, active games, and so on). This will help establish a trusting relationship and make the child calmer.
The next stage is the protection from stressful situations. Of course, it is impossible to foresee everything, but it is in the power of parents to do everything possible so that the child is as prepared as possible for them. To do this, you can, for example, play scenes with various unforeseen situations, so that if they occur, the baby is not confused and scared, but knows how to act correctly.
It is necessary to establish a daily routine and strictly adhere to it. In addition, it is important to teach the child to be independent and responsible.
Another important point, which was already mentioned above: in no case should mental and physical overwork be allowed, as they do not have the best effect on mental balance. For he althy children, you can also usethe ways that were described in the section "Treatment with traditional medicine" - soothing baths with herbs and sea s alts, water with honey at night and so on.
The main thing that absolutely all parents need to remember: the he alth of the child (including psychological) is completely in their hands.