Tobacco "Satyr" for hookah

Tobacco "Satyr" for hookah
Tobacco "Satyr" for hookah

The ceremony of hookah smoking, which came from the East, is today an extremely common and popular activity in most countries of the world. Such a tradition is akin to true art.

In shops selling tobacco, there is a huge selection of varieties for every taste, which differ in composition, flavor and manufacturer. But it is not enough to buy a hookah and a gas station for it, you need to figure out what the gas station is and what components are used to make it.

tobacco satyr
tobacco satyr

Composition of hookah dressing

The mixture for cooking must include tobacco leaf, sugar syrup (honey or special oil) and glycerin. This component is used to produce thick, rich smoke. The amount of nicotine and, consequently, the strength of the hookah is affected by the type of tobacco leaf used and the peculiarity of its processing. It is very important to know whether tobacco is washed or unwashed in hookah dressing.

In order for the dressing to be stored for a long time and not lose its exotic taste, various preservatives and flavors are added to it, the characteristics of which affect the quality.

Excise craft tobacco

Tobacco "Satyr"manufacturers position it as one of the few excise craft gas stations for hookah. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the leaves are processed at low and high temperatures with the addition of aromatic varieties of alcohol: sherry, whiskey, cognac, absinthe, helping to reveal its natural taste characteristics. To give originality, manufacturers suggest adding mint, cinnamon and cardamom.

satyr tobacco for hookah
satyr tobacco for hookah

Tobacco "Satyr" for hookah is a rather unusual craft tobacco, which is produced exclusively by hand. It is remembered not only for its original taste, but also for its pronounced tobacco note in the process of smoking.

Tobacco "Satyr" deep black. It is characterized by large cutting and good soaking, which allows it to be used in any mixes. Any hookah tobacco contains a tobacco leaf. This is the source of nicotine, which is its basis. Tobacco "Satyr" is made on the basis of the leaves of the Virginia or Burley variety. The first is characterized by a high sugar content and heat resistance. And Burley tobacco is famous for its special sharpness and strength.

Different flavors

At the very beginning, manufacturers produced "Satyr", which had no aroma, but after a certain period of time, various flavors began to go on sale.

Hookah tobacco differs in aroma and taste:

- floral fragrance;

- taste of dried fruits;

- hazelnut-chocolate flavor;

- spices;

- taste of caramel.

tobacco satyr virginia
tobacco satyr virginia

According to the strength and raw materials, the hookah dressing is made of the following types: "Burley", "Bro", "Jai", "White" and "Black". Tobacco "Satyr Virginia" is the basis of "Bro", "Black" and "White" hookah tobacco. For sale, such products are packaged in bags of 100 g. Tobacco "Satyr" is sometimes combined with other brands in order to obtain tasty and unusual mixes. Gourmets and connoisseurs advise squeezing liquid out of it to the maximum to increase the strength.
