As you can see from the numerous reviews posted on the Internet, Allen Carr's anti-smoking pills make it easier to quit cigarettes. People share their stories, say that they were advised this path by friends who also gave up smoking. Many note that this tool was the final point of a long journey with the use of electronic cigarettes, and expensive cigars, and other substitutes designed to make it easier to quit nicotine. But, as expert reviews prove, Allen Carr's pills do not just work, they act almost always, quickly and guaranteed. However, the existence of such a reliable remedy for addiction rightly raises doubts. Is it true? To what extent are real reviews about Allen Carr's pills posted on the network, are they trustworthy? Let's try to consider the issue in more detail.

Word of mouth
Mostly, in reviews of Allen Carr's anti-smoking pills, people say that they learned about the drug from friends, relatives or from materials on the World Wide Web. Of course, all sites offering this tool are full of responses from those who have already given up (or allegedly refused) nicotine. People say that in the past years they tried to get rid ofaddictions, and only with their help were they finally able to stop. Many note that by the time they write a review of Allen Carr's pills, they have not smoked for several months.
There is hope
Interest in different ways to quit smoking has been on the crest of a wave lately. Fashion trends are such that people refuse cigarettes, practice a he althy lifestyle, and adopt vegetarianism. At the same time, the sharp rise in prices for tobacco products makes people think about quitting smoking, even for those who are not attracted by the philosophy of a he althy life.
Magic pills: what is it about?
As can be seen from the reviews, Allen Carr's tablets allow you to leave nicotine addiction in the past, no matter how long it lasted, without pain, suffering, discomfort, withdrawal symptoms. As the manufacturer promises, the drug is effective even if a person has smoked for several decades. At the same time, pills affect the mental state - they give relaxation, remove tension. According to reviews, Allen Carr's pills have a sedative effect, due to which the withdrawal process is easier.

Proper use of nicotine cessation pills prevents weight gain from a new lifestyle. Weight gain is a negative outcome experienced by many people who have tried to quit smoking. As can be seen from the doctors' reviews, Allen Carr's anti-smoking pills activate metabolic processes in the body of the person taking them, which preventsweight gain. They also affect the internal processes associated with the production of nicotine.
New technology - new market
Smoking pills are based on the most advanced technology, which is why they have such a strong impact on people who take them, according to the manufacturer. The drug was created specifically for getting rid of nicotine addiction, it is effective and easy to use. As can be seen from the reviews of Allen Carr's pills, many, along with the pills, also purchase a book on the same issue - nicotine withdrawal. This publication has been in the top of the world bestsellers for many years now, which proves its effective help to people.
The effectiveness of Allen Carr's tablets noted in the reviews, according to the manufacturer, is due to the specific composition of the product. The main component is made from a sequoia growing in California. For industrial purposes, the resin of this tree is used, from which active substances are extracted. The effectiveness of the use of such a tool has been confirmed in the course of studies organized by several institutes in North America. That is, we can say that, according to doctors, Allen Carr's pills are a reliable drug that has the desired effect.
How does it work?
As experts explain, reviews of Allen Carr's tablets are so positive, because the drug activates the production of nicotine in the body. It affects the urge to smoke, effectively reducing it. After some time, the natural balance of the component in the body is formed, and external sources becomeredundant. Thus, a person completely loses addiction to tobacco. As can be seen from the reviews of Allen Carr's pills, not many who took the drug really deeply delved into the methodology of his work, but many believed in him and got a positive result.

The product is intended to be eaten twice a day. The manufacturer recommends using the drug after meals. As can be seen from the reviews of Allen Carr's pills, people usually drink pills in the evening, in the morning. The duration of the program is three weeks. According to the manufacturer, already on the third day you can notice that the desire to smoke is weakening. If earlier the pack was gone in a day, by the third day of taking the pills it is spent in a few days. After another week, the state of he alth becomes better, the pressure stabilizes. After two weeks, the desire to smoke, cough in the morning, shortness of breath remain in the past. By the end of the third week of taking the pills, as the manufacturer assures, the lungs are 80% clear of harmful secretions that got there during the entire smoking experience.
Working or not?
On the Internet you can find stories of people using Allen Carr's pills. Many note that on the first day the desire to smoke a cigarette is almost unbearable, especially by the time when the duration of the refusal is a day. For various reasons, on the second or third day, people still partially return to the addiction, smoke a cigarette or several. Others note that they put out the first cigarette after giving up, without finishing it to the middle, and yet the very fact of a breakdown is strongweakens self-confidence. As you can see from some of the responses, if you can distract yourself from thinking about smoking, this period is much easier. It helps, for example, a book published by the same Allen Carr, designed to help quit smoking.

From the point of view of a number of people who have used Allen Carr's pills, the drug is unique because it really works. If you believe all the stories on the Internet, the remedy is worth the money, especially if there is confidence that a person really needs and benefits from giving up nicotine. As noted by those taking the course of pills, the desire to smoke disappears approximately in the second week, the process of quitting is quite easy, some difficulties cause only the first few days.
What are good?
If you put together data from different responses about the effectiveness of Allen Carr's pills, you can formulate the main benefits of the drug. People who used it note that the craving for nicotine passed gradually, while there was no withdrawal syndrome. The best result is the use of pills and Allen Carr's book at the same time. Of course, one's own active position is important - a person must want to give up nicotine, only then the program works.

As noted by those taking Allen Carr's tablets, the drug corresponds to the manufacturer's description and works exactly as indicated in the instructions. At the end of the course, as many note, there really was no recruitmentweight.
Hope for the weak or not?
According to the manufacturer, Allen Carr's pills will help everyone quit nicotine. At the same time, both the authors of the responses on the World Wide Web and doctors agree that the drug works only when a person realizes the need to give up nicotine, when he wants it and strives for it. Allen Carr's pills help to realize desire by influencing the internal systems of the body, but they cannot make a person want to give up nicotine. In the absence of motivation, you should not count on a good result of the course.
Taking Allen Carr's pills, you can really quit smoking, even if before that the experience totaled decades. As reviews on the World Wide Web demonstrate, people who have been accompanied by cigarettes since adolescence leave the bad habit in the past and do not return to it for six months, a year or more. Many note that at first there was no confidence in the pills, the description sounds too magical, but the drug proves its effect in practice, if given a chance.
Smoking is bad
The fact that the habit of nicotine adversely affects human he alth has been talked about for many, many years, and people agree, nod their heads and continue to smoke cigarette after cigarette. According to statistics, only in our country one third of the entire beautiful half of the population and almost two thirds of men smoke. At least 400,000 people die each year from smoking-related causes. Up to 90% of lung cancer victims were chronic smokers. Regular large-scalesurveys confirm that many would like to give up the habit of nicotine, but people do not feel the strength in themselves. Studies show that many people try to quit cigarettes, but very few actually succeed.

Allen Carr's pills were named after the world famous professor, whose smoking experience spanned three decades. By his own admission, he smoked his first cigarette at the age of 18, and since then many years have passed in a futile struggle with a bad habit. Allen Carr found his unique method to get rid of addiction and shared it with the world by publishing a book that has become a bestseller in different countries. The followers of this man have developed and offered to the masses special pills that also simplify the process of quitting smoking.
Allen Carr Institute
Inspired by the method of quitting smoking described in the book, the followers of Allen Carr opened their own research institute - it was here that they developed nicotine quitting pills. Of course, the specifics of making a unique product are kept secret, only the main component, mentioned earlier, is known, which is extracted from the California variety of sequoia. The chemical composition of this substance affects the human liver, which produces nicotine.
As can be seen from the official information about Allen Carr's tablets, the drug is developed on natural ingredients and does not contain anything artificial. The tool has received all the certificates, passed the proceduresregistration, clinical trials, during which it showed excellent results: 98% of smokers give up the bad habit. In addition, the pills cleanse the circulatory system, help to get rid of toxins accumulated over the years, toxic components, and resins. Allen Carr's tablets are combined with alcohol, do not require the rejection of strong drinks.
When not?
Like any other drug, Allen Carr's pills have contraindications. The drug is not intended for use during gestation and breastfeeding, it is not suitable for persons diagnosed with mental disorders, problems with the nervous system. There is no information on the specific effect of the drug on minors, since studies have not been conducted to collect data. An allergic reaction may develop on the drug. At the first sign, you should contact your doctor. Antihistamines are usually helpful.

Do not use Allen Carr tablets if there are severe disorders in the work of the heart, blood vessels, stomach, intestines. If there is any doubt about the possibility of treatment with this remedy, you should take the help of a qualified doctor. You can not use Allen Carr's tablets for longer than the course indicated by the manufacturer and in more quantities than is provided for by the therapeutic program. You can repeat the course only under the supervision of the attending physician.