The acquisition of a dark skin tone in a solarium is an absolutely familiar and commonplace for a modern person. Not only women of various ages resort to this method of tanning, but also men. What can we say about young mothers who strive to look as well-groomed and attractive as possible after childbirth. But is it possible for a nursing mother to sunbathe in a solarium? Will it affect milk production? Which alternative tanning methods are more gentle? You will find the answer to all these questions in this article.

Before answering the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe in a solarium for a nursing mother, it is necessary to mention the fact that doctors consider any excessive sunburn to be extremely harmful to he alth. Nevertheless, even they admit that ultraviolet does not have any effect on the process of milk production. That is, in this regard, the solarium is completely safe. However, if you decide to visit the solarium while breastfeeding, then take note of the following points:
- Lactation significantly enhances the main recoveryprocesses in the female body, due to which birthmarks and moles can significantly increase in size.

- As you know, ultraviolet radiation has an adverse effect on the process of cell division and their growth, which increases the likelihood of developing breast cancer. Therefore, the question of what to sunbathe in a solarium implies a definite answer. At a minimum, special stickers must be purchased.
- Applying a high protection sunscreen will reduce your skin's UV exposure.
- Since the body loses a considerable amount of fluid during a visit to the solarium, which does not have a particularly good effect on milk production, it is necessary to more than make up for the lost through drinking plenty of fluids.
- You should start tanning from the minimum time and carefully listen to the sensations of the body.

Taking into account the above factors, every woman is free to decide whether it is possible for a nursing mother to sunbathe in a solarium. It is worth noting, however, that there are more gentle ways to acquire the desired skin tone. Self-tanning cream is one of them. The fact is that the substances contained in it, forming a brown pigment, stain only the upper layer of the skin. Thus, the components of the cream do not penetrate deep into the body, and the main reactions occur in the already dead layer of the epidermis. It is important to consider that self-tanning should not be applied to the chest area, and from the moment it is used until the child is fed, at leasthours. Also, do not use self-tanning spray, because you can accidentally inhale particles of it. Since the reaction of the body to certain drugs during the period of breastfeeding is completely unpredictable, you must first test them on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. In this case, we are talking even about proven creams that you used before the baby was born.
I hope this article helped you find the answer to the question: "Is it possible for a nursing mother to sunbathe in a solarium?". If you are not satisfied with alternative options for getting a tan, then take care of your own safety and purchase special nipple-covering stikinis. This measure will not only reduce the level of harmful UV exposure to the breasts, but also minimize the risk of developing breast cancer.