Burning sensation in the stomach is an unpleasant and alarming signal of high acidity, which, if ignored and treated, can provoke the development of serious diseases. Regular and prolonged such sensation can lead to complications in the form of ulcers and even malignant neoplasms. Mucous membranes experience constant irritation due to increased acidity, which leads to possible changes.

An alarming symptom is the occurrence of burning pains at night or early in the morning.
Symptoms: how does the pathology manifest itself?
Burning in the stomach is not necessarily the result of improper nutrition and diet. The cause of heartburn is increased acidity, and it can occur both before and during meals. Sometimes hypersensitivity of the lining of the esophagus can also be the cause of this symptom, but such cases are rare.
The feeling of burning in the stomach may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as a feelingsour taste in mouth and throat. You may experience bad breath.
All of the above symptoms may be accompanied by nausea, pain radiating to the back. In the abdominal cavity, it is felt mainly on the left. If the stomach acid burns the mucosa, then an obsessive eructation joins, which, in turn, leads to burning of the throat mucosa.
All this complex of symptoms can be a signal of gastritis or gastric ulcer. The doctor can determine the exact cause of this complex of symptoms. First of all, an examination will be necessary, and then treatment, depending on the diagnosis.

Causes of burning sensation
Let's list the main causes of burning in the stomach:
- Improper nutrition, systematic overeating, excess junk food (spicy, fatty, s alty, hard to digest). An unpleasant burning sensation in the epigastric region can appear both immediately after eating, and after some time. In the morning, there may be heartburn, nausea, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth. The manifestation of these symptoms can be both regular and periodic.
- Gastritis and ulcer. Burning inside the abdominal cavity is one of the most pronounced symptoms. With these pathologies, the mucous membrane is damaged, and when gastric juice enters the affected areas, this causes pain. Patients often report that the stomach is on fire. Very often, such manifestations occur on an empty stomach.
- Foodtoxic infections. Pathogenic bacteria, when ingested, can cause a burning sensation in the stomach.
- A lot of medications have a negative effect on the digestive system as side effects, for example, antibiotics.
- The reflux of bile or pancreatic juice is a strong irritant. In this case, a very strong burning sensation is felt in the stomach, radiating to the back.
- Pregnancy is a period during which a woman often suffers from heartburn. This is due to the fact that the uterus grows, increasing in size, thereby it begins to compress the abdominal organs, gastric juice may be thrown into the esophagus, nausea and discomfort appear in the stomach and its area, and this is especially characteristic in the last trimester of pregnancy.
- Esophagitis. Symptoms of this disease are pain, significant burning sensation. The lining of the stomach and the epithelium are inflamed, there is no protection against acid, which is why such unpleasant sensations arise.
- The most unfavorable cause of burning in the stomach is also the likelihood of neoplasms. In the initial stage, they may not manifest themselves in any way, except for pain and other ordinary manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract.
- Consider additional causes of stomach burning (but not heartburn). Psycho-emotional stress can also cause gastrointestinal disorders. Sometimes, against the background of a nervous shock, the normal functioning of the stomach stops, and it cannot properly digest food. This may be accompanied by a complete loss of appetite, which persists forlong time. On nervous grounds, a person does not eat anything at all. There is a loss of body weight, which leads to a change in the work of many organs.

Diagnosis of causes of discomfort
To make an accurate diagnosis, a complex of examinations is required. These include:
- gastroscopy;
- study of gastric juice;
- radiological examination;
- fecal analysis for pathogenic bacteria and worm eggs.

Treatment of pathology
After the diagnosis is made, treatment follows. The doctor determines the tactics of treatment depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease, the patient's condition, his age and other factors. Usually, drugs are prescribed that help restore the burned epithelium and gastric functions. In addition to drug treatment, it is very important to adhere to the principles of a he althy lifestyle, proper organization of the daily routine, avoid nervous strain and, of course, adhere to proper nutrition.
Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is not a task of one day. Usually, therapy is long-term and requires the patient to follow the recommendations of the doctor, not only until the first acute symptoms are removed, but also in the future.
Drugs for effective therapy
Usually prescribe drugs such as "Omez" and "Festal", as well as antacid drugs that help reduce the acidity of gastric secretion. These include Almagel, Maalox. It is possiblethe appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, "Tribimol". The treatment is aimed at forming an enveloping protective film to protect the gastric mucosa.

Antacids neutralize excess acid but do not have a long-lasting effect.
The purpose of prescribing alginate preparations is to protect the gastric mucosa from the undesirable effects of acidity on the walls of the stomach
Prokinetics are prescribed to normalize the functions of the digestive tract and sphincter.
Additionally, vitamin B12 may also be prescribed.
What else does the treatment of burning in the stomach mean?
Therapeutic diet
In the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the observance of a therapeutic diet plays an important role. Many patients unfairly ignore this key moment of therapy, and in fact it is he who is actually the guarantor of the absence of recurrence of the manifestation of the disease.

The principle of therapeutic dietary nutrition has no particular difficulties. Willpower should be turned on and, if possible, refrain from eating foods such as:
- carbonated drinks;
- alcohol;
- fatty foods and meals;
- very spicy, s alty and pickled foods;
- smoked products;
- buffets;
- fast food;
- eliminate coffee if possible, or at least not abuse it, minimize it.
If you follow all the instructions, then the burning sensation in the stomach will soon pass.
Compliance with these fairly simple recommendations will stop the progression of the disease in time and not bring simple disorders to peptic ulcer or gastritis.
Home remedies for heartburn
Among the folk methods of symptomatic elimination of burning sensation in the stomach area, the following can be noted.
- Everyone knows a pinch of soda, which is diluted in a glass of water (warm). Do not make more concentrated solutions. Drinking should not be taken quickly, drink in one gulp, this will not have an effect. Also, you should not resort to this method too often, as this can lead to alkalization of the whole organism.
- Potato juice. Taking ¼ cup before meals 15 minutes before meals helps to avoid heartburn.
- Calamus root. It just needs to be chewed and swallowed. If necessary, drink water.

These methods do not have a therapeutic effect, but only allow you to relieve minor symptoms in the form of heartburn for a while.
We looked at the causes and treatment of burning in the stomach.