Republican Children's Clinical Hospital (Ufa) is a large medical institution in Bashkortostan. More than 700 patients can be treated here at the same time.

General information
Children's Republican Hospital (Ufa) is licensed to provide medical care in 152 areas. In its arsenal are the most advanced diagnostic tools that allow you to conduct the most complete study in 20 areas. Thanks to the high-tech base of the center, more than 1,500 patients a year can receive qualified medical care in oncohematology, neonatology, otorhinolaryngology, orthopedics, pediatrics, traumatology, neurosurgery, transplantation, maxillofacial surgery, urology.
Children's Republican Hospital (Ufa), reviews of many parents testify to this, is considered the best multidisciplinary medical facility in Bashkortostan. The quality of diagnostic and therapeutic measures was especially appreciated. Both the children themselves and their parents note the sensitive attitude of the staff to each patient.
Every year, the Children's Republican Hospital (Ufa) receives about 20 thousand patients and performs more than 6 thousand various operations. To date, doctors have already performed more than 40 kidney transplants, cochlear implantation is carried out here, severe scoliosis is successfully treated, as well as intracranial hemorrhages in infants. According to statistics, the survival rate of patients with cancer in 2012 increased to 75% (in 2001 this figure was only 50%). The Republican Children's Clinical Hospital (Ufa) also has everything necessary for nursing newborns with extremely low body weight - from 500 to 1500 grams.
Over 65,000 patients a year turn to the outpatient department for qualified advice. More than 2,000 children with the most severe forms of illness are under the supervision of the RCC (reanimation and advisory center) and the RCC (republican advisory center for newborns). The assistance provided by the hospital significantly affects the improvement of demographic indicators in Bashkortostan. The Children's Republican Hospital (Ufa) has a staff of 511 nurses and 247 doctors, 39 of which are doctors and candidates of medical sciences. Almost 64% of the medical staff has the first and highest qualification category.

Outpatient department
The history of the consultative polyclinic - one of the major specialized units, which includes the Republican Children's Hospital (Ufa), - began in 1972. At all times, thisthe medical institution met the highest requirements, was equipped with modern equipment and competent staff. Particular attention was paid to the development of the internal working environment, the conscientious fulfillment of professional medical duty, and the improvement of the attitude of medical personnel towards their patients. In 2000, the polyclinic department changed its name, from that moment it became the Republican Children's Consultative and Diagnostic Polyclinic.
In June 2012, the polyclinic celebrated its 40th anniversary. To date, the institution operates in conditions of high productivity:
- Each shift - 500 visits.
- Up to 100 thousand people are examined a year.
- 70 honored medical workers of the Republic of Bashkortostan work in the hospital.
- Most nurses and doctors are highly qualified.
- A he alth resort commission, rheumatology and audiology centers, as well as a speech therapy service operate on the basis of the clinic.
- Professional consultations are underway in 35 areas.
- The polyclinic conducts organizational and methodological work with the districts of the republic.
- Conditions have been created for the 1st and 2nd stages of audiological screening.
- Cabinets are equipped with unique equipment.
- In recent years, the team of the polyclinic has replenished with young personnel, whose diligence and professionalism are worthy of the respect of colleaguesand patients.
- The high potential of the medical institution allows it to look to the future with confidence and be in constant development.

Recording to the hospital is carried out by the Unified Registry of the Children's Republican Hospital (Ufa). To do this, call tel. +7 (347) 276 13 03. At the same time, young children (up to 1 year old), disabled people, as well as children in difficult life situations, can get expert advice out of turn. If inpatient treatment is necessary, hospitalization issues are agreed with Guzel Marsovna Galiyeva - deputy. chief physician for medical work - tel. 8 (347) 229-08-02 or Reseda Maratovna Galimova - deputy. Chief Physician for Surgery - tel. 8 (347) 229-08-04.
Elective hospitalization
For planned inpatient treatment, the following set of documents must be prepared:
- A referral from a doctor signed by a regional pediatrician (deputy head physician for childhood).
- Birth certificate or passport (if available).
- Compulsory he alth insurance policy (if available).
- Certificate confirming the absence of contact of the patient with carriers of infectious diseases within 21 days prior to hospitalization.
- Information about the study of viral hepatitis and HIV infection (if necessary, surgical treatment or invasive treatment and diagnostic manipulations).
- An extract from the patient's medical record (outpatient card) indicating the resultsblood test, urine test, Rh factor and blood type, electrocardiogram.

- Vaccination certificate and information about Mantoux reactions.
- Finished results of fecal tests for helminths and enterobiasis obtained no later than 10 days before hospitalization.
- Ready-made results of the study of a smear from the nasopharynx to detect diphtheria bacillus (for the neuropsychiatric department). Tests are valid for 1 month.
- Ready-made results of studies to identify pathogenic intestinal flora. Tests are valid for 10 days.
- A certificate from a dermatologist confirming the absence of contagious skin diseases.
Children's Republican Hospital (Ufa). Address, directions
The clinic is located near the stop UKBDMK ("Confectionery Factory") on the street. Stepan Kuvykin, p. 98. Depending on the starting location, you can get to it by the following transport:
- From the South Bus Station - by tram No. 18 or by shuttle bus No. 280, 220, 284, 17.
- From the train station to the bus stop "Galle District". You need to go by minibus No. 101, 74, 239, by bus No. 101, 74 or by tram No. 1.
- From the "District of Galle" you should take the bus No. 51-A, 51. You can take the trolleybus No. 12 or the fixed-route taxi No. 284, 280, 220, 200, 270, 51-A, 51.