How the muscles that tilt the head forward work when they contract together and separately

How the muscles that tilt the head forward work when they contract together and separately
How the muscles that tilt the head forward work when they contract together and separately

How to check if the muscles that tilt the head forward are working properly? There is a way, you need to sit or lie down and perform the maximum tilt of the head. If you manage to touch the sternum with your chin, then the right muscles work perfectly!

It is important not only to tilt forward, but also to the sides, back - any head movements are functionally significant. In this article, we will look at the group of muscles responsible for tilting.

muscles that tilt the head forward when contracted together
muscles that tilt the head forward when contracted together


Specialists in applied kinesiology (a science that studies the patterns of movements of muscle groups) conduct special diagnostics to identify the norm or pathology. In the example above, the proper functioning of muscle structures is considered: the muscles that tilt the head forward when they contract together.

What if when tilting the chin remains in the air, not reaching the chest? Moreover, the distance can be both insignificant and large. This means weakness of the muscles - the flexors of the cervical spine.

In such casesa person is prescribed special therapeutic exercises. It helps build muscle strength in the deep flexors. It is performed in free sagging of the head, as well as using the technique of overcoming resistance.

muscles that tilt the head forward when contracting together and tilt the head to the sides when contracting singly
muscles that tilt the head forward when contracting together and tilt the head to the sides when contracting singly

Tilt function

The muscles that lower the head forward can work both singly and together. Let's take a closer look at their list:

  • sternocleidomastoid;
  • stairs (front);
  • staircase (middle);
  • stairs (back).

An interesting fact is that during a gentle tilt, these muscles are relaxed. The lowering of the head occurs due to the relaxation of the muscles that perform the opposite function (hold the vertical position):

  • trapezoidal;
  • band-aid;
  • straightens the spine.

But if the vertebrae of the neck are bent at a fast pace, with effort, then the muscles that tilt the head forward immediately come into play.

muscles that tilt the head forward
muscles that tilt the head forward

Synergists and Antagonists

Several muscles can work, performing a single action or doing the opposite. Head raisers are antagonists to the flexor group and vice versa.

In fact, opposite in action muscular structures are designed for balance, alignment of posture, body symmetry. In general - to hold a person's head in a verticalposition.

The ratio of the degree of involvement in the work of the listed muscle structures depends on the posture, movements of the shoulders, arms, curvature of the human body as a whole. This is how a fine "adjustment" of the mechanism of holding the head occurs, the lordosis of the body region (in the region of the cervical spine) is formed.

We'll take a closer look at the muscles that tilt the head forward when they contract together.

head tilt muscles
head tilt muscles

Sternoclavicular-mastoideus muscle

This structure is paired, located on the neck on the left and right - on the anterolateral surfaces. Appearance - two powerful muscle formations. They stretch from the mastoid process (the area of the temporal bone behind and just above the ear) to the sternal edge of the clavicle (each bifurcates below).

It can be said that it is the muscles described above that do the main work, tilting the head forward when contracting together, and tilting the head to the sides when contracting one by one.


There are several types of this group: front, middle and back. They are located under the sternocleidomastoid muscle, on the neck, on the left and right (on the anterior lateral surface).

The scalene muscles go from the upper vertebrae (their lateral processes) and continue to the upper costal arches. They are located symmetrically with respect to the sagittal plane of the body. These are also the same muscles that tilt the head forward when contracting together and tilt the head sideways when contracting singly.

One-way movements (tilts andturns) are produced by the scalene muscular structures not independently, but together with synergists - the muscles that raise the head (extensor the cervical spine).

Features of movements

There are two physiological ways to tilt your head. They represent movements: forward and upward (relative to the frontal plane of the body), as well as in two directions (relative to the sagittal plane). It is necessary to consider these processes in more detail.

muscles that tilt the head forward when contracted together and tilt
muscles that tilt the head forward when contracted together and tilt
  1. Tilts and physiological turns of the head in different directions are performed symmetrically with respect to the sagittal plane of the body. An energetic, power jerk to the right (or left) is produced by synchronous contraction of the muscles - extensors and flexors. Moreover, they are located on the side of the direction of movement and are at this moment synergists.
  2. Possible free movement of the head, it is done slowly, under its own weight. In this case, the muscles are not included in the work at all. And on the opposite side, they begin to experience another action - stretching, "yielding, giving in" to the free weight of the head.


In cases of problems with the muscles in the neck or manifestations of osteochondrosis, all kinds of pain can occur. Any of the flexors or extensor muscles may experience spasm as a result of a sudden movement during sports, exposure to cold, or "shaking" the body (whiplash).

In such cases,healing exercises based on muscle stretching (due to the free lowering of the head). To do this, a person alone, sitting or standing, can carry out slow movements in the right direction (opposite to pain).

In this case, the reduced structure begins to stretch and the pain gradually disappears. It should be remembered that any such procedures should be performed only with the permission of a doctor.
