The female reproductive system is fragile. It is for this reason that even the most minor violations develop various pathologies that can subsequently lead to infertility. The latter quite often happens as a result of some violations in the work of the designated paired organ. In order to understand how it works, you need to understand what a fallopian tube is. What is the importance of this organ for the female reproductive system, and what happens if there is some malfunction in its work?
What are the fallopian tubes

The uterine or fallopian tubes got their name from the physician of Italian origin G. Fallopia, who first described the anatomical structure of the designated organ.
The indicated medical term should be understood as a paired organ located almost horizontally on each side of the uterine fundus. Visually, the indicated organ resembles cylindrical channels or tubes, one end of which opens into the abdominal cavity, the other opens intouterine cavity.
In a he althy state, the right side of the organ is much longer than the left. The diameter of these channels is about 4–6 mm. On the inside, each of the fallopian tubes on the inside has a mucous membrane with a ciliated skin coating. Muscle activity and the oscillating movements of the cilia of the epithelial lining of the tubes help the fertilized egg push its way to the uterus.
Structure of a paired organ

If we talk about the structure of the fallopian tube, then it includes 4 sections along its entire length. They depart to the sides, starting from the body of the uterus in an almost horizontal position and ending in an expanded part that has a fringed structure and is called a funnel.
Remembering the structure of the fallopian tube, it should be said that these funnels are located very close to the ovary, where the egg is born, which subsequently collides with the sperm.
The funnels are followed by the ampullary part of the tube, after which the fallopian tube begins to gradually narrow. The indicated segment of the isthmus is called in medicine the isthmic part.
The anatomical features of the fallopian tubes are such that they end with the same part. And it is there that the pipes make the transition to the muscular organ.
Fall tube sizes
Speaking about the structure of the fallopian tube, one cannot fail to mention their size. Despite the huge role assigned to the designated organ, the fallopian tubes are small in size.
The length of each of the fallopian tubes reachesonly 10-12 cm, and its diameter is 0.5 cm. If a woman has any pathologies, their diameter increases due to swelling or inflammation.
The role of the fallopian tubes in female reproductive function

The key function of the fallopian tube in women is to ensure the further movement of the egg from the ovaries to the uterus.
In addition, thanks to the functioning of the indicated organ, spermatozoa move from the uterine cavity to the peritoneal cavity, and the fertilized egg moves from the peritoneum to the uterine cavity.
Thus, the fallopian tubes and ovaries are very interconnected in terms of ensuring the reproductive functions of the female body.
The concept of obstruction of the fallopian tubes
In gynecology, there is such a thing as obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which is fraught with female infertility.
The following factors can lead to such a state:
- Development of an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs against the background of complicated childbirth or abortion, as well as with a complicated form of endometriosis.
- Surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity, which leads to the formation of adhesions in the pelvic area.
- Development of tubal infection against the background of a complicated course of sexually transmitted diseases. Here you can mention ureaplasmosis, chlamydia or mycoplasmosis.
- As a result of tubal ligation, which occurs during female sterilization.
- In some cases, anatomical underdevelopment is observed whenwe are talking about too short or too long, as well as twisted pipes.
Taking into account the anatomy of the female genital organs, it can be argued that obstruction can be both organic (when the lumen is closed with a film consisting of connective tissue) and functional, when they talk about a malfunction of the organ.
When it comes to complete blockage of the lumen of the pipes, it occurs against the background of the overlap of the lumen of the channel along the entire length. With partial blockage, the lumen is blocked in some specific part of the organ. Such a state, as a rule, does not affect how a woman feels. A similar diagnosis is usually detected when there are problems with pregnancy. It is then that the anatomy of the female genital organs is examined and the existing problems are determined.
Basic methods for examining the patency of the fallopian tubes

In practice, there are several diagnostic methods for assessing obstruction of the fallopian tubes, thanks to which the work of the organ throughout the entire structure of the fallopian tube is evaluated and permeability is determined.
X-ray examination of the patency of the fallopian tubes is performed by injecting a contrast agent into the uterine cavity. With patency, the substance, flowing through the pipes, is in the abdominal cavity. And this is clearly determined by X-ray examination. The accuracy of such diagnostics is only 70-80%. For this reason, along with the specified method, other diagnostic methods are also used. Suchthe procedure is usually carried out in the period from 5 to 9 days of the menstrual cycle in the absence of an inflammatory process. Before conducting it, specialists must make sure that the patient does not have HIV, hepatitis B, C and syphilis.
Such a study is unacceptable in case of pregnancy, as well as in case of an allergic reaction to the contrast composition used. A few days before the procedure, it is necessary to exclude intimate contacts.
Along with X-ray examination, an ultrasound examination of the fallopian tubes is performed. For better visualization of the organ, a sterile saline solution is injected into the uterine cavity. In this situation, the possibility of fluid penetration into the peritoneum through the fallopian tubes is also evaluated.
This method has a lower accuracy than the previous one. Before the procedure, you should also make sure that there is no inflammatory process. Pre-ovulation test being done.
Tubal obstruction therapy

At the initial stage of obstruction, drug therapy is carried out. In the case of the development of an inflammatory process that was provoked, for example, by gonococci, chlamydia, streptococci, etc., antibiotic preparations are prescribed in the form of tablets and injections. In this case, as a rule, Metronidazole, Ceftriaxone, Ofloxacin, etc. are prescribed.
In order to accurately determine the required antibiotic, specialists take a culture of biomaterial from the cervix to assess sensitivityexisting microorganisms to different groups of antibiotics.
The course of this treatment lasts for 14 days. Even if the condition improves, it is recommended to complete it completely. If chlamydia or gonorrhea is detected, the sexual partner will also need treatment.
Using folk recipes

Traditional medicine is not officially recognized. One of these is the upland uterus, which was previously widely used, especially in the Siberian region. It is believed that this plant has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and diuretic effects.
Alcohol and water infusions with the use of a hog uterus in the treatment of tubal infertility have reached the present day. In the first case, 50 g of a medicinal plant and half a liter of vodka will be required to prepare the product. In the case of water infusion, it is necessary to brew 1 teaspoon of chopped medicinal herb in 1 glass of boiled water, and then keep it in a water bath for 15 minutes.
Alcohol infusion should be taken by dissolving 30-40 drops in a small amount of water, 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment should continue for 6 months. In this case, one week of taking the drug should be replaced by a 3-week break. During the period of menstrual bleeding, the use of a boron uterus is unacceptable.
We must not forget that against the background of taking boron uterus, an allergic reaction may develop. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

If drug therapy did not give the desired effect, that is, pregnancy still did not occur, then the in vitro fertilization procedure is recommended. For this manipulation, an egg is taken from women, and sperm from men, after which fertilization is carried out in the laboratory.
After 3-5 days, the embryo is placed in the patient's uterus for subsequent gestation. This method of reproductive technologies is recognized as the most effective. It is resorted to in case of complete obstruction of the pipes or in the presence of serious violations at the cellular or chemical level in the sperm of a man.
In conclusion, it should be added that the obstruction of the fallopian tubes can not be considered a serious pathology for women, but still it is fraught with the development of infertility. If the necessary actions are not taken in time to correct the indicated condition, then an ectopic pregnancy is possible, as a result of which the patient may lose one of the tubes, which significantly reduces the chances of becoming pregnant. Here you can’t rely only on traditional medicine or self-medicate, since such actions can only aggravate the situation. In order to receive adequate assistance, you need to contact specialists.