"Pragisan": reviews, instructions, application

"Pragisan": reviews, instructions, application
"Pragisan": reviews, instructions, application

Why does humanity need hormonal drugs? Hormones (from the Greek “I induce”, “set in motion, excite”) are the product of the functioning of the endocrine glands. These substances exert their influence distally, at different distances from the gland in which they were formed. The effects of hormones are varied and unique.

Many different hormones are synthesized in the human body. Sometimes, against the background of various diseases, the activity of the endocrine system may decrease and, as a result, their (hormone) production decreases. Hormonal preparations are needed to bring the situation back to normal. One of these is Prajisan. Reviews of patients and specialists characterize this substance as an excellent tool for the treatment of diseases of the female genital area.


The drug is a corpus luteum hormone. With his direct participation, a change in the phase of the uterine mucosa occurs: from a state of proliferation, it passes into the secretory phase. Thus, Prajisan(doctors' reviews and instructions for use information confirm this) creates optimal conditions for implantation in the mucosa of a fertilized egg.

Prajisan reviews
Prajisan reviews

In addition, under the influence of this hormone, the sensitivity of the uterus to a substance such as oxytocin decreases, and its muscles relax. "Prajisan" promotes an increase in fat reserves, an increase in insulin levels (induced and basal), affects the efficient utilization of glucose, and stimulates the accumulation of glycogen in the liver.

Also, Prazhdisan has reviews as a good tool that suppresses the synthesis of hypothalamic factors for the release of FSH, LH. In the tissues of the mammary gland, the hormone helps to reduce capillary permeability, reduces swelling of the connective tissue stroma.

In what cases is it prescribed?

All the most important and complete information contains about the hormonal preparation "Prajisan" (capsules) instructions for use. Reviews, description of the drug characterize it as very effective for problems such as secondary amenorrhea, infertility caused by lutein deficiency, dysfunctional uterine bleeding resulting from a lack of progesterone.

prajisan reviews of doctors
prajisan reviews of doctors

Pragisan is widely used as a component of hormone replacement therapy in tandem with estrogen medications in the postmenopausal period. Also, this hormone is used to support the luteal phase in cases where additional reproductive techniques are used.

Waysmedication use

When the level of progesterone is insufficient, Prajisan capsules are taken in a daily volume of 200-300 mg. The frequency of admission is twice a day. Determining the duration of the course of therapy is the prerogative of the doctor, everything is very individual and depends on the severity of the he alth condition.

The daily dose of the drug in case of luteal phase insufficiency can range from 200 to 400 mg. Duration of therapy - 10 days (strictly 17-26 days of the menstrual cycle).

prajisan during pregnancy reviews
prajisan during pregnancy reviews

During peri- and postmenopause, "Prajisan" (reviews of patients declare the high effectiveness of the drug) is taken at 200 mg per day in parallel with estrogens. The duration of the course is 10-12 days.

It is possible to use this hormonal agent at the stage of preparation for IVF in the form of capsules for vaginal administration. Duration of admission - until the onset of pregnancy.

When treating infertility caused by luteal insufficiency, Prajisan gel is used. The duration of the course is 10 days.

When and who should refrain from using Prajisan?

As with any hormonal remedy, there are contraindications for Prajisan as well. Reviews, instruction, the use of this remedy is prohibited in cases where the patient has such pathological problems as porphyria, vaginal bleeding of unknown origin, malignant neoplasms of the genital organs or mammary glands.

This medication is also contraindicated for those whosuffers from thrombophlebitis, thrombosis and any other thromboembolic diseases. Prajisan is not prescribed for acute cerebrovascular accidents and severe liver diseases.

prajisan capsules instructions for use reviews description
prajisan capsules instructions for use reviews description

Increased individual sensitivity to the main and auxiliary components of the drug is also a contraindication for taking the drug.

Pregnancy and Prajisan

A separate topic for conversation is Prajisan during pregnancy. Reviews of experts do not speak of persistent contraindications or indications. The fact is that the lack of progesterone levels in the body of a pregnant woman carries the threat of abortion. In such cases, the attending physician, as a rule, prescribes a course of appropriate therapy to enable the woman to carry the child safely. Prajisan is one of the options.

If the expectant mother's progesterone levels are normal, then the woman will certainly put herself and her baby at risk by taking the drug in the first half of pregnancy (16-18 weeks).

Also, one should not lose sight of the fact that taking Prajisan during pregnancy (expert reviews confirm this fact) in the period from 12 to 40 weeks of gestation, the patient risks acquiring quite serious liver diseases.

Side effects

The patients who took "Prajisan" talk about the presence of some side effects from different organs and systems. The cardiovascular system canrespond with an increase in blood pressure. On the part of metabolism, edema is considered a pronounced reaction to Prajisan (reviews of experts testify to this). The digestive system is able to declare itself impaired in the functioning of the liver, the development of jaundice. Prolonged use may cause nausea and vomiting.

prajisan reviews instruction application
prajisan reviews instruction application

Also, when using Prajisan for a long time, a decrease in libido, weight gain, pain and a feeling of tension in the mammary glands, uterine bleeding (irregularly) are possible. A possible reaction of the central nervous system with prolonged use is depression, skin rash, itching, headaches. Quite often, patients talk about feeling tired after taking the medication.
