"ACC" for children (syrup): instructions for use, reviews

"ACC" for children (syrup): instructions for use, reviews
"ACC" for children (syrup): instructions for use, reviews

When a child gets sick in the family, all the attention of adults is focused on him. And the point here is not whether it is a serious disease or a cold with a cough. Moreover, in fact, the cough itself is a symptom of the disease and requires treatment.

To combat this problem, a lot of different medicines have been developed in a variety of forms: tablets, suspension, inhalation formulations, cough syrup. "ACC" for children was developed by manufacturers in Germany and Slovenia. The main functions of this drug are the thinning of sputum that is difficult to separate, facilitating the process of removing it from the respiratory tract. "ACC" has an anti-inflammatory effect, suppressing pathogens that develop in sputum.

ACC operation principle

For the stable functioning of the human body, nature has arranged everything in such a way that a special mucous secret is constantly produced in the respiratory tract, the main functions of which include a protective, cleansing and antibacterial effect. If aa person falls ill, the process of producing this secret is repeatedly activated. The consistency of this mucus has an increased viscosity: the child suffers from prolonged bouts of coughing, suffocates, and sputum does not go away. Such a cough is called unproductive.

It is in such cases that "ACC" for children (syrup) is prescribed to help the child's body. Instructions for use allows you to assign it to children from the age of two. The viscosity of sputum directly depends on the presence of special bonds in it - disulfide bridges. "ACC", getting into the child's body, affects these compounds and contributes to their rupture. The sputum becomes less viscous, and the process of removing it from the respiratory tract is greatly facilitated. Air masses, getting into the bronchi, have the opportunity to circulate freely without causing irritation of the nerve endings. Cough becomes productive.

ACC for children syrup instructions for use
ACC for children syrup instructions for use

"ACC" (syrup for children) continues to be active even in cases where there is a purulent component in the sputum. At first, parents may feel that the cough has intensified. However, the strengthening of this process only indicates that the drug is working. Gradually, the cough reflex fades, and soon the cough disappears completely.

Antioxidant properties of "ACC" are able to suppress local inflammatory processes, which practically negates the likelihood of relapses and complications. The drug has no effect on the immune system.

Possible release forms

Manufacturers for convenience and breadth of application offer the drug in several forms of release. The granules in the vial are diluted with water on their own, it turns out "ACC" syrup. Instructions for use for children often allow even those babies who have not yet reached the age of two to be treated with this medicine. True, doctors do not practice prescribing it to newborns for the treatment of coughs and bronchitis, for the reason that the airways in infants are very narrow, and the pectoral muscles are still weak. For these reasons, a small child simply will not be able to cough up the increased amount of sputum. If there is no alternative to this medication, then treatment with ACC should be under the supervision of the attending doctor.

However, it should be noted that "ACC" (syrup) instructions for use for children under one year old allows you to prescribe if the child has cystic fibrosis (a hereditary disease characterized by impaired functioning of the respiratory system).

Effervescent tablets "ACC" are widely used. They can be purchased in three dosages: 100, 200 and 600 mg of acetylcysteine (the main active ingredient). A dose of 600 mg bears the trade name ACC-Long, is characterized by a prolonged effect and is prescribed to patients at least 14 years old. One tablet of this drug, taken once, replaces several smaller doses.

ACC syrup for children
ACC syrup for children

Suspension is prepared by diluting granules from bags (100, 200 mg) in water, tea, milk or juice. The resulting composition should not be hot. Ideal if ittemperature is close to body temperature.

With the use of "ACC" it is even possible to make inhalations. 1-2 ml of a solution intended for injection (used in very severe cases in a hospital under medical supervision) is mixed with isotonic sodium chloride solution and used in special inhalers or nebulizers. Procedures can be carried out 1-2 times a day. The course of therapy - up to 10 days.

Indications for use

The indications for which this drug can be prescribed are quite wide. As for small patients, a special dosage has been developed for them, called "ACC 100". Instructions for children syrup (as the optimal form for the treatment of even infants and children under 2 years old) allows you to use it for a number of diseases of the respiratory system.

In general, "ACC" is prescribed to patients suffering from bronchitis (any form: chronic, acute, obstructive), pneumonia, tracheitis, bronchitis (inflammatory processes of the lower respiratory tract), cystic fibrosis. The medication is used for bronchial ecstasy (an increase in the diameter of the bronchi in the place where the bronchial wall is damaged).

It is also practiced to prescribe "ACC" in the treatment of otitis media and sinusitis (acute, chronic form), since the drug is able to thin not only sputum, but also accumulations of pus, stimulating its excretion from the body.

Contraindications for taking "ACC"

"ACC" for children (syrup) instructions for use prohibits patients with individual intolerance to the components of the drug and thosewho suffer from peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (acute stage). The same diseases, but in remission, can also respond to the use of ACC. Therefore, patients with such problems should be attentive to their well-being.

ACC 100 for children syrup
ACC 100 for children syrup

With great caution, "ACC" (syrup for children) should be taken by patients with kidney and liver failure, with problems with the adrenal glands, with bronchial asthma.

Since many diseases have become younger today, even small children can have gastrointestinal ulcers or diabetes mellitus. With the latter disease, it must be borne in mind that ACC contains sucrose. If a child is diagnosed with phenylketonuria, then for the treatment of cough, you should choose "ACC", which does not include aspartame (sweetener).

Contraindication for "ACC Long" - the child's age is up to 14 years.

Methods of application and dosage

Instructions for the use of "ACC 100" for children, syrup is recommended for admission when the patient's age is from 2 to 5 years. It can also be granules in sachets (volume - 100 mg), which are taken 2-3 times a day. Another option is granules in a bottle for making syrup, which is indicated for taking 5 ml (1 scoop) also 2-3 times during the day after meals.

Patients in the age group from 6 to 14 years old practice the appointment of "ACC" 200 mg (granules in sachets) twice a day or 2 scoops (10 ml) of syrup twice a day with meals.

ACC 100 syrup instructions for use for children reviews
ACC 100 syrup instructions for use for children reviews

Patients over 14 years of age practice the appointment of "ACC" 2 scoops (10 mg) 2-3 times a day (or use "ACC Long").

In the most extreme cases, it allows you to use "ACC" (syrup) instructions for use for children under one year old. Reviews of physicians in this case speak of an underdeveloped respiratory system and weak pectoral muscles. It will be difficult for a small child to cough up the increased volume of sputum.

It is worth saying that the standard treatment regimen is described above. In some particularly severe cases, the dosage of the drug can be adjusted upward (or decrease, if the situation is not very difficult). The usual course of treatment is up to 7 days. Only a doctor can decide to increase the treatment period. In chronic forms of bronchitis or cystic fibrosis, the course of therapy with the use of ACC can last for several months. In parallel with this, constant monitoring of the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and adrenal glands is carried out. The indicators of blood enzymes are also subject to control.

Possible side effects

Side effects of the drug "ATSTS" causes quite rarely. Parents of young patients talk about the appearance of headaches, the development of stomatitis, tinnitus. Much less often there are deviations in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Also, among the possible negative manifestations in the process of using ACC for children (syrup), instructions for use report a risk of reducingblood pressure, the development of tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), bronchospasm, the appearance of urticaria.

ACC 100 instruction for children syrup
ACC 100 instruction for children syrup

If any negative reactions appear during therapy with ACC, you must stop taking the medication and consult a pediatrician without fail.


Overdose of the ACC drug can occur in several cases. It is possible for a child to take a dose calculated for an adult patient, to use a medication in an overestimated amount without special instructions from a doctor, or to accumulate it (“ACC”) in the body, which is possible with a long course of treatment without proper monitoring of the state of the liver, kidneys, blood counts. In any case, the possible reactions of patients to "ACC" (for children - syrup), instructions for use describe such manifestations as a drop in blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, a feeling of dry mouth. There is also a possibility of allergic dermatitis, accompanied by a rash and itching, bronchospasm may develop.

cough syrup for kids
cough syrup for kids

In especially severe cases, doctors talk about the possibility of Quincke's edema and shock.

Interaction with other drugs

All information about possible drug interactions contains for "ACC" (syrup) instructions for use. For children from one year old, it can be taken only in the most extreme cases and under the supervision of a doctor. Although with the parallel use of "ACC" there is still a danger forpatients of all ages.

There is information about the incompatibility of the main active ingredient "ACC" with semi-synthetic penicillins, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides. On the contrary, there is no information on the incompatibility of acetylcysteine with antibacterial drugs such as Amoxicillin, Erythromycin and Cefuroxime.

What should I pay attention to?

As mentioned earlier, for the treatment of patients from 2 to 5 years old, doctors usually prefer the drug "ACC 100" (syrup). Instructions for use for children, reviews of children's doctors warn parents about the inadmissibility of the joint use of ACC and any antitussive medicines. With such a parallel intake, "ACC" dilutes sputum, and antitussive drugs suppress the cough reflex, sputum is not expectorated. This is fraught with sputum stagnation, which seriously threatens the he alth and sometimes the life of the child.

Pediatricians also do not prescribe "ACC" along with antibacterial agents, as they may be incompatible. Only a few types of tetracycline, penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics can be used together with ACC with intervals of at least 2 hours between doses.

It is permissible to dilute ACC granules and powders on your own only in glassware. It is recommended to avoid contact with rubber or metal.

In the treatment with the use of "ACC" it is required to increase the amount of fluid consumed. This will significantly enhance the mucolytic effect of the drug. Children should take ACC no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

Consumer opinion aboutmedication

Patient's parents are satisfied with ACC medicine (syrup). Instructions for use for children (consumer reviews confirm this fact) gives clear instructions on how to use the drug, dosage. Cough in children usually becomes productive very quickly and disappears in 3-4 days. That is, the product is effective in almost 100% of applications.

The syrup has a pleasant orange flavor, so even the most capricious patients do not have to be forced to take the medicine for a long time. In addition, the cost of "ACC" is available to a wide range of consumers with very different levels of financial capabilities. The tool is very convenient in storage, it will not be difficult to take it with you on the road.

ACC, of course, has certain contraindications and side effects, but using it only as prescribed by the attending physician and following all the recommendations will relieve most of the unpleasant consequences and manifestations.

ACC syrup instructions for use for children
ACC syrup instructions for use for children

The child will breathe deeply and calmly, and parents will not worry about his well-being.
