Quite often, people develop interdigital fungus. This is due to the fact that in this area an ideal environment is formed for the development of various microorganisms. Under certain conditions, this should include numerous dermatophytes, as well as spores of yeasts and molds. The first sign of interdigital fungus is a slight itching, which can also be accompanied by a burning sensation of varying intensity. However, the disease is not so dangerous, it can be easily cured at home.

Reasons for appearance
When walking, the space between the toes actively works, intensive sweating is observed in this zone, various microorganisms accumulate, and a warm and humid environment is formed for their development. An infection enters this area, and there is also a threat of the development of mycotic pathology. During the normal state of the immune system, this is not terrible, and regular care and hygiene products will relieve the threat of interdigital fungus. The reasons for the development of this disease are as follows:
- Dysbacteriosis.
- Lack of vitamins in the body.
- Diabetes mellitus and endocrine disorders.
- Varicose.
- Pathologies of the lymphatic vessels.
- Hyperhidrosis.
A favorable background for interdigital fungus is the period of lactation and pregnancy. In addition, the disease can develop due to microtrauma of the skin, hypothermia of the extremities. Other provoking factors of interdigital fungus on the legs are the following:
- Small, tight shoes made of leatherette or other synthetic materials.
- Long-term antibiotic treatment.
- Excessive exercise.

In these conditions, visiting public baths, swimming pools, beaches is a great risk of contracting mycosis. You should also avoid close contact with an infected person, use items from someone else's wardrobe.
Symptoms of interdigital fungus
This type of mycosis does not immediately manifest itself. At the initial stage of development, the infection develops asymptomatically, and mild itching in most cases is ignored by patients. If at this stage the treatment of interdigital fungus is not started, then the pathology may acquire more pronounced symptoms:
- Formation of excessive seals on the plantarfoot pieces.
- Excessive sweating accompanied by an unpleasant and strong odor.
- Increased itching, in which more than usual begins to itch between the fingers.
- Skin peeling.
- Formation of cracks, bleeding wounds and sores in the interdigital zone.
- The formation of a spot or several spots of gray or yellow.
- Vesicle formation, reddening of adjacent areas.

If the treatment of interdigital fungus on the legs is not started in time, then in an advanced form this pathology can turn into onychomycosis. Initially, the fungus appears on the little toe, it can affect the big toe, after which it will move to other fingers. At the same time, the nail plates begin to deform and turn yellow. In parallel with this, the risk of fungus on the hands increases.
Medication treatment
How to treat interdigital fungus on the legs? First of all, you need to start with a diagnosis, an appropriate examination. Based on the results of these procedures, the most effective method of therapy should be selected. As a rule, treatment is carried out using medications for oral and external use. Also, experts recommend using folk remedies for interdigital fungus in the complex. Effective drug treatments for this disease should be considered separately.
Answering the question of how to treat interdigital fungus, first of all it is worth mentioning special ointments, which are veryeffective at the initial stage of the development of the disease. You can use them if the skin is still slightly itchy, and between the fingers there is a slight peeling. Regular application of such funds for a month helps to completely get rid of the causative agent of the fungus. To accelerate the positive effect, it is recommended to pre-cleanse and steam the feet. The most effective ointments are:
- "Mikoseptin".
- "Mycosolone".
- "Clotrimazole".

Solutions are another type of remedy that is applied locally in the fight against interdigital fungus. Such drugs are used in the form of compresses and lotions that are placed between the toes on the affected areas. Solutions diluted in water can also be used for taking baths. The most effective of these solutions are the following:
- "Fetimin".
- "Octicyl".
- "Nitrofungin".
Treatment with the use of tablets is most often used when interdigital fungus is observed already in advanced form. Medications have a complex healing and antimycotic effect on the human body as a whole. For these purposes, specialists most often prescribe the following drugs:
- "Fluconazole".
- "Terbinafine".
- "Irunin".
- "Orungal".
- "Griseofulvin".
- "Ketoconazole".

In most cases, the use of medications is combined in combination with the above external agents, as well as with their analogues. The complex of drugs for systemic treatment should be selected exclusively by a specialist. Self-medication can provoke complications, as well as severe side effects.
Folk remedies
Recipes of traditional medicine are used as adjuvants in complex therapy, as well as for preventive purposes. Alternative recipes will be effective in self-treatment if mycosis of the toes occurs only at an early stage. Such remedies can be prepared independently at home, using improvised ingredients. As a rule, this should include soda, s alt, various herbal preparations from which bath solutions are made.
Soda or s alt baths
A very popular and affordable method for quick recovery and prevention of interdigital fungus are baths based on soda or s alt. For the simplest recipe, you will need 1 liter of water, which should be heated to body temperature. 2 tablespoons of baking soda or s alt are added to it. The liquid must be stirred well so that the powder in the water is completely dissolved. After that, the feet should be lowered into a container, hold for half an hour. Next, the steamed legs must be cleaned of existing seals from deadepidermis particles.
Such baths should be carried out at least 2 times a day, it is advisable to organize one procedure before bedtime. If there are suspicions of interdigital mycosis, then you can combine this procedure with ointments, as well as other folk remedies, in order to fully recover.

Herbal baths
For these purposes, you can use dry or fresh collections of your own preparation. But in the pharmacy now you can buy any medicinal herbs. As a rule, a decoction to combat mycosis is prepared on the basis of plantain, chamomile and celandine. You need to take 3 tablespoons of this mixture, pour 1 liter of boiled water. Wait until the water has cooled to an acceptable temperature, then lower your feet into it for 20 minutes. After this time, clean the skin from dead particles.
This procedure is also ideal for the prevention of athlete's foot. At the initial stage of the disease, with the help of herbal baths, you can completely overcome it.
To prevent the development of fungus on the skin between the toes, you must follow some preventive measures:
- Wear replacement shoes in pools, baths.
- Wear true-to-size shoes made from natural materials.
- Constantly monitor your he alth, engage in physical activity.
- Regularly disinfect personal belongings and shoes, bed linen, floor coverings if someone in the family has athlete's foot.

Interdigital fungus is a very unpleasant disease, but you can get rid of it quite easily at home, with the help of medications and traditional medicine recipes.