Often, after the removal of a wisdom tooth, patients complain that the gums swell and hurt. There are many reasons for this, so it is better not to delay visiting a doctor, as it is important to assess the severity of the problem in time.
Features of physiology

Differences of wisdom teeth from others are not only in their rather late maturation, but also in anatomy, location and possible development of complications.
Anatomically, their structure is very similar to an ordinary molar (chewing tooth). They have a wide crown with tubercles located on it, there are also from one to several roots, they can be fused or intertwined with each other, and this makes it very difficult to remove a wisdom tooth. Due to the lack of space in the dentition, the proximity of the ligaments and chewing muscles, the eighth molars often tilt, move to the side and grow into the cheek. It also happens that they cannot cut through at all. The complexity of therapy and removal is quite obvious.
When should I delete?
If the patient is lucky, and his last molar is located exactly in the dentition and erupted to the end, then hisrecommend brushing and even, if necessary, treating. At this point, doctors advise to keep them. They also remove nerves, treat canals and put on crowns. Of course, this is very rare, but it does happen. When a molar interferes with eating, there is an unbearable smell from the mouth, since it is not possible to clean it well, inflammation of the gums is provoked or it grows incorrectly, thereby pushing others, then the wisdom tooth is removed on the lower jaw or on the upper one.
Removal Features

Naturally, there is an inflammatory process around the tooth, pus, severe pain, destruction of the crown or its location in the thickness of the bone, all this greatly complicates the removal process. In any case, the doctor will provide good anesthesia of the area, if there is purulent inflammation, then the effect of the anesthetic will be much worse.
To remove the wisdom tooth, there are special forceps, as well as devices for peeling hard-to-reach roots (elevators). Most often, after such a procedure, the pain in the jaw persists for several days and gradually decreases. In the first days, patients note an increase in edema, there is also pain during food sticking, and mouth opening is limited. When all is well, then over time, unpleasant consequences pass. If, after the removal of the wisdom tooth, the hole bleeds, the body temperature rises, the swelling increases, an unbearable smell from the mouth occurs, then in such cases it is necessary to consult a dentist. The most common complications are due to:
- complexity of the procedure;
- Patient follow-up;
- the presence of an inflammatory course at the time of removal;
- injury;
- depth of the tooth in the hole.
What to do after deletion?
If there is a possibility of infection of the problem area, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to the patient. It is required to use the medicine in the right dosage and a certain number of days. And after the removal of the lower wisdom tooth or the upper one, the following recommendations of the doctor must be observed.
- In the well, the doctor puts a gauze swab, it needs to be removed after 10 minutes. If it remains there longer, it can cause infection of weeping tissues, as a result of which the formation of a blood clot will be difficult, so you should not keep it for a long time.
- For several hours it is forbidden to drink or eat hot - this provokes vasodilation, bleeding is formed in the hole and an infection develops.
- On the day of the removal of the upper or lower wisdom tooth, it is forbidden to take a steam bath, drink alcohol, take a hot bath, and avoid strong physical exertion. All of these actions increase blood pressure, therefore increasing the risk of bleeding.
- When the doctor sutures the gum, you do not need to open your mouth wide during the first day.
- It's not worth warming your cheek, it's better to apply cold. Heat can increase swelling, cause bleeding, vasodilation and spread of infection.
- Do not rinse your mouth, you can remove blood from the holea clot responsible for the formation of bone and gum tissue in the place of the former tooth. Most often, the doctor prescribes soda and herbal baths. To do this, the patient fills his mouth with liquid and tilts his head towards the wound and simply holds the solution for a few seconds, then spits out.
- On the day of the removal of the upper wisdom tooth or the lower one, it is allowed not to brush your teeth at night, so as not to injure. You should also avoid eating foods with small grains or abusing foods that are hard, spicy, or irritating to the wound area.
- Do not examine the hole with a toothpick, tongue or brush. When there is a feeling that there is something superfluous in it, it is better to consult a doctor. Sometimes it happens that this discomfort leaves a medicine specially placed there by a doctor. Most often, it does not need to be eliminated, as it will resolve on its own.

After the removal of the lower or upper wisdom tooth, the patient may experience various unpleasant symptoms. Very often the gum becomes inflamed and the cheek swells. There is discomfort when swallowing food and opening the mouth. The above symptoms may be common postoperative manifestations that will pass on their own within a few days, or are the result of various complications.
- Simple removal - if there are no complications when pulling out the eighth molar, then most often postoperative troubles will pass quickly enough. Swelling and pain are quite normal phenomena, since during the procedure thenerve endings and soft tissues, so some discomfort must be tolerated for several days.
- Complex extraction is an operation during which the doctor needs to cut the gum to pull out the wisdom tooth piece by piece. Thus, the removal of the molar that has not erupted is done with drilling of the bone tissue. With complex manipulations, further pain cannot be avoided, and their intensity will be directly proportional to the invasiveness of the operation, the individual pain threshold and the speed of wound healing.
After such an operation, the patient may experience discomfort for a week, sometimes it takes up to 10 days. The main indicator of wound healing is a decrease in the intensity of pain. When only an increase in discomfort is observed, and it is pulsating and aching in nature, which practically does not disappear after the use of analgesics, then you should definitely visit a dentist.
Causes of pain
There are many factors that provoke pain in the jaw after the removal of a wisdom tooth:
- as a result of needle damage to blood vessels;
- due to trauma to neighboring teeth or crowns;
- sometimes bleeding occurs;
- there is a formation of suppuration of bone tissue, which is called osteomyelitis;
- very rare, but it still happens when a dentist incorrectly calculates the force, and at the moment of impact on the jaw of an elderly person, it breaks;
- sometimes there is damage to the nerve endings, because of this there is a violation of diction and numbness;
- datingoccurrence of phlegmon.
Sometimes the causes of pain can be the development of the following troubles:
- Trigeminal neuritis - this disease occurs in patients after the removal of a wisdom tooth in the lower jaw, since that is where the trigeminal nerve is located, and in the case when the root is very deep, the specialist can also touch the nerve. Unpleasant sensations in this case are shooting and unexpected. As a rule, not only the gums are affected, but also the temples, neck and eyes. There is no redness or swelling in the gums.
- Incorrect wisdom tooth extraction. Not everyone knows what the patient does in this case, so it is imperative to contact the doctor again, since the doctor most likely did not completely remove the cyst or root. Thus, he provoked pain and inflammation.
- Alveolitis is a disease that manifests itself due to inflammation of the molar hole. It is formed due to the fact that failures occur in the formation of a blood clot, due to which the hole is tightened. Because of this, an infection appears that provokes pain and swelling of the gums. The disease occurs mainly after complex operations.
Swelling duration

Removing a wisdom tooth is a rather difficult process, so swelling appears, sometimes it is accompanied by a hematoma. Such a problem may signal the presence of such pathologies as:
- allergic process to various drugs;
- that there may be small remnants of a molar in the gum;
- about significantgum damage;
- about the inflammatory process in the gums.
If the gum or cheek swells after the removal of a wisdom tooth, then it is strictly not allowed to apply warm compresses, only cold will improve the condition. It is recommended to perform the procedure daily 3-4 times a day and keep it for approximately 20 minutes. Edema can also cause physical stress. After removal, complete rest and rest for at least three days is recommended. Compresses, folk remedies and rinses can ease the problem.
There are various consequences of removing a wisdom tooth, if left untreated, it provokes many problems:
- Often, inflammatory processes in the gums are accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature, cheek swelling and general weakness. And there is also a not very pleasant smell coming out of the mouth, and a taste of pus.
- It is normal for some bleeding to occur after surgery and should stop after 20 minutes. If a person has reduced blood clotting, then this process will take a little longer. When bleeding lasts for several hours and there is a significant tendency for it to increase, this indicates damage to a large vessel, such a problem requires a quick visit to the doctor.
- If an infection gets into the hole after pulling out, then the healing process is accompanied by suppuration. The main signs of inflammation are severe pain that does not go away for a long time, headaches, as well as the presence of an unpleasant odor and purulentsecretions. If any signs of pathology appear, it is urgent to see a doctor.
Stages of healing

Many are interested: after the removal of a wisdom tooth, how long does the hole heal, because no one has the desire to endure unpleasant symptoms. All patients have their own characteristics of tissue repair, and the terms of complete recovery are completely different.
- After surgery, the wound heals on average in a few weeks. There are times when the hole remains very deep, so the gum needs to be sewn up. But it should be noted that the stitches do not prolong the healing period, but rather shorten it.
- Overgrowing the hole is not the last stage of recovery. Full recovery most often takes about six months, but the patient will hardly feel this, as the pain will pass, and he will be able to lead a normal life.
- After a few weeks, the next stage begins. During this period, bone tissue will form. After a month and a half, the wound will be completely filled with it.
- The third stage is responsible for the formation of bone tissue, which is located at the site of the tooth roots.
- The last phase involves the fusion of the bones of the socket and jaw. If there are no complications, then this period ends after six months. When there are problems, three more months may be added.
Drugs for pain relief
Unpleasant sensations that arose after tooth extraction must simply be endured. If thisimpossible to do, then you can use the following painkillers:
- "Ketanov" or its analogue "Ketorol" is a very strong remedy that is prescribed only by a doctor. It is a toxic drug, but it removes discomfort almost immediately, it lasts up to 6 hours.
- "Analgin" - it is required to take into account that this drug can cope with minor pain.
- "Nimesulide" - you can buy it only by prescription, it has a pronounced effect that occurs during the first 15 minutes.
- "Spazmalgon" - can overcome mild pain, also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
- "Baralgin" removes mild seizures, it contains analgin.
All of the above drugs are recommended to be used only as prescribed by the doctor, so that they do not provoke even more complications.

In order to protect the wound from infection, after the removal of a wisdom tooth in the upper jaw or lower jaw, you can use various rinsing preparations. To do this, apply:
- "Stomatodin";
- "Chlorhexidine";
- Rivanol;
- Miramistin;
- Furacilin.
It must be remembered that earlier than a day later, it is not allowed to use rinses, as this is fraught with the loss of a blood clot. It is also required to take into account that rinsing should not be very active, it is better to perform antiseptic baths more often. To do this, the solution is drawn into the mouth, and the head leans to the side.healing wound, after spitting.
All solutions to eliminate the effects of wisdom tooth extraction should be cool. This is done because bacteria multiply very actively in a warm environment, and this is fraught with an increase in the inflammatory process. Alcohol solutions are not suitable for such purposes, as gum burns can be provoked. Therefore, it is better to ask the doctor what to choose.
Folk Therapy
If the gum hurts after the removal of a wisdom tooth, then you can use folk recipes.
- Soda baths are required, and after the first day you can rinse with the same solution.
- It is recommended to apply a cold compress within a day after pulling out. For these purposes, a bottle of cold water or ice is suitable. The compress is required to be placed on the cheek on the affected side.
- If after the removal of a wisdom tooth on the upper jaw or on the lower jaw there is pain, then decoctions of St. John's wort, oak bark, chamomile or sage can be used. Using such baths will help heal the wound faster and relieve pain.
- A day later, the gums are allowed to rinse with a decoction of onion peel. The procedure must be repeated several times a day.
- You can make a decoction of pine cones, for which you need to take 2 cones and fill them with 500 ml of boiling water. Next, send to the fire and steam for about 10 minutes, then strain and rinse.
- Chicory rinse helps a lot. One teaspoon of the powder must be steamed with 200 ml of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. Further use forbaths or for rinsing.
- Another wonderful remedy is an infusion of chamomile. It has a healing effect, and also relieves some pain, so it is often used for therapy.
Further care

When the gum hurts after the removal of a wisdom tooth, this is a very unpleasant symptom, therefore, in order to try to prevent it, you must:
- do not drink or eat for the next three hours after the operation;
- do not eat too hard and hot food for the first couple of days;
- do not overexert yourself emotionally and physically;
- For a week, forget about alcohol and smoking;
- do not go to the gym, sauna and hot tub for at least a week;
- if the air is cold, it is preferable to breathe through the mouth;
- do not disturb the wound;
- if not necessary, try not to rinse your mouth;
- better not chew on the injured side and brush your teeth gently enough.
If you adhere to the above actions, then literally in two weeks the patient will be able to lead a normal life, and pain will not cause discomfort to him.
Wisdom tooth extraction is a surgical procedure that very often causes various problems, thereby making life difficult for people. According to patients, this is not a very pleasant manipulation, which for several more days causes considerable discomfort. But many of them claim that after removing an improperly growing tooth, they feel much better.
According to doctors,in order to reduce possible complications, it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations left by them, since very often it is the patients who provoke he alth problems by their actions. If the ailment lies in a more serious circumstance, then they do not advise to pull and hope that everything will go away on its own. The sooner you seek help, the sooner the patient will recover. Indeed, according to reviews, the removal of a wisdom tooth is not a very pleasant procedure.