Kirkazon: medicinal properties, description. The use of kirkazon in gynecology

Kirkazon: medicinal properties, description. The use of kirkazon in gynecology
Kirkazon: medicinal properties, description. The use of kirkazon in gynecology

Kirkazon occupies a special place among medicinal plants that have effective healing properties. He owns a century-long history of use by people. Other names: fever grass, aristocholia, childbirth, cinchona, camphor grass.

Kirkazon Manchurian medicinal properties
Kirkazon Manchurian medicinal properties

Kirkazon is a herbaceous plant with a peculiar unpleasant smell, which, once felt, can be remembered for a lifetime. The herb kirkazon, whose medicinal properties are not known to us, is no less useful than other well-known medicinal plants. It would be useful to pay attention to it and take it into service in the fight against diseases, especially gynecological ones.

Kirkazon: places of growth and its types

Places of growth of kirkazon - coasts of seas and rivers, swampy meadows and ravines, steppe zone. Some species of this plant are observed in European forests and in the forests of Russia.

kirkazon clematis curative properties
kirkazon clematis curative properties

Kirkazon, which grows in vegetable gardens and orchards, is considered a weedgrass. In addition to the usual appearance of this representative of the flora, others are quite common: round, long, clematis-shaped and Manchurian.

Kirkazon ordinary: description

Kirkazon clematis is a perennial plant about 65-80 cm high. Its roots are branched. The stem is erect, there are few branches, the color is light green. Leaves petiolate, heart-shaped, sometimes rounded. Their color is matte green, length - 10 cm.

The flowers are irregularly shaped, yellow, located at the base of the leaves in bunches of 3-7 pieces. The fruit is a pear-shaped hanging box about 10 cm long. During ripening, it opens.

Inside the box are numerous flat, trihedral, brownish seeds. Flowering kirkazon begins in May and continues until July. Begins to bear fruit in July.

Kirkazon clematis: medicinal properties

Experts of official medicine conducted a very thorough study of clematis auricone. They concluded that this plant deserves attention.

kirkazon medicinal properties
kirkazon medicinal properties

It was found that aristolochic acids, resins, essential oil are found in the herb and roots of the kirkazon plant. Medicinal properties are manifested by anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic, analgesic and wound healing effects.

It is also known that aristoloquine establishes the correct heart rhythm and at the same time dilates blood vessels. The whole human body feels the tonic effect of the herb kirkazon. The medicinal properties of the plant can be noted as follows:

• Reduces blood pressure.

• Has a choleretic and diuretic effect.

• Improves kidney function.• Detrimental to bacteria.

Traditional healers successfully use clematis aureus for the treatment of purulent wounds. In this case, they prefer the fresh juice of the plant and tinctures. With mastitis, furunculosis and skin itching, compresses are made from aqueous infusions of the herb kirkazon. In minimal doses, preparations from the plant are used for edema, gout, neurasthenia, as well as during mental and physical overwork of the body.

Healing properties of kirkazon in gynecology

There is a lot of information on how to get rid of various he alth problems. Gynecological diseases can also be treated in different ways. I would like to believe that there is a miracle plant, with the help of which all sores will recede and be left alone forever. It is impossible not to recall the herb kirkazon, whose medicinal properties in gynecology, due to antimicrobial and analgesic effects, are considered invaluable. Aqueous infusions of the plant have an effective effect in the treatment of fibroids, fibroids, polyps, cysts and erosion.

kirkazon medicinal properties in gynecology
kirkazon medicinal properties in gynecology

Very often gynecological diseases are manifested by menstrual irregularities. Kirkazon comes to the rescue again. The medicinal properties of the plant in this case will help to cope with the delay and lack of menstruation.

The patient can adopt the following recipe: in 300 ml of water at room temperature, place two teaspoons of raw materials (herbs) andleave to infuse for 6-8 hours. Drink infusion 1, 5 months, 2 tbsp. spoons 4 times a day. There are times when one course is enough to achieve a lasting result. If this is not enough, the second and third courses of treatment should be carried out using tincture or juice of kirkazon. You need to know that during pregnancy, treatment with kirkazon is strictly prohibited.

Manchurian Kirkazon: medicinal properties

Manchurian Aristolochia, which is found in China and Korea, on the southern side of Primorsky Krai, is an unusually shaped plant. Climbing bushes and trees up to 20 meters, it winds counterclockwise, forming a beautiful mosaic of leaves.

It is also a he althy plant. Manchurian kirkazon "hides" medicinal properties in young shoots and roots. Preparation of medicinal raw materials is carried out during flowering. People's physicians in China and Korea have long begun to use Manchurian chirkazone as an anticancer and cardiotropic agent. When bitten by poisonous snakes and as an analgesic, a decoction of the roots is used.

Contraindications to the use of drugs from chircason

Scientists have proven that, despite its beneficial properties, kirkazon is a poisonous plant. This is very important to know! Many countries have banned the use of drugs that contain aristocholium. Treatment in their territories can be carried out only in exceptional cases and under the supervision of doctors.

herb kirkazon medicinal properties
herb kirkazon medicinal properties

After contact with the plant, an allergy is possible, a placetouch is similar to a chemical burn of the first or second degree.

The use of kirkazon by children is strictly prohibited, also with liver and kidney failure, gastritis and pregnancy.
