Stuffed ear: causes and treatment

Stuffed ear: causes and treatment
Stuffed ear: causes and treatment

A person experiences discomfort if his ear is stuffed up. The causes of this symptom may be different. We will talk about how to eliminate the symptom in this article.

Stuffed ear: physiological reasons

stuffy ear cause
stuffy ear cause

Many feel this unpleasant symptom when climbing to a certain height. For example, if they climb mountains, ride in a high-speed elevator or fly on an airplane. With a sharp descent, incl. in the subway or when driving on rough roads, a person may also feel that his ears are blocked. The reason is pressure, more precisely, a sharp drop in this indicator. This often occurs at high altitude or at depth. The ear simply cannot quickly adjust to the changes, causing the eardrum to compress into the Eustachian tube. Therefore, a person feels that his ear is stuffed up. The reasons mentioned above give you a "normal" feeling that shouldn't bother you too much. But if you notice such a symptom quite often or if it is accompanied by pain, be sure to consult a doctor and be examined.

If you do not experience any discomfort during pressure drops, this may also be the norm. The pressure changes byone atmosphere.

Stuffed ear: causes of pathology

lays ears cause pressure
lays ears cause pressure

Such a symptom may indicate the presence of diseases, incl. Eustachitis (inflammation of the Eustachian tube). If you feel stuffy in your ear during a cold, make sure that inflammation has not developed. If a child constantly stuffs up his ears, the reason may lie, surprisingly, in diseases of the nose (sinusitis, deviated septum, polyps or overgrown adenoids).

Sometimes a symptom may indicate hearing loss - hearing loss associated with damage to the auditory nerve. In some cases, congestion is a consequence of otitis media suffered in childhood.

But ears can also be laid in the presence of hypertension, coronary brain disease, traumatic brain injuries or heart problems. Get a comprehensive examination to identify the cause of your condition.

constantly laying ears cause
constantly laying ears cause

A common cause of congestion is CNS disease, in which the necessary drugs and vitamins are prescribed gr. C. To detect hearing impairment, a special audio program is assigned, which is analyzed by a specialist.

What can I do to quickly clear congestion?

There are times when a symptom like this needs to be addressed quickly. For example, when taking off an airplane or descending into the subway. One of the recommendations is to put vasoconstrictor drops in the nose. But this can be done very rarely. To relieve congestion, you can also open your mouth. If that doesn't help, close your mouth and nose tightly and hold your breath. Another option is to swallow quickly or drink water in small sips. If such a nuisance occurred while diving, pinch your nose and try to "exhale" through it. This will reduce pain and stabilize pressure. Do not take this symptom lightly. Perhaps he indicates the presence of a serious illness. As you know, the sooner you start treating the disease, the more successful and easier the procedures will be. Don't start your diseases!
