In childhood, it is important to monitor the pulse, this will help prevent the development of disorders of the heart and vascular system. Each deviation from the age norm will indicate the presence of a pathology with which it is necessary to consult a doctor. It is especially important to monitor the work of the heart before puberty, at the age of 10-12 years. It is necessary to know the developmental features and the pulse rate of children aged 11.
What should be the heart rate
There is no specific value for the normal heart rate of a he althy child. There are heart rate norms for children by age in the table. It depends on the age of the child, air temperature, the presence of diseases that can affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
The older a person gets, the fewer beats per minute the heart carries out. Similar dynamics can be seen as the child grows up. The pulse rate in children, depending on age, has the following indications: from 0 to 12 months, the norm is 130 beats / min.; 1-2 years - 124 bpm; 2-4 years - 115 bpm; 4-6 years old - 106 bpm; 6-8 years old - 98 bpm; 8-10 years old - 88 bpm; 10-12 years old - 80 beats / min. The guysover 12 years old - 75 bpm
The normal heart rate for children 11 years old is the range of beats 60-80 beats / min., The same rate applies to adults.
How to correctly calculate the pulse?

There are several ways to calculate the number of heart beats: by palpation or using a special medical device.

In newborns, the pulse is measured in the carotid artery, which is located on the neck. This is the only place on the body of a newborn where you can clearly hear the heartbeat. To count the number of strokes in older children and adolescents, you need to use the radial artery, for several reasons: this place is more accessible; when counting, there are no difficulties for both a child and an adult.
To feel the pulse of a teenager, you need two fingers - middle and index - placed 1-2 centimeters above the wrist. The calculation must be carried out in 15 or 30 seconds, after which the resulting figure is multiplied by 4 or 2, respectively. If a child is diagnosed with an arrhythmia, then it is better to count for the full 60 seconds for more complete information.
In a child, just like in an adult, during sleep and wakefulness, awakening, the pulse has different indicators. But for optimal information, you need to count after sleep during the awakening period. This is best done in the morning or after a nap.
To determine the heart rate for a particular child, you need to count itseveral times a day for several days. When calculating, the position of the child's body should be taken into account: at rest and lying down, the frequency will be less than in a standing or sitting position. Regardless of the gender and age of a person, doctors recommend counting in the prone position, only in this way more truthful information will be shown.

In order not to receive false data, you do not need to measure the pulse after eating, after playing sports and in a cold or hot room. This will affect the pressure of the artery walls and the rhythm rate. Only at rest can you see the true work of the heart muscle.
The heart rate in children in the table by age:
Age | Average heart rate (bpm) | Limits of heart rate (bpm) |
up to 1 month | 140 | 110-170 |
1-12mths | 130 | 102-162 |
1-2 years | 124 | 94-154 |
2-4 years | 115 | 90-140 |
4-6 years old | 106 | 86-126 |
6-8 years old | 98 | 78-118 |
8-10 years | 88 | 68-108 |
10-12 years old | 80 | 60-100 |
12-15 years old | 75 | 55-95 |
What does a rapid heartbeat indicate?
Features and indicators of the rate of heart rate in children indicate the state of he alth. If when countingheart rate for a couple of days there is a rapid heartbeat, this may be due to:
- infectious disease;
- overvoltage;
- anemia;
- endocrine disruption;
- violation of the CCC.
High heart rate is typical during sports and for a while after - this is normal. But if a rapid rhythm is observed at rest, then this is a sign with which you need to go to the doctor.
What can a low heart rate indicate
Reducing the pulse below normal indicates bradycardia. With this disease, dizziness, pallor of the skin, and high fatigue are often observed. Together with a low pulse, the development of hypotension is not excluded. Here you can ask: "What should be the pressure and pulse of the child?" The pulse rates are shown in the table above, and the pressure in a child of the age of 11 should be in the range of 70-82 mm Hg. Art. - diastolic; 110-126 mmHg Art. - systolic.
Untreated can lead to heart failure. To prevent this from happening, you need to know what the normal heart rate is for children aged 11.
Norm during physical activity

To have complete information about the work of the heart, you need to take measurements during physical exertion. You can also calculate the optimal physical activity and reduce it for a given child if it is too high.
A trainer or teacher should measure the pulse of each child at every lesson and training, and enter the data into the control log. This approachwill help reduce the development of diseases due to high load and develop trainable skills by using the right load.

You can determine the optimal level of heart rate by a simple formula: 220 - age. The resulting figure indicates the maximum permissible level of the child's pulse during physical activity. If the indicator is higher, then the load should be reduced, if it is lower, then you can slightly increase it.
High stress affects the functioning of the heart muscle. Counting should be done before training, in the middle and at the end of it. In the absence of pathologies, the heart rate should return to normal 4 minutes after the end of the workout. A longer recovery period may indicate a violation with which you need to see a doctor. In the normal state of a he althy child, pulsometry should look like this: the first two-thirds of the session, the pulse rises and reaches its peak a little later than the middle of the workout, after which it declines. The pulse immediately after the session will always be 10-20 beats higher than before the session, this is normal, but after 3-5 minutes it returns to its original state.
Features of the pulse in children

The pulse should be assessed not only by the impulses of the heart, but also by the saturation of the rhythm. The pulse in a child from 1 to 11 years old gradually decreases. Often in children aged 2-11 years, respiratory arrhythmia can be observed, this is not considered a deviation. It is characterized by rhythm disturbances during inhalation and exhalation, with the first it increases, with the second it decreases. In order to excludeany pathology, when examining a child, you need to hold your breath to get clear information. In the absence of diseases, the pulse will be even, clear, arrhythmia pathologies will not be observed. This phenomenon will disappear by itself with the growing up of the child. In adolescence, respiratory arrhythmia is not observed.
HR in sleep
At rest during sleep, the body slows down the work of all systems, thereby reducing the need for nutrients. In a child over the age of one year, the pulse may drop to 60-70 beats per minute. In infants up to a year, the heart rate will be 80 beats / min. The older the body, the lower the heart rate during sleep. If a person does not play sports on a regular basis and during his sleep the heart rate is below 50 bpm, then you need to make an appointment with a doctor. Only athletes who regularly go to training have a heart rate below 50 bpm. at rest is the norm, since their heart pumps more blood per minute than in an untrained body. Above you could get acquainted with the norm of heart rate in children by age.
What affects the frequency of strokes
If the body has no pathologies, then deviations from the norm of the pulse in children of 11 years old are allowed by 10 beats in the direction of increasing and decreasing the indicator. This may be influenced by the following factors:
- baby gender;
- physical activity;
- puberty;
- aerobic training.
If the child is in one of these states, then deviations from the norm are allowed, but if something bothers you as a parent in the state of the child, it is better to contactdoctor.
Reasons for rising and falling heart rate
Tachycardia can be caused by pathological causes at any age. But there are a number of main factors that cause tachycardia:
- fever;
- anemia;
- heart disease;
- respiratory system disorders;
- dehydration;
- violations of the autonomic function;
- increased thyroid function.
Bradycardia can also occur at any age due to a pathological cause. A decrease may indicate the presence of one of the diseases:
- electrolyte imbalance;
- severe form of brain disease;
- infections;
- toxin poisoning;
- myocarditis;
- poor thyroid function;
- congenital heart disease.
During a general examination, the measurement of the pulse is mandatory, since the obtained value can tell about the violations of the child's he alth.
Measurement methods

The most accessible method of counting heart beats, which does not require special equipment, is palpation.
To listen to heart beats, use a tonometer. This method is called "auscultation".
You can use heart rate monitors and sphygmographs, the result will be shown on the corresponding graph.
Before the study, the child must be at rest for at least 15 minutes, so that the result is objective and reflects the true state of the heart. child poseshould be alone, he should not spin, run, jump. The most correct position is horizontal.
After reaching the age of fifteen, the heart rate rate is equal to the indicators characteristic of an adult. Fluctuating heart rate throughout the day is normal. The cause for panic may be an unreasonable strong decrease or increase in the indicator.
What to do with a tachycardia attack
During physical exertion or an emotional outburst, a child may experience a tachycardia attack lasting from 3 to 180 minutes. If the rhythm does not improve for a long time, then you should call a doctor, and before the ambulance arrives, you need to do the following:
- calm baby;
- provide oxygen access;
- for children from 3 years of age apply cold to the forehead;
- give cool clean water.
Parents at this time need to be calm and not panic, so as not to alarm the baby. The pulse rate for a child of 11 years old in the table is presented above, for your own peace of mind it is better to study it more closely.
What to do with bradycardia
Without prerequisites, a child will not develop bradycardia. When a pathology appears, it is necessary to conduct a complete examination, according to its results, treatment is prescribed. The vaccination schedule in this case is formed individually for the child.
In the future, the pulse should be monitored at least several times a day. Many factors can influence its condition, which must be taken into account when determining the indicator. Regular recording of deviations from the norm requires mandatoryvisits to a specialized doctor. A child 11-12 years old should have a pulse rate of 80 + -10 beats per minute.