You may have already heard such an unusual word as bulimia, but did not pay much attention to it. But since now you are wondering “bulimia, what is it”, it means that the whole thing is either in your curiosity, or you yourself, or someone close to you, have encountered this disease.
Bulimia: what is it
Bulimia is an eating disorder in which a person consumes excessive amounts of food. Of course, everyone loves to eat, but people with bulimia do not eat because they are hungry, but just like that, without even feeling pleasure from it. A truly ill person is one who has bulimic attacks more than twice a week for more than three months.

Bulimia attacks
Bulimia, what is it? As you have already found out, this is a disease. This disease mainly affects adolescents, youth and women. It happens that patients with bulimia try to restrain themselves, but the need for food just suggests itself and wins pretty quickly. The desire to eat is very convincing and obsessive. Bulimics try to eat everything as quickly and as much as possible. They can simply swallow the pieces whole, without chewing them at all. Bulimia, what is it? This desire to eat, and so restless that people lose control of themselves. The feeling of satiety occurs only when the stomach is as full and expanded as possible. In this case, a vague feeling of satisfaction and peace comes, which, by the way, passes rather quickly.
The cause of bulimia is usually depression or any other psychological disorder. It can also arise due to any acute conflicts, for example, domestic violence. Some consider it a common addiction, similar to alcohol or drug addiction. In any case, the patient needs treatment and support.
How to recover from bulimia
Bulimia is treated with medication, and the treatment itself can take place both in a hospital and on an outpatient basis. It should be noted right away that any antidepressants are only temporarily effective, they are not able to prevent relapse, so they are accompanied by a diet and constant psychological support. It is psychological support that is given special attention, and they have several directions:

- Psychotherapeutic groups. Thanks to such groups, there is a break with isolation, because it is in loneliness that people with bulimia have seizures. In such groups, sick people feel quite comfortable, as they realize that next to them there is a person who, perhaps, is even worse off than he is. At such events, each patient tells his story, and specialistsat this time, the exact cause of bulimia can be identified.
- Psychotherapy. During a personal visit to a psychotherapist, a specialist tries to eliminate the previously identified cause of bulimia.
- Escort. It is very important that after recovery, the patient visits a psychotherapist occasionally, as relapses are possible.