A colon tumor is a diagnosis that can shock any patient, as well as all members of his family. It is often possible to diagnose this disease very late, so doctors sometimes have to resort to traumatic and dangerous operations. Often after this, the patient remains with a disability for the rest of his life. At the same time, modern methods of therapy allow us to count on a successful outcome in the treatment of even malignant neoplasms of the intestine. Most importantly, the patient himself should consult a doctor in a timely manner.
Description of the disease

A tumor of the colon can occur in any part of the intestine. Most often, doctors find it in the sigmoid, cecum, or rectum.
In general, the large intestine is the final section of the gastrointestinal tract. It is subdivided into colonic, blind,straight and sigmoid. It is here that the process of absorption of nutrients from food, as well as the formation of feces from undigested residues.
The large intestine is located in the shape of a semicircle, starting in the groin area on the right side. Then it rises up to the right hypochondrium, passes into the left hypochondrium and descends into the pelvic cavity.
It is worth recognizing that a tumor of the colon, most often, develops in elderly patients, they are at risk. This disease is especially feared by those who had relatives in the family with a tumor of the same type, as well as those suffering from gastroenterological diseases. For example, diverticulosis, colitis, polyposis. The probability of facing a tumor is also high for those who do not lead a he althy lifestyle: they smoke, suffer from overeating and obesity, and consume little fiber.
With a hereditary predisposition to cancer, genetic testing is worth it. It will help prevent the development of a colon tumor.
The disease progresses
Whether the tumor will rapidly grow in size and metastasize depends on the specific form of cancer. Most often, by the time the doctor makes a diagnosis, the disease is already in an advanced stage. So without intensive treatment, about half of patients die within the first year after the onset of overt symptoms.
Every year, 0.03% of Russians are diagnosed with colon cancer. In fact, this is a fairly high figure, since, unlike most other pathologies, the prognosis for the recovery of such patientsquite low. The statistics around the world remain alarming: the number of cases is increasing almost every year.
In developed countries, screening for colon cancer has recently been introduced at the state level for all citizens over 50 years of age. If the tumor is detected at an early stage, then the probability of a complete cure is above 90 percent. When the disease is in the second stage, the probability decreases to 75%, and in the third - to 45%. If the cancer managed to metastasize, as a rule, secondary tumors affect the liver, then only 5-10% of patients manage to avoid imminent death.

Knowing the features of treatment and symptoms of a colon tumor, you will be informed about this pathology if you encounter this disease. At the initial stage of the disease, when the tumor occupies only a small area of \u200b\u200bthe mucous membrane, it is impossible to independently detect it in oneself. A person simply will not have any signs of deterioration in well-being.
At the second stage, the tumor grows into the intestinal wall, affecting the serous and muscular layers. But even in this case, the person does not suspect any danger. The only sign that can be a symptom of a colon tumor is aching pain in the abdomen that recurs periodically, and profuse gas formation. But even these symptoms do not always appear. It depends on the location of the tumor. First of all, the disease makes itself felt when it develops in the sigmoid part of the intestine, which is considered the narrowest. Symptoms may alsomanifest itself depending on the growth rate of the neoplasm and its other features.
At the third stage, there are already obvious signs of a colon tumor. At this stage, it is already possible to accurately determine cancer. The patient begins to have serious problems with bowel movements: diarrhea, constipation, increased frequency of bowel movements, blood appears in the stool, and abdominal pain becomes permanent.
The fourth stage is called terminal. All of the above symptoms get worse. A large neoplasm in volume can block the lumen existing in the intestine. Because of this, the patient develops acute intestinal obstruction. In this case, urgent surgical intervention is necessary. At this stage, the most obvious symptoms of a colon tumor are determined. Treatment is required immediately, but it does not always bring results.
In the third and fourth stages, most patients already know their diagnosis. Sometimes the manifestations of the disease frighten them so much that the visit to the doctor is delayed until the very last moment. This happens especially often in families in which someone has already died of colon cancer. In such a situation, it is extremely important that loved ones do not ignore the symptoms. If your relative has lost his appetite, he has become haggard and thin, and his mood has become melancholy, you must insist that he see a doctor.

You can count on effective treatment if the tumor is small. Exactlytherefore, special attention should be paid to preventive examinations by a gastroenterologist, which includes fecal occult blood tests.
After the patient turns 40, such examinations should be taken every three years, and occult blood tests should be taken every year. This is one of the most reliable methods for diagnosing this disease.
In some cases, the patient may be prescribed a colonoscopy, that is, a procedure in which a large part of the intestine (about one meter) will be carefully examined. Also in the diagnosis, irrigoscopy is used - this is an x-ray of the intestine. At the same time, it is first filled with a contrast agent using an enema.
During these procedures, the doctor may perform a biopsy, that is, take a small piece of the intestinal mucosa for detailed and thorough examination under a microscope. This is a virtually painless procedure and a must for all patients with colon polyps.
An important part of the diagnostic process is ultrasound. With its help, you can find out how much the tumor has spread, whether metastases have appeared in the liver. This study is carried out both during surgery and during endoscopy.
Liver scintigraphy, MRI is used to assess the presence of distant metastases. In some cases, it is possible to prescribe a laparotomy and laparoscopy.
Types of cancer

Tumor of the colon, in addition to being benign andmalignant, subdivided into several types. This will be discussed below.
Classification of a tumor of the large intestine is carried out according to the forms of its growth. In particular, allocate:
- endophytic (in this case, it grows into the intestinal wall);
- exophytic (the tumor spreads into the intestinal lumen);
- saucer-shaped (turns into an ulcerous tumor, which simultaneously grows both in the lumen and in the thickness of the intestine).
There are several varieties and types of cells from which this tumor is formed. This is important in determining the degree of malignancy of the tumor. The type can be determined based on the results of a histological examination of its tissues, which are obtained during surgery or a biopsy.
Among the tumors of the colon, one should distinguish adenocarcinoma (it is subdivided according to the degree of cell differentiation), colloid cancer, undifferentiated and cricoid cancer.
The degree of cell differentiation is extremely important to know in order to make an accurate prognosis of a colon tumor.
Treatment tactics

One of the important conditions for the successful treatment of this disease is an accurate diagnosis. Only having complete information about the tumor, the oncologist will be able to choose the right tactics. Considering that the majority of patients with this disease are elderly, and that the disease is often detected at a fairly late stage, surgical intervention becomes meaningless. If metastases have begun, this approach can only worsen the conditionpatient.
It must be remembered that the doctor's task is not only to eliminate cancer (in some cases it is simply impossible to do this), but also to improve the patient's quality of life. There are cases where patients with stage 4 colon cancer lived for many years with a tumor without suffering from symptoms, thanks to the correct method of treatment.
Cancellation of operation

Recently, in developed countries, in the treatment of colon tumors, doctors are increasingly refusing surgery in favor of chemotherapy. For example, this is done in the USA, Israel, Germany. Other effective approaches are also being used that can significantly reduce the size of the underlying neoplasm and the spread of metastases.
Even despite the large number of side effects, it is chemotherapy that remains the most effective method of fighting against colon tumors (a photo of the disease is given in the article) Reviews of patients who managed to cope with the disease using this method only confirm these words. Special drugs begin to simultaneously affect metastases and the underlying tumor. After each course of such therapy, the chances of recovery only increase. It is important to choose the right medicine, as well as regularly conduct diagnostics so that the effect of chemotherapy can be assessed as objectively as possible.
Targeted therapy is also used for benign colon tumors. It involves the appointment of monoclonal antibody preparations that can directly affect the tumor. They areblock its blood supply, thereby killing malignant cells. Unlike chemotherapy, these drugs do not harm other tissues and organs and have minimal side effects.
For colon cancer, radiotherapy is used before and after surgery. First, with its help, the neoplasm is reduced, and then individual tumor cells that remain in the body are destroyed. Using this method, it is possible to minimize the likelihood of recurrence, when cancer can reappear several years after effective treatment.
Removal of a tumor of the colon today is used even at the first stage. This is considered to be the best practice. If there are no metastases in the lymph nodes, endoscopic dissection of the submucosal and mucosal colon is performed.
During this operation, special electrosurgical knives are used, which remove the affected tissue with pinpoint accuracy.
With extensive tumors and the development of metastases, part of the intestine is removed. In advanced countries, surgeons today are doing everything possible to preserve the rectal sphincter. In this case, the patient after the operation will be able to empty his intestines naturally, he will not need to form a colostomy. This is a special opening in the abdomen, into which the end of the large intestine is brought out.
The prospect of this type of cancer, especially colon cancer, terrifies many. It's not just about unfavorable prognosis and probable death, but also about the fear of losing the opportunity to lead a full-fledged lifestyle.even in case of successful treatment.
At the same time, it is worth noting that many patients who managed to defeat this disease live for many years, practically without experiencing any problems and consequences.

After getting rid of this tumor, the patient needs a full rehabilitation. As with any surgery, the first few days will be the most important. At this time, the patient is forbidden to give food and drink. He receives everything he needs intravenously. Only at the end of the first week is it allowed to introduce liquid food, provided that it is well absorbed. Typically, the patient stays in the hospital for about three weeks after surgery.
In the future, depending on the severity of the disease, additional surgical intervention to remove the colostomy, as well as therapeutic measures to help prevent the development of metastases, may be required.
Removal of a malignant tumor is often associated with serious complications. For example, necrosis, bleeding, cicatricial narrowing of organs, the formation of a hernia. Specialists will help eliminate these negative consequences after the next visit to a gastroenterologist.
Rehabilitation is especially important for patients who will have to spend the rest of their lives with a colostomy.