Gel "Sustafast" for joints: reviews, instructions, analogues

Gel "Sustafast" for joints: reviews, instructions, analogues
Gel "Sustafast" for joints: reviews, instructions, analogues

Poor nutrition, lack of regular exercise, metabolic disorders and other causes can lead to a gradual deterioration in the condition of the musculoskeletal system, which will certainly affect the quality of life. Treatment of these problems is long, expensive and not always effective.


According to buyers, Sustafast Joint Gel is an effective tool that relieves pain and destruction of bone and cartilage tissue that occurs against the background:

  • illness;
  • age-related changes;
  • injury.
Sustafast for joints reviews
Sustafast for joints reviews

The natural substances included in the composition act directly on the affected area. Immediately after application, they enter the deep layers of the skin, then into the diseased joint. People feel a reduction in discomfort immediately, and stiffness disappears after 1-2 hours.

Medication for external use:

  • reduces puffiness and inflammation;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • preventsfurther spread of the infection.

Reviews about Sustafast for joints claim that regular use allows:

  1. Restore synovial fluid volume.
  2. Restore mobility and elasticity to cartilage.
  3. Get rid of stiffness.

What symptoms does the drug cope with

The drug in a short time strengthens the musculoskeletal system and relieves the following complaints:

  • crunching in certain parts of the body;
  • muscle and joint pain;
  • signs of cartilage deformity;
  • arthritis and arthrosis.

People of different ages who used the medication, highlight its following benefits:

  • helps relieve acute pain after first use;
  • in 10 days improves the condition of arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis;
  • does not cause unwanted effects;
  • has a patented composition;
  • passed clinical trials proving safety;
  • restores normal friction, due to sufficient production of synovial fluid.
Sustafast for joints real reviews
Sustafast for joints real reviews

Most of the popular remedies do not allow you to achieve such an effect in such a short time.

Active Ingredients

Potential buyers are interested in positive feedback about Sustafast for joints and composition.

The uniqueness of the drug lies in the perfectly matched proportions of the following substances:

  • Shark liver. Removes puffiness and strengthens the localimmunity. Regenerates damaged tissues. Makes the skeleton stronger. Has an antiseptic effect.
  • Sabelnik. It has a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates interstitial processes.
  • Chondroitin. Quickly restores affected joints. Removes puffiness and strengthens ligaments. Protects the musculoskeletal system from destruction.
  • Glucosamine. Supports joints, preventing their damage. Pain reliever, relieve inflammation, relieve stiffness.
  • Clover. Saturates the connective tissue with nutrients, has an analgesic effect.
jointfast for joints reviews of doctors
jointfast for joints reviews of doctors

Chondroitin is also present in other products that are similar in effect, but the result of their continuous use is noticeable only after 2-6 months.

When not to use

The official instruction of "Sustafast" for joints does not contain information about contraindications and side effects. Manufacturers claim that the use of their drug is absolutely safe and does not harm he alth, unlike most analogues.

There are no opinions from buyers that refute this fact. Most people claim that the gel leaves a pleasant feeling after application, namely:

  • no burning, redness, itching;
  • absorbs quickly;
  • does not stain clothes.

How to use

Instructions and reviews of Sustafast for joints claim that the tube has a special applicator that allows you to save money on expensive drug.

According to the instructions from the manufacturer, the gel is applied:

  • 1-2 times a day on affected areas;
  • rubbed with massage movements.

In the inflammatory process, a special patch is used.

Course 30 days. If during this time the complaints have not stopped, the treatment is repeated in a week.

The quick effect seems incredible, but the real reviews of "Sustafast" for joints indicate a rapid improvement in he alth with regular use.

Research by the developers of the drug showed that it allegedly starts local recovery processes, and the therapeutic effect continues even after its cancellation.

Complex treatment

Despite the effectiveness of Sustafast, many doctors recommend using other drugs in the form of capsules or tablets in parallel. These include:

  • Teraflex.
  • "Chondroitin" and others.

The instruction does not contain such information. Reviews of Sustafast for joints confirm this. Doctors make their own decisions.

Speed up the appearance of the result will help:

  • Regular exercise. They will keep the muscles in good shape and support the skeleton, reducing the load and preventing further damage. All exercises should be coordinated with the doctor, because with some pathologies, one sudden movement can cause disability.
  • Contrast showers, hardening. Improve blood circulation throughout the body, which will favorably affect muscle tone and skin condition. Will establishfunctioning of the immune system.
  • Massages. Such procedures must be carried out by a qualified specialist. They will eliminate stiffness, reduce crunching and discomfort, align posture and normalize blood flow to problem areas.
Sustafast for joints instruction
Sustafast for joints instruction

The use of the above tools in conjunction with additional activities is enough to avoid problems with cartilage or eliminate them in the early stages.

Average cost

Reviews about "Sustafast" for the joints claim that the drug is not freely available.

The product is not supplied to stores and pharmacies due to the high probability of fakes. Manufacturers do not want to spoil the reputation, so you can only buy it on the official website.

As practice shows, the goods are sold on many sites that are engaged in resale.

In addition to the lack of a therapeutic effect, a counterfeit product can be harmful, because low-quality cheap raw materials are used for its production. To avoid trouble, the purchase should be made through the official representative.

"Sustafast" is available in one dosage form and package. This is a gel in a tube with a 50 ml applicator. The kit includes 3 patches to help get rid of inflammation faster.

The cost varies between 900-1200 rubles.

It is impossible to distinguish a fake from the original by eye.


It is important for patients to familiarize themselves with theinstructions for "Sustafast" for joints, analogues, reviews.

There is no drug with an identical composition, it has a similar effect:

  • "Teraflex" cream. Includes glucosamine, chondroitin, camphor, peppermint oil. The course of treatment is 4-5 weeks. The cost for 30 ml is from 800 rubles.
  • "Chondroitin" ointment. The active ingredient is chondroitin sulfate. It is applied from 14 to 60 days. The price for a tube (30 gr) is 250-300 rubles.
  • "Chondroxin" ointment, has an identical composition and action with chondroitin, but costs 300-350 rubles for 30 gr.

In pharmacies you can find a lot of funds designed to solve problems associated with disruption of the musculoskeletal system. Judging by consumer reviews, Sustafast helps faster.

Each tube comes with an annotation to avoid mistakes.

The results of studies conducted with the participation of 2500 volunteers showed that the correct use alleviates the condition of patients in 100% of cases. After the recommended course of treatment, the disease completely disappears. Separate reviews of doctors about Sustafast for joints confirm this information.

Positive patient feedback

Most patients who have experienced the effect of the gel are satisfied with the result. Their words confirm the information that relief is observed after 10 minutes after use.

People with a variety of problems turn to the help of the gel, ranging from congenital pathologies to bruises, sprains.

Unlike drugs similar in action, the drug does notprohibited during pregnancy and in pediatric practice. Moms say that a tube of gel should be in every first aid kit. He handles:

  • bruised;
  • abrasions;
  • bruises;
  • cuts;
  • burns.
Sustafast for joints reviews instruction
Sustafast for joints reviews instruction

Multicomponent composition has powerful regenerating properties and heals damaged tissues faster. Many reviews of Sustafast for joints indicate that the skin at the application sites has become elastic and smooth.

The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease and its neglect. The initial stages of diseases of the musculoskeletal system are often eliminated after a month of treatment, but many have to repeat the course.

Satisfied with the magic remedy and the elderly. They say that after the start of therapy, mobility returned, there was a feeling of lightness in the whole body.

Athletes are rescued by gel from injuries sustained in training.

As all patients note, relief from the medicine is felt even with very strong pains that do not allow getting out of bed. And this is strange, as the gel does not contain strong painkillers, and natural ingredients are not able to have such an effect. Such stories do not look like real reviews about Sustafast for joints.

There are also a lot of positive reviews about analogues, but they cannot boast of a quick result. It can be assumed that the drug really works wonders or something is not being told to buyers.

People are willing to pay big money forseveral bottles at once, praise their relatives and friends, but is there really any benefit? Doctors rarely leave reviews about Sustafast joint gel, but patients are often ready to share a fantastic cure.

There is no information on the development of side effects, although theoretically the patient may experience an allergic reaction to one of the components used.

The most pronounced effect was felt by persons used the gel in combination with other means. Most were able to overcome severe ailments, such as:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical, lumbar and thoracic;
  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • daily pain and stiffness in the morning;
  • an ache arising from the change of weather;
  • discomfort in the knees, hands, neck.

People suffering from congenital cartilage lesions claim to have also recovered.

Reviews of the Sustafast joint gel from representatives of official medicine are not so positive. They do not recognize the effectiveness of the remedy, given its composition. The components have long been used for therapeutic purposes and their properties have been thoroughly studied. It is impossible to get rid of a serious cartilage damage with their help.

Who did not help

It is difficult to find at least one negative review about the drug. Some people say that at first after the purchase they doubted its effectiveness, because they did not feel much improvement. But after looking at the instructions, they realized that they had used it incorrectly.

For maximum results, gently rub into skinmassage movements. Only in this way will all active components reach the affected area and be able to eliminate the disease.

Skeptical opinion

Many reviews of doctors about Sustafast for joints are alarming. They claim that the drug does not have the claimed qualities. For example:

  • Sabelnik allegedly promotes cartilage regeneration, in fact it is not. It is used for rheumatoid joint diseases as an anti-inflammatory agent, but its effect is not as pronounced as its manufacturers present.
  • Glucosamine. Again, it relieves inflammation and protects cartilage tissue, but does not have an analgesic effect.

In addition, drugs in this form cannot penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, and even more so the joints in the required concentration, so the effectiveness of the drug is doubtful.

Sustafast for joints analogue
Sustafast for joints analogue

Disinterested experts believe that Sustafast is useless for joints and, judging by the declared composition, cannot even anesthetize.

It is great for applying to damaged skin as an antiseptic and wound healing agent, but no more.

Skin improvement reported by patients may be due to vitamins and minerals.

Documents of state registration: yes or no

You can find a lot of information about the ongoing research of the gel, millions spent on development, but no documents confirming the effectiveness and safety of the product,no.

Those that can be seen on the main page of the site do not look believable, because they do not show the number and series of the certificate, as well as the authority that issued it.

Disturbing result that buyers get. Many pathologies are treated only promptly and cannot be corrected by conservative means.

The pharmacy sells a lot of Sustafast analogues for joints with chondroitin and glucosamine, which are taken orally, but even they are not able to solve serious problems with cartilage tissue.

sustafast gel for joints
sustafast gel for joints

None of the declared components has such a pronounced effect, so it is not clear why the gel helps patients. Perhaps the composition of the drug is not so transparent, and it contains undeclared substances, strong painkillers of synthetic origin, or something else.

Positive reviews of Sustafast joint gel can be explained by the placebo effect when a person sincerely believes in recovery.

Diseases of cartilage tissue are most relevant for the elderly. It is possible that the development of the gel was carried out mainly for this group, which is characterized by excessive credulity.

All patient reviews describe the treatment process. They say that the pain, crunch and other complaints are gone. No one tells that there was a field of drug withdrawal. How long did the effect last? After how many I had to repeat other incomprehensible moments.

The lack of such information may indicate deception. It can be assumed that people were imbued with confidence in the gel anddo not stop using it, regularly replenishing the company's budget.

Obviously, no one was involved in the check, since the medicine never got to the pharmacies. Talk about a limited number of tubes and the possibility of a fake is just an excuse, so as not to raise unnecessary questions.

The statement that treatment is cheaper than other drugs is also false. You will have to pay more than 1000 rubles for the course of treatment with Sustafast, since 1 tube is not enough for a long time. Similar herbal products are substantially cheaper.

The low price that the developers are talking about does not match the quality of the contents of the tube. At best, the Sustafast joint medicine will relieve local symptoms of the disease.

Why he alth workers praise him

Many experts tell patients about the effective "Sustafast" and recommend a course of treatment. For each vial sold on the recommendation, the doctor receives a percentage of the deal.

Prescribing to the patient in parallel a few more drugs ("Voltaren", "Chondroitin" capsules, etc.) and recommending a change in the usual way of life, the patient's condition often improves, but "Sustafast" has nothing to do with this.

In the presence of serious pathologies (cartilage deformities, osteochondrosis, etc.), there can be no quick recovery.

When a person stops paying attention to discomfort, and switches to a wonderful remedy, then the unpleasant symptoms fade away a little. It turns out that there is some benefit from the medicine, but isn't the price too high?

Most people are accustomed to believing promises, especially if they are backed up by numerous positive user reviews.

Whether or not to use Sustafast gel for joints is a personal matter for everyone, but the product clearly does not meet the stated characteristics. There is evidence that it is registered as a cosmetic product, so manufacturers should not position it as a medicine and mislead consumers.
