Alexandra Rachel is an extraordinary figure, to put it mildly. Despite the lack of appropriate education, she burst into the world of plastic surgery and attracted the interested views of not only ordinary women, but also stars. She is not afraid to make sensational statements and does not hesitate to reveal the secrets of others. Alexandra also admits that at 47 she feels young and full of energy!
Echoes from childhood
Alexandra Rachel, whose biography is covered with a considerable number of secrets, was born on November 5, 1966 in an intelligent family. Mom was a lawyer, dad was a professor. Scorpio by the sign of the Zodiac, from early childhood she knew what she wanted to achieve in this life. Already at school, Alexandra became addicted to "business": she bought things with the money saved after breakfast, and then sold them at a higher price. According to Alexandra herself,At the age of ten, she was a real angel, which is why parents heard warm words about their daughter more than once. Already at birth, it was clear that Alexandra was not offended by the attractiveness. Everything changed in an instant. By the age of eleven, Alexandra's beauty began to fade, and upon reaching her 18th birthday, it completely disappeared. At that time, the young girl had a weight of 85 kilograms, which made her seriously depressed. As Rachel herself admits, at the age of 18 she resembled a pig: prickly eyes, a stupid nose, swollen eyelids and narrow lips. It was the facial features that made Alexandra look heavy and angry.
Difficult times of change

Rachel felt real anxiety at the age of 23. At this age, all her friends have already managed to acquire a decent list of gentlemen, and some even got married, while Rachel herself remained single. Not a single guy looked in her direction, which even more instilled confidence in his own disgust. It is not surprising that very soon Alexander began to pursue an inferiority complex. The girl became very nervous, constantly crying, and when there were no tears left, it was time for aggression. Plus, Alexandra lost her friends, remaining completely unnecessary and forgotten. The way out of the situation was found unexpectedly - plastic surgery! The first operation was unsuccessful. From the ugly duckling, Alexander Rachel, whose biography is interesting to many women today, has turned into an even more ugly creature. Side effects did not pass her by, and very soonthe girl regretted the decision to trust domestic specialists.

Departure abroad
Since Alexandra Rachel could not boast of an ideal appearance before the operation, after it she forbade herself to go to the mirror at all, she saw only one way out of the situation - to go abroad. Soon things were packed, a ticket was bought, and the plane promised to take Rachel to a brighter future. Once in a foreign land, Alexandra first of all found a job and began to save money for a new surgical intervention. When the required amount has accumulated, she again went under the knife. This time everything went well, and some time later, Rachel finally felt attractive. A few years later, there was no trace of the former appearance (this moment was preceded by a couple more operations). Rachel boldly stepped into a new life, having understood once and for all that only masters can trust their own appearance!
Modern Life
Today, Alexandra Rachel, a plastic surgeon who woke up in her soul in her youth, is a successful woman, a happy wife and mother of an attractive model daughter. She publicly declares that, despite the huge number of plastic surgery clinics in the capital, only a few are able to help a woman become beautiful and believe in herself. Only competent craftsmen, who do their work with knowledge and love, should master the appearance of lovely creatures, otherwise everything can turn out tragic.
Despite the fact that Alexandra Rachel, whose biography is of interest to both men and women, is busy with hermain business - the development of a plastic surgery clinic, she found time to create a marriage agency. Alexandra herself explains this by dislike for idleness. When she cannot find something to do in the clinic, she goes in search of a hobby. Through her agency, Rachel found a life partner. It turned out to be her peer. Before the wedding with the latter, Alexandra Rachel, a plastic surgeon, whose biography is very entertaining, revolved in the company of young guys, but very soon she realized that it could not continue like this. Acquaintance with a chic man, who became the chosen one of Rachel, allowed her to take a step into a new life.

About Plastic
Alexandra Rachel, whose biography proves that a woman simply has to believe in herself, claims that plastic surgery can save any situation. She advises women to correct the mistakes made by nature, or the shortcomings that come with age, as early as possible. An expert in the field of plastic surgery, Rachel knows for sure: the more you put off the moment of transformation, the more painful the transformation will be. And the words of such a woman, indeed, are worth listening to!