Prostate tumor in men: types, symptoms and treatment

Prostate tumor in men: types, symptoms and treatment
Prostate tumor in men: types, symptoms and treatment

There are two types of prostate tumors in men - benign and malignant. In the first case, they talk about adenoma, the second option involves diagnosing cancer. Each of the diseases has specific symptoms and requires proper and responsible treatment. It must be remembered that a benign pathology can eventually transform into a more dangerous variant. Consider the features of a neoplasm localized in the prostate. Let's start with the adenoma.

General information

Adenoma is a tumor of the prostate in men, in which hyperplasia of organic tissues develops in a benign form. The prostate gland, under the influence of pathological processes, becomes larger, the organ puts pressure on the channel provided for removing urine from the body. It is possible to suspect that the time has come to see a doctor if a person notes a weakening of the outflow of urine and frequent urge to urinate,especially characteristic of the period of night rest. The onset of emptying the bladder is often difficult, there is a delay, and the urge may be sudden and sharp. Clinical manifestations of the pathological process are explained by the growth of the organ. Possible obstruction of the flow of urine, prostatism.

The clinical symptom of a prostate tumor in a man is BPH. This abbreviation hides such a benign formation, a tumor process that develops in the human body, mainly male. Up to half of all patients with this phenomenon belong to the age group over 60.

male prostate consequences of surgery
male prostate consequences of surgery

Step by step

You can suspect a disease if the process of emptying the bladder brings discomfort, is disturbed. It is customary to distinguish three successive stages in the development of the disease. At first, the bladder is sluggish, the urge to empty it becomes more frequent at any time of the day.

The second step of progress is accompanied by the accumulation of urine in the bladder. This is accompanied by the risk of complications in the form of an inflammatory process. Emptying the bladder can be a source of pain, and some may experience bleeding.

The third stage of the disease is accompanied by obstruction of the pathways for excretion of urine from the body. The channel is clogged, the bubble is filled beyond measure, while the emptying process is disturbed. In some, this leads to incontinence, in other cases it provokes a malfunction of the renal system. The reason is the growth of the prostate.

Where did the trouble come from and howdiscover

While doctors cannot say exactly why a benign prostate tumor can develop in men. Some causes and factors are known, but absolutely accurate information is not yet available. In general, the main risk criterion is advanced age. Scientists have proven that the processes of tissue hypertrophy depend on the content of testosterone in the body. For example, if a person's testicles were removed, this hormone is no longer produced, and prostate hypertrophy is not detected. Presumably, other hormonal compounds are involved. Scientists believe that hereditary predisposition and metabolic failures play a role.

If it is assumed that there are symptoms of a benign prostate tumor in a man, treatment is chosen only after a complete diagnosis and clarification of the condition. The doctor must study the client's medical history, collect all his complaints, and analyze the observed manifestations. At the international level, a common symptom assessment system has been introduced, which is a standard questionnaire filled out at the appointment. It is necessary to check seven basic criteria to understand how impaired the outflow of urine is. After examining the anamnesis, it is necessary to examine the client, palpate the rectum to determine what the shape of the gland is, how large the dimensions of the organ are. At the same time, the doctor assesses the level of soreness of the site, reveals the presence of a focus of inflammation and compacted areas. It is necessary to responsibly evaluate the patient's condition, since the symptoms may indicate a malignant disease.

prostate cancer in men
prostate cancer in men


Suspecting the need for treatment as soon as possible against the backdrop of symptoms of a prostate tumor in a man, the doctor sends the client for an ultrasound examination. With the help of such an apparatus, the bladder is evaluated in a filled state in order to determine the dimensions of the gland, how much residual urine is. Additionally, with the help of ultrasound, a transrectal assessment of the state of the gland is made. To do this, a probe in the form of a small rod is inserted through the intestine into the area of work. Such an event helps to accurately determine the dimensions of the organ, the presence and features of changes in the structure.

The next step in the study of a condition accompanied by symptoms of a prostate tumor in a man involves sonography. This event can be organized using an ultrasound machine, you can resort to the echography method. Instrumentation helps to assess the condition of the urinary tract and identify obstruction, if there is such a phenomenon. If necessary, the client can be referred for CT, MRI. Such events help to assess the risk of malignancy, as well as to identify a number of other pathologies. MRI, CT are prescribed if the case is assessed as complex.

Verification nuances

When a man has symptoms of a prostate tumor, samples of tissues and body fluids should be taken for laboratory testing. Urine is obtained to determine markers indicating inflammatory processes, infectious infection. It is necessary to determine whether there are blood inclusions in the urine. Blood is obtained to detect prostate-specific antigen. If there are indications for this, they can additionallyorder a carcinoma test.

There are many known cases of combined disease. If the internal tissues have undergone hyperplasia and an adenoma has developed, a site of a malignant process may form on the outer shells of the organ. Diagnostic measures should be organized in such a way as to accurately determine the fact of a combined disease or exclude the possibility of cancer joining.

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prostate men folk remedies

What to do?

Treatment of a benign prostate tumor in men begins only after a complete diagnosis. If the absence of malignant changes is revealed, it is recommended to start therapy when the quality of life of the patient decreases, and the state of he alth in general becomes worse. To minimize symptoms and eliminate the likelihood of further tissue growth, a medication course is prescribed. If the disease has progressed to a severe stage, minimally invasive treatment may be prescribed. Sometimes surgery is indicated.

The classic drug course includes alpha-blockers. With benign tumors of the prostate in men, "Silodosin", "Tamsolusin", "Alfuzosin" have proven themselves well. These medicines help to relax the muscle tissues of the prostate, and also correct the tone of the bladder neck, due to which the process of emptying the organ becomes easier and more painless. Such medicines are relatively well accepted by the human body, are allowed as an element of a therapeutic course for a long time period.

Effect Features

In the fight against benign prostate tumors in men, some consider herbal products to be reliable. Doctors assure: the effectiveness of such medications is quite low, especially in comparison with the effect of alpha-blockers. It is known that a prolonged course of substances that inhibit 5-alpha reductase can provoke a decrease in tumor formation. Studies have shown that such substances prevent the transformation of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, and this leads to a decrease in the size of the prostate. When prescribing a therapeutic course, one must take into account: medications can worsen the quality of a person’s sexual life, reduce his activity in an intimate aspect.

The surgeon will help

The classic treatment for a prostate tumor in a man is surgery. To some extent, this approach can be called the gold standard. As a rule, the patient is recommended transurethral electrical resection of the organ. The procedure is carried out under general anesthesia. The doctor uses a special apparatus designed for such an intervention. Organ tissues are excised and removed from the body. As the event is completed, a catheter is installed for two days - it is designed to drain urine from the bladder.

male prostate tumor treatment
male prostate tumor treatment

Another option for treating a prostate tumor in a man is open surgery. The official name is enucleation. This option is indicated if the neoplasm is very large.

An abundance of specific methods have been developed to remove excess tissue - using a laser, chilled substances,warmth. Some consider laser therapy to be one of the most successful options. In particular, vaporization is practiced, that is, the evaporation of organic tissue with a green spectrum beam. The Urolift methodology, developed as a minimally invasive one, looks promising. A pair of staples are used to secure the tissues of the gland. Staples are placed using an endoscope. Due to this, the channel for the urine duct becomes wider, while maintaining the ejaculatory function. When using other options for operating, this is often irreversibly violated.

Development of the situation: features

Reference books, in which you can find information, illustrated by a photo, about the symptoms, treatment of prostate tumors in men, characterize benign pathology as a process that develops at a low speed even in the absence of any treatment. If the drug program does not give the desired result, the patient is referred for surgery, the outcome of which is positive in the majority of cases. For the majority of patients, the prognosis is favorable. After surgery, the positive effect persists for a long time.

State Risks

If there are signs of a prostate tumor in a man who is irresponsible about his he alth, you can miss the moment of transformation of the pathology into a more aggressive one. The process of rebirth is accompanied by changes at the cellular level. The body produces specific substances, under the influence of which the smallest structures begin to actively multiply. A benign process is such a pathological cell division, within which there are no metastases, and in case of removal, the prognosis is positive, the probability of recurrence is low. Sometimes such a tumor transforms into a malignant one.

Modern scientists, studying the possible consequences of a prostate tumor in a man, found that the process of cell reproduction to some extent depends on signal proteins that determine embryonic development and the ability of tissues to regenerate. Signals are designed to preserve stem cells, thus providing the body with the opportunity to recover. Such a path is necessary in the formation of an embryo that needs an abundance of cells to build an organism. It is also relevant in those parts of the human body where cell renewal occurs especially quickly. When not processed correctly, signaling proteins cause tumors.

How is it going?

Experiments were carried out with mice aimed at identifying the process of transformation of adenoma into a malignant disease. It has been established that in the case of a benign process, signaling proteins are inactive, but when they are activated, cancerous structures are formed. The cells that make up a benign tumor surround dangerous structures, and the microenvironment protects from external influences, so that the process does not die out.

men prostate tumor symptoms
men prostate tumor symptoms

Malignant disease

In medical reference books you can see a lot of photos demonstrating the process of development of malignant tumors of the prostate in men. Here are the main symptoms of the disease. It is known that cancerous processes usually do not manifest themselves immediately,the long primary stage is latent and it is impossible to notice it. It is recommended to all men over 45 years of age to regularly check the blood for the presence of an antigen, to be examined by a urologist in order to notice the first signs in time. The sooner the pathological process can be detected, the higher the chance of a cure. It is noted that effective treatment at the initial stage may involve maintaining sexual activity and the ability to control urination.

With a malignant process, some believe that it is possible to practice treatment with folk remedies. Prostate tumors in men in the general case, as doctors assure, are not treated this way, a person only delays the case, as well as if he does not seek help, simply ignoring the symptoms. Among oncology in a strong half of humanity, it is localized in the prostate - the second most common in the world. More often, the disease begins to form in people older than 45-50 years, by the age of 60-70 the risk becomes especially high. If the disease can be found early, the patient is likely to be referred to a surgeon immediately.

Manifestations and dangers

Descriptions, illustrated photos, of prostate tumors in men contain, among other things, the features of the symptoms of the malignant process. Pathology can be suspected if difficulties in emptying the bladder are observed. Urination becomes especially frequent at night, while urine flows out weakly, interruptions in the process, accompanied by a burning sensation, are possible. Many patients note a constantly disturbing feeling of incomplete emptying. In just 30-60minutes after emptying the bladder again there is a desire to visit the toilet.

As doctors say, cancer develops in stages, each of which has several features. Usually, the Gleason scale is used to assess the patient's condition.


The first stage is called an encapsulated tumor. As a rule, the stage proceeds latently, without any pronounced manifestations.

The second stage is often also encapsulated. Most of the manifestations are not. In the first and second stages, the process is usually local.

The third step of cancer is accompanied by the spread of pathology beyond the organ capsule. The first to cover the lymph nodes near the gland. The symptomatology that manifests itself in this case is discomfort when emptying the bladder.

At the fourth stage, cancer processes spread beyond the organ, cover the musculoskeletal system, and affect tissues. At this stage, the patient feels unpleasant rather strong sensations in the bones of the pelvis, back.

Seeing a doctor on time is important

Often, the need to remove a prostate tumor in a man is detected only at a late stage of the process. There are many known cases in which a malignant disease was not accompanied by severe discomfort during urination, so the patient was unaware of he alth problems. In general, the symptoms of malignant, benign processes are similar, and the most reliable way to differentiate the condition is to check the blood for the presence of antigens. It is recommended to visit the doctor regularly. If the urologist suspects a severe case, a biopsy should be done. If the doctorrecommended such a study, no delay.

Anatomy and subtleties of the process

To understand why you should not practice treatment at home, a prostate tumor in men needs to be imagined at least in general terms, realizing how dangerous the process is, what are its features. It is formed in a small gland, similar in size, shape to the chestnut fruit. The gland surrounds the channel for the flow of urine and generates a fluid through which the spermatozoa can live, and, if necessary, throws them out through the channel designed for this. During the cancerous process, the tissues of the organ change and grow.

At the moment, scientists cannot say exactly what causes cancer. The cause of the pathology is the correction of cellular DNA. What initiates them is still unknown. The main risk factor is age. The older the person, the greater the risk. Some studies have also shown that the risk is related to heredity. If a blood relative had such a pathology, the likelihood of developing it is twice as high as that of others. African Americans are more likely to be victims than Asians or whites. The more a person eats red meat, the higher the danger, the same accompanies the excessive absorption of fatty foods. The lack of fruits and vegetables in the menu increases the danger.

prostate tumor men photo
prostate tumor men photo

What to expect?

The consequences of a prostate tumor in men after surgery can be different - it depends on at what point the person went to the doctor, how great the progress of the pathology is. If it was possible to identify the disease at the initialstage, the likelihood of a complete cure is especially high. It is known that up to 80% of people with such a diagnosis successfully cope with a disease diagnosed at an early stage. The best opportunities are for those who can receive highly qualified assistance.

Cancer Treatment Details

When drawing up a therapy plan, the doctor focuses on the age of the patient, assesses the maximum probable life expectancy of the client, and also identifies concomitant diseases - all this will affect what the complex treatment and operation will be like. A tumor of the prostate in a man begins to be treated when the stage of the disease, its type, form is established. The doctor will formulate how important and necessary the treatment is in a particular case, how high the chances of success are when using one or another method of struggle. When forming a therapeutic course, the patient can express their preferences associated with the risks and undesirable consequences associated with different techniques and drugs.

In some, cancer progresses slowly. If the disease is established in an elderly person, if it is accompanied by other severe disorders and disorders, the doctor may advise a wait-and-see approach - the disease is simply left to develop without selecting specific therapy. The patient will be registered and the frequency of examinations will be set to determine the degree of progress. The doctor will control how the condition changes, while not referring to radiation or surgery. This is usually chosen if the course of the disease is not associated with severe symptoms, only a part of the organ is affected. If there are no background pathologies or the clienthospitals are young, if the tumor is rapidly progressing, expectant management is not applicable.

Recommended surgery

As can be learned from doctors and patients in need, the recommendation to seek the help of a surgeon is usually frightening and even panicky, especially when given against the background of a malignant tumor of the prostate in a man. Reviews of the consequences after the operation scare many - it is known that not everyone manages to maintain normal sexual function, many have problems with urination, in addition, there is a risk of recurrence of the disease. And yet, to do without intervention, if it is recommended by the doctor, will not work. Currently, radical surgery with tissue removal or transurethral resection is more often implemented.

Prostatectomy is prescribed if you need to completely remove a cancerous tumor. The technique is applicable if there has been no spread beyond the original organ. The essence of the method is the removal of the prostate gland and nearby tissues from the body. Several avenues for such intervention have been developed. Most often, prostatectomy is performed with access over the pubic bone. The event requires general anesthesia. Epidural anesthesia is allowed. The patient is shown sedatives. During the intervention, the doctor removes the lymph nodes, sending them to the laboratory for examination. If it is possible to detect transformed cells, then the cancer has spread to tissues outside the gland. Since this type of operation will not cure the patient, it is discontinued.

prostate tumor after surgery
prostate tumor after surgery

About the nuances

The nerve responsible for erectile function is located near the prostate. Sometimes surgery allows you to save it, but this is not possible in every case. Even before the start of the operation, the doctor will definitely warn about the risk of impotence in the future. If the need to preserve erectile function is assessed as very important, the doctor will take all measures to ensure such an outcome, but if the tumor processes have affected the nerve, it will not be possible to save it. If the nervous system is not damaged, potency is restored after surgery within a few months, and sometimes even years.
