Sometimes persistent headaches force you to make an appointment with a specialist. As a rule, the doctor prescribes a number of diagnostic procedures for the purpose of examining the brain, among which you can see the unfamiliar abbreviation REG. Naturally, a person who does not know medical terminology immediately begins to wonder: "REG - what is it?"

Examination of cerebral vessels
The abbreviation REG stands for rheoencephalography - a method for diagnosing the state of cerebral vessels. Do not be afraid if you have to undergo a procedure such as an REG examination. "What it is?" you think. During this diagnostic method, weak electrical impulses are passed through you. With the help of them, you can make a general picture of the state of the vessels of the brain.
The procedure is completely safe and does absolutely no harm to human he alth. Well, think for yourself, because when it was developed and put into operation, they probably conducted research and received certain results confirming the safety of this technique.

REG brain
Of courseany patient often has questions when prescribing various diagnostic studies. Do not be upset if a specialist has assigned you a head REG. What is it and why do it at all? Quite a legitimate question.
This diagnostic method allows you to identify the state of the vessels of the brain: elasticity under load, strength. Most often, this research method is used for severe headaches. As a rule, the first cause of a terrible pain in the head can be precisely a violation of blood circulation in the brain. REG (what it is, you already know) allows you to get a clear and complete picture of blood flow to the head and its optimal distribution through the vessels.
Indications for REG
What is it, we have already de alt with you, now let's take a closer look at the reasons why a specialist may prescribe this examination. It would be a mistake to assume that only the strongest headaches serve as indications for this technique. REG can be assigned in cases where:
- need to find out blood viscosity;
- need to set blood flow rate;
- check for predisposition to stroke or ischemia;
- you need to make sure that the vessels of the brain are working properly after severe traumatic brain injuries;
- unexplained tinnitus;
- has a predisposition to epilepsy.

REG heads in children
Application of this technique - procedurepainless and therefore can be prescribed even to children. But REG (what it is, you have already found out), conducted in children, has one significant drawback. To perform this procedure, you must ensure complete immobility. But children, due to their age, do not understand this, and therefore the results obtained during diagnosis can be significantly distorted.
That is why it is desirable to be near the child at the time of this procedure and try to control his immobile state during the period of its performance by a specialist.
Research results
You can get the results of the study within 10 minutes after the diagnosis. This makes this research method quite popular, because with terrible headaches it is important to quickly find out the cause of such a bad condition and start treatment.

Other methods of brain research
Progress does not stand still, not only in everyday life, but also in medicine. To date, studies of the vessels of the head using REG are gradually becoming a thing of the past, starting to give way to a new diagnostic method - EEG.
How is the new method more perfect? Its use allows you to get a more complete picture of the state of blood vessels in the brain. In addition, there are several ways to diagnose, they allow you to get general and very detailed information about the blood supply system. In this case, information is read using the same electrical impulses, but theydo not pass through the entire body.
To obtain general information, the EEG is carried out in the usual way. A more detailed examination may take approximately 6 hours. The results obtained can be influenced by various factors: medication, experiences. Therefore, at the appointment with a specialist, be sure to tell what medications or drugs you are taking. Just before the diagnosis, try to relax as much as possible, to calm your feelings. This will make the final test results more accurate.
Now, if in your direction you see such names as EEG, REG, what is it, you know. You are also aware of how and why this diagnostic is performed and what measures should be taken in order to obtain the most reliable results.