Many patients are ready to write gratitude to the doctor after the successful completion of the course of treatment, or with the timely detection of a disease that could worsen the quality of human life in the future. At the same time, you should understand what exactly is worth writing in a letter of praise and where it is better to provide it.

When should gratitude be written?
Today, medicine, like the vast majority of other social sectors, has largely switched to a capitalist basis. At the same time, doctors still work not only for the sake of obtaining material benefits, but also to help people. And it is natural that each of them is pleased to know that their activities bring positive results.
If, after the end of treatment, the patient has a desire to write gratitude to the doctor, then he should not restrain himself. Composing a letter of praise will be rational in the following cases:
- The patient liked the quality of the treatment.
- He saw a benevolent, respectful and considerateself-respect.
- To provide quality medical care, the doctor had to go beyond his work schedule.
In all these cases, writing an acknowledgment to the doctor would be the right move on the part of a satisfied patient.
Which is better to indicate?
In order for the words of gratitude to the doctor to have the desired effect, you should, first of all, clearly understand what exactly should be written in the letter. The following instructions will be relevant:
- high professionalism of the specialist;
- careful attitude towards patients;
- willingness to provide medical care in all conditions;
- humanism and high human qualities;
- dedication and hard work.
In the overwhelming majority of cases, the designation of these positions in gratitude to the doctor will cause him only pleasant emotions, and his management will make it clear that this specialist is of particular value, and financial incentives should be applied to him.

Where is the best place to submit a letter?
There are quite a few options for how to write thanks to the doctor. At the same time, the recipient is no less important. That is the place where exactly it will be directed. The best options would be the following:
- Sending a letter of thanks directly to the head of the he althcare facility where the specialist works.
- Sending a note of praise to the regional he alth authority.
- Send gratitude to the Ministry of He alth of the Russian Federation.
- Sending a letter of praise to the local executive authority.
Each of these options has its own characteristics. That is why it is important, before writing gratitude to the doctor, to decide where exactly it will be directed. In most cases, it is better to focus on the head of the he althcare organization where the medical specialist works. This is due to the fact that he will consider any positive words about his employee from a favorable side and will not look for tricks in the letter.
In the case of officials, the situation may be different. Here gratitude to the doctor can be misunderstood, as it will be analyzed by specialists for the correctness of the doctor's actions. As a result, he may suffer for having done more for the patient than is necessary according to his official duties.

As for applying to local executive authorities, this option has practically no drawbacks. Gratitude, most likely, will be transferred to the head doctor or to his reception for financial incentives for the employee. As a result, the process of "rewarding" a doctor can be significantly delayed.
Special forms of letters
In some cases, patients want to stand out from the crowd who want to thank the doctor. In these cases, they can choose one of the following options:
- gratitude to the doctor in verse;
- collage;
- letter in the form of a picture.
In fact, such options are not suitable in all cases. Naturally, it is not worth sending such types of gratitude to the doctor to the address of the ministry or the he alth department. It is best to transfer them directly to the doctor or his supervisor. At the same time, it is not a fact that the doctor will appreciate the work of the patient.

Rationality of spelling
It is very nice for any doctor to receive a written gratitude. This supports him in his desire to treat his patients as carefully as possible. As a result, a person, having composed a letter of thanks, encourages the doctor to improve himself.
In addition, a doctor can receive a bonus from his supervisor if he knows that patients are satisfied with the treatment in his institution. This will encourage the doctor to stay and work at the hospital instead of looking for a place at another medical center. As a result, the patient who wrote the thank you will continue to receive quality services.