Some parents are proud to say that they have a very active child. Indeed, this is good if it is not a sign of increased activity of the baby. Too active behavior becomes a problem after a while, the baby cannot concentrate normally and has poor control over his actions.
So what's the problem?
Syndrome of increased neuro-reflex excitability in childhood may appear against the background of brain damage. This type of symptom complex occurs in 10% of preschool children. It is believed that boys are more susceptible to this disease. The main distinguishing feature of the syndrome is that children are too active, they have an increased level of anxiety, a tremor can even be observed, most often in the limbs, less often in the chin area. Infants may experience frequent regurgitation and sleep disturbance, restless sleep.
At its core, this is a perinatal lesion of the nervous system. Russian doctors refer this syndrome to a pathological process, and foreignexperts believe that this is a borderline condition that does not require any correction. At the same time, practical medicine shows that the lack of timely medical intervention often leads to persistent neurotic conditions in the future.

Why is this happening?
There are a number of reasons that can lead to hyperexcitability syndrome:
- Injuries. First of all, intracranial, which were obtained during childbirth. The culprits of such injuries are most often medical personnel.
- Swift and too fast labor, which leads not only to excessive activity of the baby, but also to other serious consequences.
- Hypotoxic childbirth. Such situations occur against the background of asphyxia of the fetus and newborn. This condition can lead to a violation of the placental circulation.
- Infectious causes. The cause of infection can be the mother herself, who fell ill with an infectious disease during the period of gestation. It can also happen in the first days of a baby's life.
- Toxico-metabolic. In such situations, only the mother is to blame, perhaps she smoked, and it doesn’t matter if she smoked cigarettes or a hookah, or drank alcohol or illegal drugs, violated their dosage.
However, hyperexcitability of newborns can also appear against the background of constant stress in the mother. After all, the nervous system of the baby is formed much earlier than he is born.
Could it be heredity?

This issue is still ongoing debate in medical circles. Some experts believe that if at least one of the parents had such problems in childhood, then the baby has a high risk of inheriting the same syndrome.
Other experts believe that there is no hyperexcitability syndrome, it's just a lack of education. Simply put, if the baby is allowed everything, then he does whatever he wants, and is practically uncontrollable. The question is open, so there is no exact answer to it.
How does the syndrome manifest itself?

First of all, the child has constant mood swings, emotional outbursts. Outbursts of "anger" appear in completely unexpected situations, and most often a bad mood is taken out on the parents. Then, the mood of the active child changes to joy and laughter is heard. Such situations happen all the time, but parents can get used to such differences, and problems often arise at school and kindergarten, on the playground.
Such children strive to become leaders in any situation, however, most of their peers cannot keep track of the speed of thought of the baby, who ends up without friends. Children often become bullies.
Children with the syndrome show signs of neuroticism, manifested in a tendency to worry from scratch, increased fatigue. There may be a sleep disorder. They can constantly bite their nails, pick their fingers in their nose. Often there is a lack of coordination, the child may appear angular and awkward. Such a symptomleads to the fact that it is even difficult for a child to master a bicycle, it takes him a long time to learn this skill.

Another unpleasant sign of hyperexcitability syndrome is the desire to constantly establish contacts with strangers. On the one hand, it may seem that the child is sociable, but the modern world is quite dangerous, and contact with a stranger can lead to irreparable consequences for the child himself.
Education and school
Hyper excitability syndrome often causes poor grades in school. The child's attention is constantly switching, so it is quite difficult to focus on what the teacher tells the child throughout the lesson.
Mistakes in the text and puzzles are most often made by inattention. Simply put, no self-organization skills are observed. The teacher, in turn, may think that the child does everything out of harm. Such children usually have very clumsy handwriting, a lot of corrections in notebooks.
At the initial level, children with the syndrome have a normal level of intelligence, like everyone else. However, if parents do not pay attention to the behavior of their offspring, then, over time, the child will have a poor vocabulary, they do not cope well with abstract tasks and have a poor understanding of what space and time are. In cases where no measures are taken to eliminate the syndrome, the child may experience a secondary decrease in intellectual development.
After birth, the syndrome manifests itself in poor sleep andconstant crying. The tantrums last a long time, and the crying is monotonous. Such babies suckle their breasts very sluggishly, and their fingers are clenched into fists most of the time. The child shudders in a dream, often wakes up and screams a little.
The skin usually has a marble tint, and on the bridge of the nose you can see how thin wreaths are visible through the skin. In the cold, the skin usually acquires a bluish tint. The severity of the vascular network increases precisely in the cold. This is due to the fact that the newborn has increased intracranial pressure, which often provokes the development of the syndrome.
In cases where the course of the syndrome is favorable, the symptoms decrease already by the 5th month of life, and completely disappear by the year.

Today there is no method to determine hyperexcitability in children. Even what happens in the brain and central nervous system is unknown. And very often it is quite difficult even for an experienced doctor to determine whether a child is poorly brought up or has a syndrome.
The doctor collects an anamnesis, including perinatal. You need to be very careful with such children, because an unfamiliar environment, touching can cause hysteria, a certain resistance, an increase in muscle tone, that is, making a diagnosis will be difficult.
In some cases, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the brain, electroencephalography and other studies that will determine the features of the processes in the neuromuscular tissues.
Not the last role is played by the factors thatled to such a condition in a child, perhaps these are the consequences of toxicosis during pregnancy, or somatic, metabolic, psychological reasons.

Treatment measures
It should be understood that hyperexcitability is not a sentence. However, getting rid of the syndrome only by using medications will not work. They can only slightly calm the baby, and the parents themselves will have to be patient.
Sufficiently good effect in children after attending sessions of osteopathy. Some children are helped by literally a couple of sessions and the symptom complex disappears forever. The osteopath restores the normal blood supply to the brain, which begins to work fully.
Behavioral therapy will also be required so that the child can adapt as much as possible in society, study normally at school. Family consultations with a psychotherapist, a course of treatment with a speech therapist may even be required.
In the first years of life, therapeutic measures are aimed at eliminating the perinatal lesion of the central nervous system in order to eliminate the symptoms when the child starts in his sleep, does not eat well. In such cases, swimming, baths with the addition of aromatic s alts or pine needles are recommended. Well help sessions of massage and exercise therapy, physiotherapy: amplipulse therapy, electrophoresis and other procedures. It is at this age that the wonderful effect of herbal medicine, which consists of treatment with sedative teas and fees.
In addition, parents are obliged to do everything so that the baby is quiet and calm in their own home, should be observedmode and do frequent walks in the fresh air.
The main thing is not to ignore the problem, but to see a doctor earlier so that the baby becomes a full member of society.

It is very important, after the birth of the baby, to observe the daily routine, visit the doctor regularly. Parents should definitely give up bad habits. The baby should be looked after, massaged, tempered.
Not the last role is played by the timeliness of the examination by the doctor of the expectant mother. It is very important to prevent perinatal damage to the central nervous system in a baby, that is, to eliminate all factors that can lead to fetal hypoxia, birth trauma of the child (injury to the spine, intracranial injuries, and others). Although, the appearance of such injuries is more dependent on the professionalism of the obstetrician.