There are many types of medicines. And one of the widest is the group of galenic medicines. Preparations of this variety are distinguished by their effectiveness and relative safety in terms of side effects.
Herbal preparations are those that were obtained from vegetable (roots, green mass, flowers, seeds) or animal raw materials by special processing in order to obtain an active principle and get rid of unnecessary ballast substances. In most cases, for the manufacture of such products, extraction technology is used from the feedstock using agents such as alcohol, water or ether. The use of drugs in this group is allowed mainly only orally. Some of them may be intended for external use.

In addition to galenic medicines, the modern pharmacological industry also produces new galenic medicines. In the manufacture of such products, special very complex technologies are used, which make it possible to obtain an active principle from vegetable andanimal raw materials in almost pure form - without any additional unnecessary substances. Preparations of this group are allowed to be used, including for injections.
A bit of history
Currently, for the treatment of people are mainly used chemicals. Galenic and novogalenical medicines, however, have recently become more and more popular. The medicines of this variety were named after the ancient Roman philosopher and physician Galen. It was this naturalist who was the first to guess that it is not medicinal herbs themselves that have a beneficial effect on the human body, but only certain substances that make up them. K. Galen, among other things, also owns a scientific work on such medicines, which to this day is the basis of a whole direction in the drug market.
This ancient doctor made preparations from water-based plants. However, a little later, doctors noticed that not all useful substances can dissolve in it. Therefore, to isolate the active principle, ancient pharmacists also began to use alcohol.

One of the features of galenic remedies is their diversity in composition and pharmacological action. Therefore, it is quite difficult to classify such medicines.
In most cases, in the specialized literature, herbal preparations are divided into only two large groups - extracts, solutions and mixtures. The group of first drugs includes, for example, tinctures, formulations,extracted from the secretory glands, glycosides, vitamins, alkaloids. The group of solutions and mixtures includes:
- syrups;
- drugs obtained by dissolving dry extracts;
- fragrant waters;
- soap and soap-cresol products.
Also, herbal medicines can be classified according to the raw material. In this regard, they distinguish:
- organic preparations (obtained from animal raw materials);
- phytopreparations;
- complex complex pharmaceutical drugs.

The group of phytopreparations, in turn, includes:
- extracts;
- tinctures;
- concentrates-extracts;
- oil extracts;
- new galenic products;
- preparations from fresh plants (mainly extracts and juices).
What is extract
It is these drugs that are the main and most common group of herbal remedies. They are extracts of highly concentrated extracts from medicinal plants. The consistency of such preparations can be both liquid and solid or viscous. A drug can be called an extract only if the concentration of the active substance in it is equal to or greater than the corresponding indicator in the medicinal plant itself.

Liquid preparations of this group are alcohol extracts obtained in a ratio of 1:1. The advantages of such drugs are the same ratio betweenactive ingredients and ease of measurement. The disadvantage of liquid extracts is considered mainly only an increased content of related substances.
Thick preparations of this variety are concentrated alcohol extracts or ethereal extracts. Moisture in viscous masses should contain no more than 25%, and the remainder by weight - at least 70%.
Dry solid extracts are mainly called powders or spongy porous masses. Moisture in such preparations should contain no more than 5%, and dry residue - at least 95%. In some cases, various excipients or extracts of a different concentration are mixed with such masses.
Thick and dry preparations have the advantage of containing more active substance than liquid preparations. In addition, they are easier to transport. The disadvantage of thick extracts is that under certain conditions they can dry out or, conversely, become damp and deteriorate.
In addition to thick, solid and liquid herbal preparations, modern industry also produces:
- extracts-concentrates used for making infusions and decoctions;
- oil extracts.
Methods for obtaining extracts
These most common herbal preparations can be made using two main technologies:
- by static extraction;
- by dynamic.

In the first case, the raw material is periodically poured with extractant. Then it is defended for some time. The dynamic method of obtaining a drug involves either the continuous movement of the extractant, or its constant change.
Most often, a static method is used to obtain herbal preparations. This simple technology has its roots in the mists of time. Both in ancient Rome and today, for example, such a simple technique as maceration is often used to make extracts. Also, drugs of this group can be received:
- through turbo extraction;
- using ultrasound;
- in the filter centrifuge;
- through high voltage pulses.
There is also a static method for making herbal medicines, called remaceration.
From dynamic technologies in the production of drugs of this group, percolation is most often used - continuous filtration of the extractant through a layer of raw materials.
Production of herbal tinctures
This is also a fairly common group of natural medicines. Tinctures are called liquid alcohol extracts obtained from dried or fresh animal or vegetable raw materials.

As an extractant for such drugs, water-alcohol solutions with a concentration of 30 to 95% are usually used. Tinctures are usually prepared by percolation. This technology includes several main stages:
- soaking raw materials;
- insisting;
- filtering the extractant through a layer of raw materials.
Benefits of using
Known galenicdrugs to mankind, thus, for more than 2 thousand years. At one time, when chemotherapeutic drugs appeared, they lost their positions. However, later, with the development of such branches of science as biophysics and biochemistry, this type of medicine again became very popular. Pharmaceutical companies have launched a new generation of medicines from this group.
Characteristics of galenical preparations allows them to be used by people with almost any features of the body. The undoubted advantages of such drugs include:
- Naturality. In the manufacture of drugs in this group, only natural raw materials are used. Therefore, such drugs are relatively safe in terms of side effects.
- Possibility of long-term use. The active substances of such drugs participate in the processes of the human body as organically as possible.
- Low allergenicity and toxicity.
- Easy digestibility by the human body.
In the manufacture of galenic and novogalenic preparations are much simpler than chemotherapeutic ones. Therefore, their production is considered economically justified. In addition, the actual material used to manufacture such medicines is reproducible.
What determines the therapeutic efficacy of drugs
The active substance in such drugs is usually not one, as in chemotherapeutic ones. After all, plants contain a number of components useful for the human body, ranging from enzymes and vitamins to proteins and phytoncides. When processing raw materials, allthese substances are almost completely transferred to the extract. Therefore, galenic medicines do not have a highly specialized effect on the human body, but a complex one.
Herbal preparations: a list of the most popular
The modern pharmacological industry produces a variety of drugs of this group. For example, galenic preparations such as:are very popular with consumers.
- Propolis tincture. This medicine can be used for otitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis. You can use it for some other diseases.
- Antiseptic solutions. They are used to treat the initial stages of mastitis, boils.
- Calendula tincture. Used to treat wounds, acne and inflammation.
- Ginseng tincture. It is used for neurasthenia, asthenia, diabetes mellitus.
- Echinacea extract. Used to strengthen the immune system. Can be used, for example, for flu, colds, sore throats.

The most popular medicine
These are the most common herbal preparations. The examples above are very popular among consumers. You can buy them in a pharmacy in almost any, even the smallest settlement. However, the most famous galenic preparation is probably the valerian extract. This medicine has a sedative and antispasmodic effect on patients.