A person is at risk of developing a disease. It can affect any organ. In our body, all organs are combined into systems according to their functions. The most vulnerable is cardiovascular. Although it consists of only two elements - the heart and blood vessels, the quality of human he alth and life depends on its work. It was not for nothing that we mentioned the quality of life, which is associated with the state of the heart and blood vessels. After all, any complications or pathological processes in them can permanently deprive a person of working capacity and functionality. Therefore, the prevention of heart and vascular diseases occupies an important place in everyone's life.
Diseases of the cardiovascular system
What to protect yourself from, and what diseases of the heart and blood vessels are there?
- Congenital and acquired heart defects. Sometimes the valves do not work from birth, there is a lack of some element in the structure of the heart, etc.
- Cerebral arteriosclerosis - these hollow blood tubes become overgrown with cholesterol plaques, interfering with the full supply of oxygen to the brain.
- IHD - coronary heart disease - lack of oxygen for the heart to work.
- Pathologicalprocesses in the peripheral arteries.
- Varicose disease is a violation of blood circulation in the vessels due to increased formation of blood clots.
- Myocarditis for various reasons.
- Deep vein thrombosis.

Collecting anamnesis from people at risk
Prevention of the risk of cardiovascular disease starts with taking anamnesis. It is important for a specialist to know what a person was ill with in order to develop measures to prevent the development of heart and vascular disease. In addition, the doctor asks questions to find out what diseases of this system the next of kin have.
Next, there is a survey about the presence of bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol. Substances contained in cigarettes and alcoholic beverages affect the state of blood vessels, expanding or narrowing them, and also penetrate into the blood, which affects the work of the heart.
It is also important for the specialist to learn about the patient's mobility and diet. If he leads an immobile lifestyle, eats harmful foods or without restrictions in quantity, such behavior necessarily leads to damage to blood vessels and the heart. Prevention of the development of cardiovascular diseases helps a person understand what exactly needs to be changed in his life in order to stay he althy.
Examination of patients with cardiovascular diseases
Any diagnosis is made after any examination. It may be some special manipulation or analysis. Even after the onset of pathological processesprevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system remains relevant. After all, there are different levels of development of diseases, for example, hypertension has 3 degrees. The first, respectively, is easier to control than the third. And this applies to other diseases. Even if they are already developing, then it is necessary to continue preventive measures to prevent complications.
With the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, the following examination is prescribed:
- constant measurement of blood pressure - this must be done 3-4 times a day to monitor your condition and performance of the heart muscle;
- control heart rate - to prevent heart attacks;
- lung auscultation - performed to study the characteristics of respiratory sounds;
- pulse on the feet - control of the patency of the vessels of the extremities;
- measurement of body weight - extra pounds put a strain on the heart and blood vessels;
- waist circumference.
In addition, doctors prescribe laboratory tests that show the state of internal organs, their performance and the quality of their functions:
- urine test for glucose and protein;
- blood test for cholesterol and other lipids, glucose and serum creatinine.
Also informative in the study of the work of cardiovascular diseases is an ECG, EchoCG. Most often, cardiograms are prescribed for suspected angina pectoris.
What is the disease prevention of this system?
Many worries anddifficulties are brought by cardiovascular diseases. Treatment and prevention of these pathologies at the state level is one of the priorities. Indeed, in recent years, mortality among people suffering from them has increased.

Prevention of heart and vascular diseases implies measures that are necessary to improve the quality and life expectancy of people by preventing the occurrence and development of such pathologies. Their occurrence is not only a medical but also a social problem, so prevention is given such attention.
The development of measures concerns not only the prevention of vascular and heart diseases, but also the maximum reduction in the risk of complications. The most common of these are: myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, stroke.
State Program for the Prevention of Complications of Cardiovascular Diseases
The state program includes three main ones:
- population;
- primary prevention of cardiovascular disease;
- reducing the risk of complications in patients with CVD (secondary).
The first one is the most important, as its implementation at the level of the entire population improves the quality of life. This involves reducing risk factors for heart and vascular disease. To do this, activities are carried out to change lifestyle. However, a medical examination is not always required.
Strategy highrisk, or primary prevention, is aimed at preventing the occurrence of such diseases in people who, due to their habits or lifestyle, are already at risk.
The third strategy is aimed at monitoring the condition of those already suffering from cardiovascular diseases. It is carried out to support he alth and prevent complications of CVD.
What does the prevention of heart and vascular diseases include?
Such events are not held "from the ceiling." There are special points allocated by the Ministry of He alth, which must be carried out as planned. Prevention of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases is carried out in several areas, which will be discussed below. The primary task of specialists is to identify and assess the risk of developing such diseases. The assessment is carried out using special tables, since even seemingly he althy people risk ending their lives due to the latent course of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Nutrition control
Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system begins with an indispensable condition for the existence of a person - nutrition. The quality of human life and its duration depends on it. If you do not exercise control over nutrition, make gross mistakes in developing a diet, then chronic diseases of various organs, including the heart and blood vessels, may appear.

Food is more than satiety. At a common lunch, people can communicate, enjoy food, and so on. But all the food taken should bring not only moral satisfaction, but also benefits for the body. He althy nutrition is one of the main aspects of not only getting energy, but also preventing various diseases.
To prevent the development of chronic diseases, it is important to eat right, this condition necessarily includes the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. A memo for people at risk contains the following recommendations:
- Eat more fish. It helps the heart work better.
- Reduce meat consumption, avoid fatty varieties altogether.
- Eat legumes, greens, vegetables, dried fruits and oatmeal - they help lower blood cholesterol.
- All dairy products can only be used with low fat content. Dairy products are especially useful.
- Reduce s alt intake, in large quantities it adversely affects blood vessels.
- Restrict sweets and starchy foods.
- Don't load your heart with tonic drinks.
- It is necessary to practically refuse to eat cheese, yolks, butter, sour cream, kidneys, liver, caviar, brains. These foods are high in fat and cholesterol.
- Eat as many fruits and vegetables as possible. Fiber reduces appetite.
- It is better to use olive oil from vegetable oils.
Such nutritional advice impliesprevention of cardiovascular diseases. A guide to tips that you can get from a specialist is sure to remind you of the importance of eating a varied diet every day.
Bad habits
At this point, you need to take into account the duration of smoking and the number of cigarettes smoked per day. Passive smokers are also at risk of chronic CVD. Quitting smoking significantly reduces the risk of heart and vascular disease.

Regular activities
Regular sports activities are a strong factor in the prevention of pathological conditions associated with diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Small cardio loads should also be present in people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Physical training strengthens the walls of blood vessels, resumes he althy heart function and helps the whole body to be in good shape. By training blood vessels, a person provides himself with protection against diseases such as stroke, coronary artery disease, heart attack and some others.
Weight control
According to statistics, more than 300 million people in the world are obese. This problem occupies a leading place among the causes of the development of cardiovascular diseases on a global scale. With an increase in body weight, the production of free fatty acids, an increase in blood pressure and the amount of cholesterol increase. This entails a deterioration in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases in women and men includes weight control, becauseobesity can lead to diseases such as coronary artery disease, stroke, osteoporosis, venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism. In addition to this system, others also suffer - the load on the legs, back increases, the gastrointestinal tract suffers, the reproductive system, and so on. Cosmetic defects also appear: an increase in waist circumference, a second chin and others.

Measuring blood pressure
A sharp pressure drop can lead to a violation of the integrity of the vessels. Therefore, before using drugs, it is necessary to check the pressure indicators. Prevention of cardiac and vascular diseases should begin with a control measurement of blood pressure. This is necessary to determine the degree of the disease that has arisen or to prevent it.
Prevention of cardiovascular disease in children
It is especially sad to see children suffering from such serious illnesses. But you can prevent their occurrence! A person's life begins long before his birth. The heart of the fetus begins to beat by the 6-7th week of intrauterine development. Prevention of heart and vascular diseases can begin already from this period. A pregnant woman should give up bad habits, malnutrition, excessive fluid intake.

Cardiovascular diseases, the treatment and prevention of which in children is slightly different than in adults, can accompany a small resident all his life, bringing difficulties to him and his environment. Therefore, parentsshould monitor children's nutrition, moderate physical activity, body weight, rest regimen.