Among the children's he alth resorts of the Samara region, the multidisciplinary sanatorium "Youth" has gained particular popularity. Samara is proud of this children's recreation facility, which is considered one of the best in the region. Among the advantages of the sanatorium are a high level of medical facilities and good living conditions.

Regional children's he alth resort
The sanatorium complex has three branches located at three different addresses: in Samara, on the 9th Prosek and Shvernika Street, and in the village of Krasnaya Glinka.
Up to 6,000 children get he althier here every year. The he alth resort can accommodate up to 500 children at the same time. The sanatorium complex is known not only in the Samara region, but also beyond its borders. Children from the Orenburg, Kurgan, Voronezh and Moscow regions come here for treatment.
Each department is a profile specialized treatment of pulmonary diseases for children who have had tuberculosis, cardiological problems, problems of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary and endocrinesystems.
The he alth resort accepts children for rehabilitation and he alth improvement from 7 to 15 years old. Duration of arrival - 21 days. In addition, the "Mother and Child" program operates in the 3rd department, which allows you to treat and heal children who require additional attention from their parents (individual support) from the age of 4.
A distinctive feature of this children's he alth resort is a high level of medical care. A team of professional doctors of 13 people works here (the sanatorium is headed by MD Mokina N. A.). Consultations are being held between specialists from the Samara State Medical University and the First Moscow State Medical University named after V. I. Sechenov, scientists from these leading medical universities in the region constantly supervise the work of the children's he alth resort.
Professionalism and responsiveness of the medical staff receive high marks from the parents of children who visited the Yunost sanatorium (Samara). Most people note a good result from the procedures, and especially the free medical treatment.
Another important stage in therapy is the medical support of children after the end of sanatorium treatment. The sanatorium conducts educational work on the prevention of tuberculosis, there are schools for diabetes and for children with heart defects. It has developed and is actively implementing a one-of-a-kind he alth improvement program for children with phenylketonuria, as well as an up-to-date anti-smoking program.

Each department arose from a previously independent sanatorium of regional significance. These sanatoriumsexisted in the USSR, but at the end of the 20th century they fell into decay, and only their unification into one he alth resort made it possible to preserve the established methods of improving children's he alth. Today, these are three full-fledged departments that have retained their profile and many years of experience in improving children's he alth.
So, the pulmonology department is the first one that the Yunost sanatorium has (Samara, 9 clearing, 3 line). How to get here? You will be taken by buses from bus station No. 6 or 6k or fixed-route taxis No. 36 or 203.
You can find out the necessary information about vouchers and treatment in the pulmonology department by phone: 8 (846) 952-94-81.
The 2nd department (anti-tuberculosis) is also located in Samara, on the street. Shvernik, 7. You can get to it by bus number 61 or minibuses number 89, 278, 226. You need to go to the stop "School number 149". Phone for inquiries: 8 (846) 994-36-02.
3rd department (multi-profile) is located in the village. Krasnaya Glinka, has a very beautiful view of the Volga and the Zhiguli mountains. The buildings stand in a mixed forest dominated by birch and pine.
Do you want to know how to get to the Yunost sanatorium (Samara, Krasnaya Glinka)? How to get to the 3rd branch? You can get from Samara by several buses: No. 1, 45, 50, 51, 79. And also by minibuses No. 1, 112, 221, 389, 392, 447, 406. And attention! You need to get off at the bus stop. South.”
It is here that the sanatorium "Youth" (Samara, Krasnaya Glinka) is located. His address is known to many children and their parents. He is at number 30.
Find out the necessary information about the 3rd branchyou can call: 8 (846) 973-83-17, 8 (846) 973-96-06.

For the treatment, rehabilitation and rehabilitation of children in the he alth resort, modern methods of children's balneology are used. Therapeutic methods are widely used. During rehabilitation, natural factors and game moments are successfully combined.
So, with success in he alth and medical methods used:
- terrenkur (therapeutic walking);
- physiotherapy exercises;
- breathing trainers;
- phytotherapy (3 types).

Among the treatment methods also:
- Speleological chamber;
- 9 types of hardware physiotherapy procedures;
- paraffin applications;
- healing mud treatment;
- therapeutic massages;
- hirudotherapy;
- oxygen cocktails.
Extensive range of balneological procedures:
- drinking mineral water;
- four-chamber baths;
- 4 types of therapeutic baths;
- healing souls (3 types);
- "Cedar he alth resort";
- hydromassage.
Reviews of parents note that when settling on a free voucher, all procedures (according to the individual course prescribed by the attending doctor) will be free of charge. There is no need to buy additional medicines to treat a child.

1st branch
This department treats bronchial diseases and pulmonary problems of a non-tuberculous nature. Children with respiratory problems are treated here, and, judging by the feedback from parents, the treatment of chronic diseases gives good results. Another successful direction is the improvement of children with bronchial asthma. The treatment of recurrent forms of bronchitis also receives good reviews. Among the patients of this department, one can often meet children with low immunity, who often suffer from respiratory colds.
However, reviews about the treatment are different. Some parents claim that the therapy did not bring significant relief, but many praise the improvement in the condition of children after undergoing a course of procedures: the children began to get sick less often, they do not catch colds so often.
If you look at the reviews about the living conditions and the entertainment program, they are very different. Although most of them are positive, but many did not like the lack of a daily shower. Some of the children could not find friends during the shift or were dissatisfied with the level of supervision of educators.
This branch has its own page on the social network "VKontakte". Here the sanatorium "Yunost" (Samara, 9 clearing, 3 line) uploads photos. They clearly demonstrate the rich cultural life of children during treatment.
2nd branch
This is a specialized narrow-profile department. Children who have been ill with various forms of tuberculosis are being rehabilitated here. Doctors in this department receive special thanks. Their responsiveness and professionalismvery much appreciated by the parents of the children.
Among the important points in the 2nd department of the Yunost sanatorium (Samara) are good food, a varied entertainment program for children, the work of regular circles and the attention of educators.

3rd branch
This department in the sanatorium "Yunost" (Samara) has an extensive profile. Treat here:
- Wide range of cardiological and cardiorheumatological diseases: heart defects, VVD, juvenile arthritis, arthrosis and more.
- Diseases of the digestive tract: biliary dyskinesia, gastritis and gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcers (stomach, duodenal ulcer), etc.
- Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract: pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, cystitis, etc.
- Problems of the endocrine system and metabolism: diabetes, obesity, celiac disease, phenylketonuria.
This branch is located outside the city in the village. Southern, on the picturesque bank of the Volga.
Reviews about him from both children and parents are positive. There are excellent picturesque places and very beautiful nature. Children have the opportunity to go for walks with caregivers, on hikes in the neighborhood (they are always described with enthusiasm). Many people like the rich program of work of circles and clubs of interest. Arranged holidays for various dates. Contests and quizzes that take place here often.
3 department in the sanatorium "Yunost" (Samara) has a good reputation among the guys, they willingly come here several times. Among the reviews of parents there are complaints about the oversight of educators.
Peculiarities of settling
Most tour operators write that the resettlement of children here takes place in rooms with a shower and a bathroom for 3-4 people. However, the reviews of children and parents indicate that children live in rooms for 5-6 people. There are bathrooms in the rooms, and the opportunity to take a shower is only in a special bath block.
Junior suites and suites are equipped with a shower and a private bathroom. Children and parents are accommodated in them under the Mother and Child program. Here you can also stay with a child if you buy a ticket for your own money.
However, it should be noted that in different departments the conditions of resettlement vary. The 3rd department, which the Yunost sanatorium (Krasnaya Glinka, Samara) has at its disposal, is distinguished by more comfortable rooms, where 4–5 children are accommodated in winter, and in the 1st (pulmonological) department, usually in rooms of 5, 6, 7 guys.

A little about nutrition
Meals 3 times a day. In cases where a diet is required by an individual treatment plan, it is provided. In the 2nd department, 5 meals a day.
Among the many reviews about this children's he alth resort, there is not one that the children are poorly fed. Among the positive aspects, the nutrition of the 3rd department in the Yunost sanatorium is also called. Children and parents note that the food here is tasty and satisfying. Parents of the 2nd department (Samara, Shvernika St.) also give special thanks to the cooks.
Many parents say thata variety of foods, children are given juices, fruits, dairy products.
Some parents complain about the incorrect behavior of the cafeteria staff (however, these reviews are from 2013). A number of parents are dissatisfied with the fact that they leave earlier than the deadline for a free ticket and they were not immediately given the required fruits and juices for unserved days.
How to organize children's leisure time
Sanatorium treatment suggests that a lot of time will be spent by the guys on medical and wellness procedures. However, it is difficult to name the remaining free in this he alth resort. Concerts and performances of the puppet theater are constantly held here, films are shown. Children are involved in competitions, quizzes, festive performances. In warm weather and good weather, the guys go for walks and hikes, go on excursions.
Mugs work on a permanent basis: modeling, beading, macrame, art photography. There are interest clubs, a theater workshop, a choir, separate literary and musical classes.
In the summer months, children relax on the equipped beach, go hiking. The rest of the time they carry out therapeutic walking, do exercise therapy in the fresh air. All this is organized in the 3rd department (sanatorium "Yunost", Samara, Krasnaya Glinka). The photo below shows some of the outdoor activities.

What little patients write about the he alth resort
The guys in the VKontakte group and on their pages leave good reviews aboutstay in this resort. They are impressed by the new environment and the possibility of new informal communication. Many find friends here.
Many good comments about the 3rd department (sanatorium "Yunost", Samara, Krasnaya Glinka). Feedback from other branches is also positive.
Practically all the guys like the atmosphere of friendliness, rich cultural life, the opportunity to communicate with peers.
Among the reviews there are stories of guys who went to the sanatorium several times. They write good words about educators, medical staff. Many are looking forward to a new opportunity to relax here.

Parent reviews
Many parents thank the administration of the he alth resort for the good organization of treatment and recreation for their children. Among the reviews you can also find those that are left by mothers whose children are treated here often. They write positive reviews about treatment and nutrition. Their children are happy with their leisure time. The 3rd department, which has the sanatorium "Yunost" (Krasnaya Glinka, Samara), receives the greatest number of positive ratings. Many positive posts about the other two branches. Children after the completion of treatment willingly communicate with each other.
A small percentage of negative parental feedback addresses the issue of returning children home early. Usually their offspring got sick during their stay in the he alth resort.
Sanatorium "Yunost" (Samara) reviews from parents are not always as favorable as from children. Among the posts of parents there are negative ones, but they refer mainly to 2013year. Mentioned here are the lack of supervision of the children (causing them to fall ill), the rude behavior of the staff in the canteen, and the omission of some procedures.
In general, most of the reviews of both children and their parents are positive, they note qualified medical care for children, good conditions for rehabilitation, he alth improvement, quality nutrition and skillful organization of children's leisure.