Seminal tubercle: description, possible causes, diagnosis and treatment features

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Seminal tubercle: description, possible causes, diagnosis and treatment features
Seminal tubercle: description, possible causes, diagnosis and treatment features

Video: Seminal tubercle: description, possible causes, diagnosis and treatment features

Video: Seminal tubercle: description, possible causes, diagnosis and treatment features
Video: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome | Triggers, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment 2024, December

Diseases of the reproductive system in men in most cases are manifested by rather unpleasant symptoms. The characteristic signs are usually noticeable immediately. Sometimes the pathological process affects the internal tissues. Therefore, a man does not even know about the problem for a very long time. Inflammation of the seminal tubercles can be attributed to the category of such insidious and at the same time unpleasant diseases.

Anatomical reference

Talking about the development of the pathological process, it is advisable to dwell on the question of the structure of the organ in question. The seminal tubercle is located in the prostatic part of the urethra. It is a small elevation, the length of which is about 15-20 mm, and the width and thickness do not exceed 3 mm. It consists mainly of smooth muscle elements.

seed tubercle
seed tubercle

In the seed tubercle there is a small depression called the "male uterus". The ejaculatory ducts pass through it. In most men, they penetrate from both sides of the prostate gland. Their length is approximately 12-18 cm. The ejaculatory ducts open with weak muscular sphincter. Directly during ejaculation, their openings expand, due to which the sperm is ejected into the lumen of the urethra.

Physiological functions

With regard to the appointment of this anatomical unit, disputes do not subside even today. Some researchers believe that the seed tubercle is the most important formation. It is involved in the processes of ejaculation and erection. Other scientists consider it a vestige of the female reproductive organs and do not associate it with the physiology of sexual function. It is impossible to unambiguously answer which point of view from the presented is correct. Most likely, the truth lies in the middle. For example, if the seminal tubercle is acted upon mechanically, many men experience ejaculation. Inflammatory diseases are often accompanied by a reduction in the duration of intimate contact, which should be considered direct evidence of the participation of this formation in sexual function.

However, the importance of the seed tubercle cannot be overestimated. A few decades ago, scientists assumed that during an erection, an increase in its size prevents the reverse reflux of sperm. Numerous studies have refuted this fact. The described barrier function refers to the muscular elements of the bladder.

The unusual location of the seminal tubercle makes it susceptible to various kinds of pathologies. The main ones are colliculitis and hypertrophy. Next, consider the features of these disorders and the main methods of their treatment.

What is colliculitis?

Thisinfectious and inflammatory process. The mechanism for the development of pathology is based on venous stasis of blood in the tissues where the seminal tubercle is located. Among the main reasons doctors call:

  • Regular interruption of intercourse or its excessive delay;
  • circulatory problems;
  • prolonged erection that does not end directly with contact;
  • sedentary work.

Primary inflammation can occur as a result of a single infection in the body. In this case, the disease responds well to therapy. Secondary inflammation occurs as a result of previous ailments or as a concomitant disorder of the reproductive system.

inflammation of the seminal tubercles
inflammation of the seminal tubercles

Symptoms of colliculitis and methods for its diagnosis

Signs of the pathological process depend on the duration of infection. Most often, patients have to deal with the following manifestations:

  • sexual dysfunction;
  • pollutions;
  • blood impurities in seminal fluid;
  • anus and groin discomfort;
  • pain with intimacy;
  • weak ejaculation.

The listed he alth problems usually indicate an inflamed seminal tubercle. Symptoms and their severity can vary, so you cannot self-diagnose. It is better to seek help from a urologist.

At the consultation, the doctor must first conduct a physical examination and listen to the complaints of the potential patient. Must be studiedanamnesis. After that, they move on to instrumental diagnostic methods. To confirm the inflammatory process in the seed tubercle, ureteroscopy is used, as well as laboratory tests by PCR. Based on the results, the doctor can prescribe treatment.

seminal tubercle symptoms
seminal tubercle symptoms

Features of therapy

The main goal of the prescribed treatment is to stop acute symptoms and the infection that provoked the disease. First of all, the patient is prescribed a course of antibacterial drugs. Their action is aimed at suppressing the causative agent of the inflammatory process. Medicines are always selected individually. It is important to complete the full course of treatment and not abandon it even after the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Simultaneously with bacterial physiotherapy is prescribed. Among the most gentle methods of influencing the problem include washing the urethra and quenching with special solutions, which include silver nitrates.

The final stage of therapy is always surgery. During its execution, the surgeon removes the inflamed seed tubercle in men. After that, for 2-4 weeks, you should refrain from intimate contact and protect your body from viral / infectious diseases.

seed tubercle treatment
seed tubercle treatment

Hypertrophy of the seminal vesicle

With this pathology, there is an increase in education in size. The degree of expression may vary. With the advanced form, the seminal tubercle begins to block the lumen of the urethra.

For diagnosticspathology, the method of ascending urethrocystography is used. During the study, the doctor injects a contrast agent into the cavity of the urethra, with which you can see the existing defects in the picture. Elimination of pathology involves surgical intervention. During endoscopic surgery, the specialist removes the seed tubercle. Treatment on this is considered completed.

where is the seminal tubercle located
where is the seminal tubercle located

Doctors' forecasts

Any pathology affecting the male reproductive system requires high-quality diagnostics and treatment. At this time, it is important to follow all the doctor's instructions, to exclude casual relationships. As for the diet, in this case it is better to abandon products that irritate the bladder. Lack of therapy can lead to sad consequences.

seminal tubercle in men
seminal tubercle in men

Inflammatory process in the seed tubercle or its hypertrophy requires surgical intervention. To avoid the development of complications, after the operation, it is necessary to adhere to a sparing regimen. Soft tissues heal very slowly, and sometimes very painfully. Therefore, during the rehabilitation period, intimate contacts, physical activity and excessive overexertion should be abandoned.
