The measles epidemic is one of the pressing issues that worries doctors this summer. Due to the general refusal of the population to vaccinate children, long-defeated diseases such as polio and smallpox began to return. Measles was among these.
Measles epidemic in Europe

The outbreak in Europe began last year. The first cases were reported in Romania, and then no one raised a fuss, although the report of the European Center for Disease Control was quite frightening and foreshadowed an unpleasant trend in the future.
In 2017, Romania is still in first place in terms of the number of cases, in which (according to the report) almost five thousand people were infected in two years and there are already twenty-three victims of the disease.
The measles epidemic in Europe has also spread to Italy, where 1,739 proven cases have been registered since January this year. The majority of patients are children and adolescents who have never been vaccinated against measles. About a hundred and fifty more patients are medical personnel who cared for the infected. In the "virus guide", countries such as France,Germany, Belgium, Czech Republic and others. The disease continues to spread.
Outbreak in Russia

The measles epidemic in Russia officially started only in 2017. In the first quarter, the incidence increased three times. Forty-three cases have been reported so far, half of which are children.
Most of all patients are located in Dagestan, the second place is occupied by Moscow and the Moscow region, then the Rostov and Sverdlovsk regions, as well as North Ossetia. Here were the most massive outbreaks of the disease. In other regions, there is only one case of measles so far. The World He alth Organization reports that all infections were in unvaccinated adults and children.
Symptoms, complications and routes of transmission

A measles epidemic begins unnoticed, as the incubation period for the disease is about two weeks. This complicates the search for contact persons and their placement in dispensary observation.
10-12 days after infection, patients have a high temperature (up to febrile numbers - 38-39 degrees), runny nose, cough, conjunctivitis. Parents, as a rule, believe that the child has the flu or acute respiratory infections, and no one guesses to look at the oral mucosa. It is there that the spots characteristic of measles are located - Belsky-Filatov-Koplik - they are white and are located on the inner surface of the cheek (opposite the upper teeth) or on the palate.
After three to five days, a rash begins to appear on the baby's skin. She issmall, red, located on an unchanged background of the skin. The rash starts from the face and neck, and gradually the rash moves down. On average, rashes last from five to seven days. Then they pass without a trace.
Most often complications of the disease develop in young children and adults. They are dominated by:
- inflammation of the meninges and brain substance;
-sudden blindness;
- dehydration and upset stool;- viral pneumonia.
The measles virus is transmitted by airborne droplets or through close physical contact. The patient is contagious 4 days before the rash appears and 4 days after the last spots have disappeared.
Measles treatment

The measles epidemic is also so widespread because there is no specific treatment for this disease. Experts recommend drinking plenty of fluids, avoiding insolation and bright artificial light. Other doctor's appointments depend on the prevailing symptoms and existing complications.
Adults are recommended to take large doses of vitamin A to prevent the disease and its complications. For children, the best remedy for the disease is vaccination! According to the vaccination calendar, immunization is carried out in two stages:
- first dose at 12 months;- second dose at 6 years.
Measles vaccination
The measles epidemic might not have happened if parents were responsible and did not refuse vaccinations provided by the state to children. Yes, now there are many alternative opinions about the quality and benefits ofimmunization of the population, but do not forget that many viral diseases were defeated solely thanks to vaccination.
There are several contraindications to vaccination:
- the presence of allergies to serums and vaccines in the past;
- acute inflammation, which is accompanied by a rise in temperature above 38.5;
- reduced immunity, autoimmune disease, taking corticosteroids or cytostatics;
- epilepsy (applies to pertussis vaccine only);- pregnancy.
Before vaccination, be sure to tell the doctor how long ago the child was last ill, if he has allergies to medicines, food or vaccines, how the previous immunization went. It is important to draw the attention of the doctor to the presence of chronic diseases in the child, such as diabetes or bronchial asthma.
Is the measles epidemic in Europe gone? The answer is, of course, no. And this is already beginning to inspire fear among he althcare workers. Some significant measures must be taken soon to prevent the spread of the disease.