Whether children need vaccinations or not, each mother decides for herself. Doctors insist on vaccination and claim that this is an opportunity to avoid many diseases in adulthood. Comprehensive vaccinations save time and help avoid a series of unpleasant moments that a child would have to go through if each vaccine was administered separately. Find out when the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine is given and how toddlers and preschool children tolerate it.
Vaccination schedule
The list and timing of the introduction of vaccines is determined by the National Immunization Calendar. This document is approved by the Ministry of He alth of the Russian Federation and determines the timing of preventive measures for citizens. The main vaccinations recommended by pediatricians and the ministry in charge of the he alth of the nation are:
- Injections fromhepatitis B, which are administered on the first day of life, at one, two and six months.
- The TB vaccine is given from the third to the seventh day of a baby's life.
- Pneumococcal vaccine is given to babies at two and then at four and a half months.
- An injection for diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus is given at three, four and a half and six months.
- Polio vaccine is also given at 3, 4, 5 and 6 months.
- Measles-rubella-mumps vaccine is introduced a year.
- Revaccination against pneumococcal infection is carried out at one year and three months.
- Against polio, revaccination is carried out at one and a half years, at one year and eight months, at 14 years.
- For diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus, revaccination is also required at one and a half years, at six and fourteen years.
- According to the schedule, "measles-rubella-mumps" is reintroduced at 6 years.
- Tuberculosis revaccination is also available at age 6.

Danger to humans
All three diseases can have serious consequences, and since they are transmitted by airborne droplets, the risk of infection is quite high. The symptoms of each ailment are different.
Measles is characterized by inflammation of the mouth and respiratory tract, fever, and a slightly pink rash. It reduces the body's immunity, leads to bacterial complications, causes hepatitis, tracheobronchitis, panencephalitis.
With rubella, red pimples appear, intoxication of the body occurs andenlarged lymph nodes. A pregnant woman who becomes infected with rubella can transmit the disease to her fetus, resulting in malformations or death of the baby in the womb.
Mumps affects the nervous system, brain, parotid glands, testicles, leading to infertility in men.

This is a viral infection that can be contracted in 99.9% of cases through contact with a sick person. The main symptoms are a small rash, general malaise, fever, reddened conjunctiva of the eyes. The disease itself is not dangerous and only in extreme cases requires the patient to be in the hospital. If complications develop, they can lead to death. The most common conditions include encephalitis, diarrhea with life-threatening severe dehydration, otitis media, pneumonia, and partial blindness.
The Russian measles vaccine is called "mumps-measles" because it also provides protection against mumps. A domestic pharmaceutical company also produces a mono-vaccination only against measles. Sometimes Russian clinics use the French Ruvax vaccine. Unlike the domestic version, the imported agent is formed in the embryo of a chicken egg, which may be contraindicated in children with a negative reaction to the protein. Japanese quail embryo is used for the Russian preparation.
The second name for this disease is mumps. It is a viral disease that belongs to the same group of infections as measles, rubella and chickenpox. Parotitis usually affectsglands within the body. Most often, the salivary glands, pancreas or testicles in boys are affected. Since mumps is ill from three to eight years, it is necessary to adhere to the vaccination schedule. At the age when vaccination is recommended, there is the largest number of cases of mumps. The risk increases when the child visits kindergarten, early childhood schools and public places with a large crowd of people, since the infection is transmitted by airborne droplets. There are cases when babies become infected through objects, such as children's toys.
At first, the symptoms of the disease are similar to any viral infection. The temperature rises, headaches appear, the general condition worsens. Next, the parotid glands swell and the face looks very fat, and the eyes often become narrow.

Complications occur when the disease passes to the pancreas, which is characterized by pain in the left side and vomiting. Possible hearing loss. Inflammation of the testicles in boys and ovaries in girls leads to serious consequences, especially if the disease occurs during puberty. It happens that when the central nervous system is affected, meningitis develops, which is cured in most cases with timely admission to the hospital.
Usually, the mumps vaccine is either part of a domestic product and provides immediate protection against measles and mumps, or is administered as part of a three-component imported lyophilizate.
This virus has the longest incubation period and canharm both children and adults. The body of a pregnant woman and the fetus in the womb can react especially sharply. In 80% of cases, rubella in the first trimester of pregnancy will lead to miscarriage, death or congenital malformations of the baby. That is why revaccination against measles, rubella, mumps is so important not only for children, but also for adults, which should be done every ten years.

Inject either a monocomponent domestic vaccine, or imported products that contain three types of live viruses at once.
When the measles-mumps vaccine is given, you can find out from the National Calendar. It noted the introduction of attenuated disease-preventing viruses at one year and at six years.
Unfortunately, there is no Russian three-component vaccine. If you have applied to a state medical institution and have a desire to be vaccinated for free, which you have every right to, you will be offered two injections. In one syringe there will be a monocomponent domestic solution for measles, and in the other - a dicomponent suspension for rubella and mumps. Mixing two vaccines to administer them at the same time is unacceptable, as this can cause various adverse reactions.

The pediatrician can recommend one of the imported drugs, which are also used as a vaccine against measles, rubella, mumps. The names of vaccines sold in Russia are not so popular. The most famous of them:
- MMR II - Designed in the USA but manufactured today inHolland. The abbreviation stands for measles, mumps, rubella, which means "measles, mumps, rubella." Viruses in the composition are attenuated, which does not cause disease, but only contributes to the formation of protective protein molecules. In the manufacture of the lyophilisate, all three viruses are mixed. They are supplemented with components such as sorbitol, sucrose, neomycin, fetal calf serum and albumin. If the vaccine is administered to the baby according to the calendar approved in Russia, namely at the age of 1 year, the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine from this manufacturer will work until the age of eleven.
- Priorix is a Belgian manufacturer's live vaccine against three diseases. Viruses in the composition, as well as in the previous version, are weakened. Additional components are egg protein and neomycin sulfate. The drug can be used both for routine vaccination and for urgent vaccination of people who have recently been in contact with patients.
Planned introduction
If you ask Russian mothers when the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine is given, most will remember that they encountered a vaccine of this kind in the second year of a baby's life. This age is considered optimal, because in early childhood the child is most at risk when meeting infections.
However, experts note that a single vaccination does not provide adequate protection for the baby. That is why, according to the mentioned calendar, the re-introduction of attenuated viruses is carried out when the child reaches the age of six. It is believed that the vaccine does not last a lifetimeworks. It helps someone not to get sick for 10 years, and protects someone for 25 years. The duration of action is associated solely with the characteristics of the body.
It happens that a child has a medical exemption from vaccinations for a while. In this case, attenuated viruses are administered only after the end of this period. The age of revaccination against measles, rubella, mumps is unimportant for a child. It is believed that the interval between vaccinations should be at least four years.
The vaccine is administered either under the shoulder blade or in the right shoulder.
A few days before vaccination, it is necessary to cancel visits to places with mass gatherings of people. On the day of vaccination, it is necessary to examine the child at home, and then go to the pediatrician. He will professionally examine the condition of the baby, listen to him and measure the temperature. If the doctor has any doubts, he will prescribe a laboratory study of blood counts, and may also recommend visiting narrow specialists. Children with pathologies of the nervous system should definitely visit a neurologist who can prescribe anticonvulsants. Babies with chronic diseases are allowed to be vaccinated during remission. In this case, vaccination is possible against the background of general treatment.
Do's and Don'ts on Vaccination Day
It is advisable not to immediately leave the medical institution, but to stay nearby for half an hour. It is not necessary to bathe the child. But if necessary, it is better to do a shower without soap products. It is unacceptable to offer a child chocolate, citrus and other allergens, as well as new ones for him.products. Walking on the street is possible, but away from a large crowd of people. Shops and playgrounds should also be avoided.
Post-injection condition

When the measles-rubella-mumps vaccine is given, babies tolerate it differently. This is due both to the individual characteristics of the organism, and to the vaccine. The possible consequences of vaccination at 6 years of age do not differ much from the introduction in infancy. Bacterial complications may manifest themselves in the form of otitis media, bronchitis, sore throat, and a rash at the injection site is also possible. Some children may have reactions to any specific component of the vaccine.
Complications of the measles component of the vaccine
After the measles-rubella-mumps vaccination, reactions at 1 year are different and they can occur on different components of the vaccine. On the core component arise:
- Swelling and redness for several days.
- Appearance of cough on the sixth day.
- Nosebleed.
- Temperature increase.
- Decreased appetite.
- Rash.
- Swollen lymph nodes.
- Red throat.
- Convulsions.
- Quincke's edema.
Reaction to mumps protection
Whether the second vaccination is given at age 6, or the first vaccination at one year, complications manifest themselves in the same way. Pediatricians note that unpleasant symptoms rarely appear. In general, the vaccine is well tolerated by babies. But there are cases when, after eight to ten days, mothers find an increase in the salivary glands,rhinitis, headache, weakness, nausea and vomiting, convulsions and fever.
How the body reacts to the rubella component
Of course, vaccination is an effective method of protection against measles, rubella, mumps. Complications do not occur often, especially in the rubella component. They can manifest as fever, swollen lymph nodes, joint pain. Sometimes a pink rash is noticeable.
Moms should remember that some reactions, such as rash and fever, are one of the normal options and you should not worry. Of course, it is possible and necessary to provide symptomatic treatment, such as lowering a high temperature, providing the child with pain medications, medicines for allergies or inflammation.
Serious conditions, manifested by convulsions, loss of consciousness, severe pain, require a visit to a specialist, and in some cases, an immediate call for an ambulance.
Any pediatrician prescribes vaccinations by age. However, there are situations when vaccination should be postponed or completely abandoned. Contraindications include:
- Medicine recommended by doctors due to the serious condition of the baby, recorded immediately after birth.
- Complications to the previous vaccine.
- Oncological diseases.
- Allergy to egg white and aminoglycosides.
- Chemotherapy.
- Administration of blood components or immunoglobulin.
What vaccinations are given at school
Usually a child enters an educational institution already partially vaccinated. If the mother refused to vaccinate the baby, then she should think about the consequences. Getting into a huge team, an unvaccinated student has a high risk of contracting a variety of diseases. In addition to the fact that the social circle increases dramatically, immunity decreases due to various kinds of physical and mental stress. Perhaps the vaccine will not save you from the disease, but it will allow you to get sick in a mild form.
According to the calendar, before entering school, a child must have a card that shows vaccinations against hepatitis B, tuberculosis, polio, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, rubella, measles and mumps.

During the period of schooling, if the student did all the vaccinations according to the schedule, two revaccinations are carried out: one of them is against polio, the second is against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus. In addition, annual checks for tuberculosis are carried out using Mantoux or Diaskintest. These tests allow you to determine the infection of the body with mycobacteria.
All medical manipulations with the child, including vaccinations or tuberculin tests, should be carried out only with the written consent of the parent or legal representative.
Sometimes schoolchildren are offered to administer the flu vaccine. Pediatricians claim that this virus can bring a lot of trouble and complications, so they recommend that mothers agree to this kind of vaccination.
Usually after 14 years of schoolchild vaccination, exceptflu vaccines are not made. Only revaccination at a more mature age is possible. However, since 2013, new recommendations have been introduced, according to which the human papillomavirus vaccine is administered to girls at the age of 15 years. A vaccine of this kind can prevent the disease, but it cannot cure it. That's why it's important to get vaccinated before having sex.
It should be noted that all the described vaccines can be administered on the same day as others included in the vaccination calendar. The only exception is BCG, which does not allow simultaneous administration. You also need to keep in mind that blood transfusion can be carried out three months before vaccination or two weeks after it.
Generally, serious post-vaccination reactions to MMR vaccine are rare. In most cases, there is barely noticeable swelling at the injection site and redness that goes away after a few days.