Every adult knows for sure what is HIV infection. Unfortunately, mankind has not yet come up with ways to treat this disease. In order to avoid problems, you need to know how HIV is contracted. Many people think that the infection spreads through the air. This opinion is wrong. Doctors give a clear answer in what situations you need to sound the alarm. We'll talk more about this in the article.

How did HIV come about?
Many scientists are still arguing where this infection came from. Its origin is not exactly known. Recently, doctors are inclined to the version that the monkeys were to blame. The first case of infection was detected in a hunter who butchered dead monkeys. But the thing is that in these animals this virus was not found in the blood. There are similar cells, but still not the same. Perhaps the virus simply mutated in human blood and people learned about such a terrible disease as AIDS.
Today, there is a version that the disease was created artificially in secret laboratories. And prepared like a weaponmass destruction.
It doesn't really matter where the virus came from, the main thing is to know how people get HIV. International conferences and lectures are held annually, at which they give detailed answers to this question. Among other things, the topic of biology lessons devoted to this problem is necessarily included in the school curriculum. Children should also know everything about this disease in order to minimize the risk of infection.

Routes of HIV infection
Many people ask doctors how they get infected with HIV? Strange, but in the 21st century, not all adults know the answer to this question. This is sad. After all, their he alth depends on knowledge. So, there are several ways of infection:
- Sex without condoms. Remember, no pills, candles, coils can protect you from the virus.
- Through the blood. This method is called parenteral. At risk are drug addicts who use the same needle.
- Through the mother's placenta to the unborn child. Doctors call it the vertical way. There are cases when infection of the baby can be avoided. This happens if a pregnant woman uses the right drugs for all 9 months of gestation. Natural childbirth in this case is prohibited, only a caesarean section is supposed. Breastfeeding is also unacceptable.
Blood transfusion. Infections are extremely rare.
- From the patient to the doctor. This happens during operating or other surgical interventions, andonly in those cases when the infected person does not notify about his illness. Fortunately, such cases are rare, as the medical staff always work with gloves, and they know the precautions.
After reading the above information, you will probably be able to answer the question: “How do people get infected with HIV?”
Be careful
Lectures and open lessons on AIDS are held annually in high schools. And this is not done by chance. It is important that adolescents know how people get HIV.
In most cases, this happens during unprotected sex. The fact is that the infection is contained in large quantities in male sperm and on the lining of the uterus. Moreover, if one of the partners has microcracks in the mucosa, infection will occur in 95%. The only protection in this case is condoms. At the same time, they must be of high quality, not expired, of well-known brands. Do not choose the ultra-thin series. The density should be maximum.
It is better not to have sex with unverified partners in case of any gynecological diseases and cervical erosion. In this case, the risk of infection is highest. The same goes for anal sex. The walls of the anus are so thin that microcracks cannot be avoided. This explains why many homosexuals have HIV.
Remember: the spiral, birth control pills, injections, hormonal patch, suppositories can protect you from unwanted pregnancy, but they will not save you from the HIV virus.
Many are interested in: “What is the probability of contracting HIV by using in sexcondom? Risks are reduced to almost zero.
Drugs - sentence
Another way of infection is through the blood. Drug addicts who use one syringe are most at risk. The probability of contracting HIV using needles that have already been used is 65%. And this is more than half. That is, every time you insert someone else's needle, the chances are 50/50. That's a lot.
Especially the boom in AIDS infection among people with addiction occurred in the 90s. In those days, drug addiction flourished, and disposable syringes cost a lot. Therefore, there was no talk of acquiring them individually for yourself.
Now the percentage of people infected with HIV from the use of reusable syringes has decreased significantly. Firstly, information campaigning helped, people began to understand how serious and insidious the disease is. Secondly, syringe prices have dropped significantly.
If you are still interested in the question: "What is the chance of contracting HIV from the needle that the patient used?" The answer is quite simple. Unfortunately, it will be 100%. The virus, getting into the blood, leaves no chance for the body to overcome the HIV infection, no matter how strong the person's immunity is.
Unfortunately, there are cases of infection in children who, finding syringes with needles on the street, begin to play with them. Under no circumstances should this be done. No one can guarantee that the needle contains the blood of an uninfected person.

Think about the future of children
Expectant mothers must be tested for HIV. Atregistration in any hospital, this is mandatory. The analysis is absolutely free, and almost painless. Blood is taken from the vein and sent to the laboratory. The answer is ready in a few days. If it is positive, the body of the expectant mother is infected.
In this case, the question would be appropriate: "What is the probability of contracting HIV in a baby who is in the womb?" There are risks, and they are quite high. In 30% of cases, the baby is born infected. This can happen if the mother does not receive proper treatment during the childbearing period, breastfeeds.
Higher probability of contracting HIV infection to the baby during natural childbirth, if the mother has a huge amount of viruses concentrated on the uterine mucosa. Therefore, in most cases, a caesarean section is performed to protect the he alth of the baby.

He alth workers at risk
People associated with medicine are also at risk. The chances of infection are quite negligible (0.3%), but still they are. There have been cases of infection through dental appliances that have been poorly handled.
Before surgery, the patient must take blood for HIV. If the result is positive, he alth workers follow all safety measures.
Are there any preventive measures?
Ways to get infected with HIV have been described above, but are there any preventive measures? Many people think that you need to constantly wash your hands, disinfect the room and everything like that. But it's not. Remember:you can become infected only if the blood, sperm or mother's milk of the patient got on the damaged mucous membrane of a he althy person. To exclude this, you need to do the following:
- Always use condoms during sex.
- Do not use reusable syringes.
- If you find a needle on the street, be sure to dispose of it with gloves so that it does not become a toy for children.
- Before planning pregnancy, get tested for HIV infection.
- If the virus was detected in the blood, follow all the doctor's recommendations when carrying a fetus.
All these simple rules must be followed by people, and then the disease of the 21st century can be defeated.
Don't be afraid
Many are interested in the question: "How can you not get infected with HIV?":
- Through household items. Even if an infected person lives in the apartment, don't be afraid to share one towel, cutlery, bedding, and more.
- Airborne.
- Through kisses. Scientists have proven that 1 drop of blood is enough for infection. But saliva needs 4 glasses to reach the required concentration.
- Through animal bite. Mosquitoes, bedbugs and other bloodsuckers cannot carry HIV infection.
Remember: the possibility of contracting HIV at home is reduced to zero. No such case has been recorded in history.
Who should be alert
Every person who does not follow basic safety measures is at risk of contracting HIV infection. But there are certain categories of people who are most at risk:
- homosexuals;
- addicts;
- people leading an immoral lifestyle;
- babies in the womb of an HIV-infected woman.
Statistics says that men are infected in 70% of cases.
Passing analysis
In order to determine if you have a virus, it is enough to take a blood test. This can be done at any district clinic or a special medical center. The analysis is completely free. Anyone can pass it. If you want, you can do it anonymously. It is enough to donate blood from a vein, and in a few days the answer will be ready.
There are rapid tests that are sold in pharmacies. Their cost is quite high, and the result is ready in 40-50 minutes. It is enough to collect saliva and place it on a special test strip that comes with the kit. Doctors are wary of such a diagnosis and do not really trust it.

Can the disease be cured?
The chance of contracting HIV in a person who knows everything about this disease is practically zero. By following preventive measures, people save their lives. After all, until now, mankind has not come up with a cure for AIDS.
There are many versions of this. Some believe that the virus was artificially created to become a weaponmass destruction against humanity. Whatever it is, no laboratory in the world has a vaccine that can cure the patient.
Of course, pharmaceuticals have taken a big step forward, there are drugs that help prolong the life of HIV patients. They help to maintain the body, improve immunity. But this, unfortunately, will only help prolong life, and not cure the disease.
How to keep children safe?
Everyone who reads this article knows how people get infected with HIV. Is it necessary to tell children and teenagers about this? Undoubtedly. After all, their life depends on the information received. You should know that this disease is incurable.
It would seem, how can small children get infected? Elementary. And such cases are not uncommon. The fact is that drug addicts often gather in squares where kids walk. Leaving their syringes with needles in bushes, sandboxes, on swings, they do not understand what a serious danger and food they can bring to children. After all, kids are interested in new objects, they are happy to start playing with them, unaware of the danger.
The task of parents is to carefully monitor the children on the playgrounds. If a syringe is suddenly found, dispose of it carefully. If the baby has been injected, it is imperative to pass an analysis for the presence of a virus in the blood.
For teenagers, this information is also important. It is essential that they know how they become infected with HIV and AIDS. It is not for nothing that schools hold open lessons on the study and consideration of this topic. Those supporters who believe that such lectures for schoolchildren are unacceptable, since they are still too young,wrong.

Briefly about the main things
As a conclusion, I would like to remind you once again how people become infected with HIV:
- Through the blood.
- With unprotected sex, when one of the partners is sick.
- From mother to child, through breast milk, placenta and natural birth.
All of these routes of infection can be avoided. All you have to do is follow the safety measures:
- Use quality condoms when having sex. Other methods of contraception do not provide protection against the virus.
- Do not use drugs.
- Use disposable syringes in medical facilities.
The situation is more difficult when the expectant mother has a positive test result. Many people ask: “What is the likelihood of a baby getting HIV infection?” In fact, the worst result occurs only in 30% of cases. If the mother receives special treatment, the baby has a chance to be born he althy.
How not to get HIV
Take care of your he alth, remember - this is the most valuable thing you have. Unfortunately, AIDS is incurable. Scientists around the world are working on a vaccine, but so far to no avail. Therefore, follow basic safety measures and enjoy life to the fullest.