The article describes the existing types of antipyretics. The symptoms that manifest themselves at high temperature and possible options for its reduction are indicated. In order to regulate temperature indicators, recommendations are given on the use of medicines and folk remedies.
The body's ability to regulate body temperature is one of the foundations of human he alth. The function of thermal interchange within a person, as well as between the body and the external environment, called thermoregulation, is associated with processes occurring not only in the body, but also outside it.
Body temperature
The body temperature is a relative value. Its measurement is one of the methods for diagnosing diseases in patients. For newborn babies, a temperature not exceeding 36.8 ° C is considered a normal indicator; in children from 6 months to 3 years, the temperature ranges from 36 ° C to 37.5 ° C, with growing up, an elevated temperature is recorded at levels over 37 ° C. Temperature indicators change not only with age, but also fluctuate during the day within reasonable limits. Atjump in body temperature above the established norms, doctors recommend taking antipyretics.
The choice of drugs depends on several factors:
- category to which the patient belongs;
- patient's age;
- symptoms accompanying the disease;
- intolerance to certain substances;
- time of day;
- comorbidities;
- individual characteristics of the organism;
- individual indicators of the external environment.
Signs of fever

To use antipyretics at a temperature without harm to he alth, you must first measure its value. The thermometer will show the exact numbers. There are mercury and digital thermometers, as well as devices with an infrared emitter. Measure the temperature in several areas on the body:
- in the armpit,
- in the groin,
- oral,
- vaginally,
- rectal.
There are several temperature stages:
- low,
- normal,
- febrile,
- pyretic.
The average values of normal temperature in different categories of patients range from 36 to 37.5 degrees. Indicators outside the normal range indicate a malfunction in the functioning of the body. Increased values indicate the connection of the immune system, which fights negative factors with the help of biochemical processes.
The need to use antipyretics for hightemperature occurs at the febrile stage, when crossing the mark of 38.5 ° C. The exceptions are patients with asthma, pronounced hypertension, bronchopulmonary diseases, who need to bring down the temperature at lower values. If there is no thermometer, then the need to use antipyretics can be visually determined by the following signs:
- facial redness;
- rapid breathing and pulse;
- body chills and cold extremities;
- loss of appetite and extreme thirst;
- convulsions;
- headache;
- joint and muscle pain;
- increased work of the sweat glands.
Types of antipyretics
The doctor will help you deal with the variety of funds. Referring to him is the most correct action in cases of exceeding normal temperatures, especially in children and the elderly. With a rapidly developing course of the disease, it becomes necessary to use antipyretics without visiting a specialist. The information that the sick person or his close circle is provided with will help you choose the drug yourself.
The main drugs that regulate temperature downwards belong to the group of anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs. They replaced the previously used toxic opioid analgesics.
There are several types of antipyretics currently used at high temperatures:
- Painkillers and antipyretics,characterized by the occurrence of a large number of adverse reactions: "Aspirin", "Citramon", "Analgin".
- Second-generation paracetamol-based drugs with fewer side effects: Panadol, Paracetamol, Theraflu.
- Drugs based on ibuprofen or a combination of several active substances with prolonged action: Rinzasip, Coldact Flu Plus, Nurofen, Ibuklin, Mig.

"Paracetamol" is an excellent long-term assistant in the victory over the temperature, acting gradually, relieving additional headache and muscle pain. The substance rarely causes adverse reactions.
"Ibuprofen", in addition to the declared anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties, affects the immune system, accumulating the body's hidden capabilities.
Acetylsalicylic acid is effective when used in adults, but has many side effects and is not used in children, so it is rarely prescribed by specialists.
The difference between paracetamol and ibuprofen
Doctors recommend taking seriously the choice of antipyretic at high temperatures. In adults, there are individual characteristics of the use of drugs. When deciding on the use of any drug, you need to know its composition. You should also pay attention to the differences in the use of paracetamol and ibuprofen. The features of the above active substances are as follows:
- "Paracetamol", inunlike "Ibuprofen", does not carry the anti-inflammatory component of the treatment.
- "Paracetamol" is preferable in cases of use in patients with diseases of the stomach and intestinal tract, as it does not irritate the mucous membranes.
- Paracetamol is more dangerous at higher doses than Ibuprofen.
- When using Ibuprofen, more side effects are possible.
- "Paracetamol" is suitable for single use, and "Ibuprofen" - for long-term use.
Drugs for adults
The list of antipyretics produced by the pharmaceutical industry is varied. The purpose of the drug often depends on the accumulated practice and experience of the attending physician. Doctors of the older generation respond well and more often use drugs that have proven themselves on the positive side in the last century. The younger generation of specialists gives positive feedback and offers new drugs for use. In any case, the best antipyretic can only be chosen by knowing your individual characteristics and having tried the drug on yourself. The most popular medicines today are:
- "Panadol" is produced in the form of soluble and insoluble tablets. Paracetamol at a dose of 0.5 g is present as the main substance in any of the forms. It is recommended to take the drug in a single dosage of 1 gram no more than 4 times a day. Contraindications to use may be individual intolerance or younger childrenage.
- "Paracetamol" as an antipyretic for adults, is produced in the form of tablets. The dose of the active substance is 0.5 g. It is used to reduce fever and relieve moderate fever and pain symptoms. The maximum possible dose is contained in 2 tablets. It is not recommended to take more than 8 tablets per day.
- "Coldact Flu Plus" is produced in the form of capsules and suspensions. In addition to 200 mg of paracetamol, one capsule contains 25 mg of phenylephrine hydrochloride, which relieves puffiness, and 8 mg of chlorphenamine maleate, which has an antihistamine effect. In 10 ml of suspension there is a similar composition. The drug is used as an antipyretic at a temperature in adults in the complex treatment of symptoms of colds and acute respiratory infections.
- "Rinzasip" is a drug of combined action. Release form - sate with powder containing 750 mg of paracetamol. Due to the presence of a complex of substances, it has an antipyretic, analgesic, anti-allergic effect. The caffeine present in the composition has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, eliminating signs of fatigue and drowsiness. Apply one sachet, dissolved in 150 ml of hot water, up to 4 times a day. The general course should not exceed 5 days. The period of pregnancy and lactation is the main contraindication for the use of the powder.
- "Theraflu" is also called a combination drug. The composition contains 325 mg of paracetamol and additional substances that eliminateswelling and possible allergic reactions. The remedy is used for inflammation and infections, and is also effective in reducing fever and getting rid of signs of colds and flu.
- "Nurofen" is distinguished by a variety of release forms with a slightly modified name. "Nurofen" is produced in the form of regular and effervescent tablets. "Nurofen Express Neo" - sugar-coated tablets, "Nurofen Active" - lozenges, "Nurofen Period" - long-acting tablets, "Nurofen Ultracap" - in the form of capsules. The active ingredient in all release options is ibuprofen, the main mass fraction of 200 mg. For long-acting agents, the amount of the main substance in the preparation ranges from 300 to 400 mg. A medicine is used to reduce fever and get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of colds. Also, having an analgesic effect, it is used to eliminate pain of various etiologies.
- "Ibuklin" - a complex remedy consisting of 125 mg of paracetamol and 100 mg of ibuprofen, produced in the form of capsule tablets. The effectiveness of the drug is achieved through a combination of two antipyretic components. It is used for inflammatory fever, neuralgia, headache and toothache, in the postoperative period to reduce pain. It is not recommended for use in patients with diseases of the stomach and intestines, asthma, pregnancy, severely impaired renal function and the circulatory system.
- "Mig" is an assistant in the fight against fever. The numbers accompanyingname, directly depend on the dosage of 200 or 400 mg of ibuprofen. Refers to strong analgesics, restores normal temperature and eliminates the inflammatory syndrome. The maximum daily dose reaches 1200 mg. May cause gastrointestinal side effects.

Medicines for children

At a temperature in children, antipyretics are selected with extreme caution, especially when it comes to a newborn. The reaction of the baby to most drugs is still unknown to either the mother or the attending pediatrician. The commonly used drug for lowering the temperature in childhood is Paracetamol. The drug provides rapid relief of fever and pain without complications. When purchasing the selected drug, it is necessary to study the instructions and find indications for use specifically for children. Familiarization with the instructions will allow you to be sure of the correct choice of means. The children's version of the drug is usually equipped with a measuring spoon or syringe. An additional device will protect the baby from the wrong dosage, which is possible when using an adult drug.
Despite the variety of medicines for fever, many people use candles. Especially relevant is the choice of this form of the drug for children under one year old. Antipyretics in the form of suppositories are convenient to use if the baby is naughty, spits out the medicine, or the drug is accompanied by vomiting.
There are several types of drugs for children:
- A group of drugs with the main substance - paracetamol, which helps to reduce pain and lower temperature.
- Drugs with an active ingredient - ibuprofen, which reduces pain, temperature and inflammation of various nature.
Children's preparations with paracetamol

"Panadol", being an effective antipyretic, acts as an analgesic drug with a weak anti-inflammatory effect. Apply medicine:
- high temperature due to colds or infectious diseases;
- toothache and headache;
- otitis media and reactions of the child's body to vaccinations.
The product is produced in the form of a suspension and rectal suppositories. The suspension has a strawberry flavor, 5 ml of the substance contains 120 mg of paracetamol. The suppository consists of solid fats and paracetamol in the amount of 125 mg. A liquid remedy is possible for use in children from 3 months, candles from 6 months. The duration of treatment should not exceed 72 hours.
"Cefekon D" is available only in the form of suppositories with the amount of active ingredient 50 mg. The drug does not cure, but acts on the symptoms: it reduces fever and eliminates pain. In other cases, its use is unreasonable. The age of use of the antipyretic is from 3 months to 12 years, the dose should not exceed 60 mg / kg of body weight.
"Kalpol" differs in the forms of release, of which the drug has many. The drug is available in the form of a suspension, capsules,suppositories and injections. Suspension and syrup are additionally supplied with a measuring spoon with divisions of 2, 5 and 5 ml. 5 ml of suspension contains 120 mg of paracetamol. Children under one year are recommended no more than 1 spoon 3 to 4 times a day. Children older than a year are allowed to use up to 2 scoops at the same frequency. Indications for use are the need to reduce temperature and relieve pain in a child under 6 years old.
To avoid overdose, the described medicines are not recommended for use in combination or with other medicines that contain paracetamol.
Ibuprofen for children
"Ibuprofen" is a medicine to reduce fever and pain symptoms in colds, infections, flu, and to get rid of vaccination complications. The agent is produced in the form of a suspension with the smell of orange, equipped with a measuring tool in the form of a spoon, syringe or cup. An initial dosage of 2.5 ml for six-month-old babies reaches 10 - 15 ml by 9 - 12 years.
"Nurofen" is considered the best antipyretic, which also reduces pain symptoms and inflammation. The drug is widely used in pediatrics, has a small number of possible adverse reactions and is available in three versions: suspension, tablets and suppositories. The remedy in the form of suppositories has a high speed of action and is preferably for infants from three months. It is more convenient to give the suspension to children from 4 months old, who will appreciate the pleasant sweetish taste. The dose of ibuprofen in syrup and suspension is small for schoolchildrenage. Therefore, starting from the age of 6, tablets are prescribed for use. The recommended single dose of the drug is calculated based on the weight and age of the child. Its value ranges from 50 mg ibuprofen at three months of age to 300 mg at age 12.

"Ibufen" acts as an antipyretic and analgesic anti-inflammatory drug. The product is available in the form of a syrup with a dosing syringe. The required amount is also calculated from body weight and age and ranges from 2.5 to 10 ml of the drug at a time with an interval of 6-8 hours.
Using adult therapies in childhood
Pediatricians do not recommend the use of such popular antipyretic drugs for adults as aspirin and analgin in the treatment of children.
In addition, it is undesirable to reduce the temperature in infants by rubbing with vinegar or vodka or cooling the body with ice heaters. These techniques are fraught with intoxication of the child's body or spasms of the baby's skin vessels.
Herbal treatment
Drinking plenty of fluids will help fight fever. Traditional medicine recommends alternate drinking liquids with infusions of plant origin. There are several options for folk antipyretics:
- Currant or raspberry fruits are rubbed with sugar in a ratio of 1:2. Two tablespoons of the mixture is brewed with hot boiled water and taken orally. The effect is achieved by increasing sweating, which provokes a decrease in temperature.
- Dried flowerslindens are poured with boiling water at the rate of 1:10, honey is added to taste and drunk several times a day. As a result, the body's heat exchange function is enhanced, which brings down the high temperature.
Disease Prevention
Choosing an effective antipyretic is not easy. It is advisable to trust a specialist in this matter, especially when treating the most vulnerable categories of patients. The main recommendation in this case is the prevention of emerging problems of a cold and inflammatory nature. We need to start working on boosting immunity.

Active assistants can be natural ingredients, namely: decoctions and infusions from plants:
- herbs - chamomile, rhodiola, echinacea;
- roots - ginger, ginseng, licorice;
- shrub – eleutherococcus, wild rose, aloe.