Rhinopharyngitis: symptoms, causes and treatment, photo

Rhinopharyngitis: symptoms, causes and treatment, photo
Rhinopharyngitis: symptoms, causes and treatment, photo

The disease, which is characterized by an inflammatory process that occurs on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and pharynx, is called "rhinopharyngitis". Symptoms and treatment of nasopharyngitis will be discussed in this article.

Often, patients hear the diagnosis "rhinitis" or "pharyngitis" from the doctor. However, due to the fact that these anatomical regions are located very close to each other, inflammation of one of them never proceeds in isolation, as a rule, and neighboring areas are involved in it.

rhinopharyngitis symptoms
rhinopharyngitis symptoms

Therefore, the diagnosis of "rhinopharyngitis" would be more correct and logical. The pharynx anatomically refers to the digestive organs, but, in fact, it is the area where the respiratory tract begins. During the onset of an inflammatory lesion of the nasal cavity, the pathological process in almost every case extends to those departments that are located below - that is, the larynx, pharynx and trachea. This usually happens either mechanically, when the liquid discharge from the nose flows into the throat, or by contact: direct spread of pathogens from the patientmucous membrane to he althy.

The symptoms of nasopharyngitis are quite unpleasant.

Forms of illness

Like many other pathologies of the inflammatory nature of the upper respiratory sections, this disease can occur in acute and chronic form. The first develops suddenly, as a rule, after a short period of time after the onset of the causative factor, and is characterized by very pronounced symptoms, and the second form is long-term, when the clinical manifestations of the pathological process are mild. Chronic rhinopharyngitis is most often a consequence of acute.

Symptoms of acute nasopharyngitis depend on the form. It has two varieties - purulent and catarrhal. Chronic inflammation of the nasopharynx can also be catarrhal in nature, or it can be atrophic and hypertrophic. The classification into the above forms of the disease is carried out mainly according to the type of inflammatory process, and in medical practice it does not matter much. Symptoms of rhinopharyngitis will be discussed below.

The main causes of the pathological process

The occurrence of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and nasal cavity can occur according to the following scenarios:

  1. The inflammatory process on the layers of cells lining these areas from the inside can result from a variety of injuries and the addition of a concomitant infection. A large number of infectious agents live on the internal surfaces of the respiratory tract, and this is considered the norm. A he althy mucosa is able to successfully resist variousattacks of harmful microorganisms on their own and the disease does not develop. Its occurrence may be due to a number of specific factors, which include temperature changes, the ingress of foreign bodies or dust particles into the respiratory organs, irritation by chemicals, as well as tobacco smoke - directly during smoking, or when it is passively inhaled.
  2. The disease can be triggered by the vital activity of highly pathogenic microbes on the mucosa: a variety of viruses, fungi, bacteria, mycoplasmas, which cannot multiply on he althy mucous membranes, since the process of their reproduction is suppressed by the normal microflora of the body. These pathological microbes get on the mucous membrane, as a rule, by airborne droplets. A person can contract these infections from a patient through direct contact, through saliva when kissing, as well as coughing or sneezing.
  3. In addition, there is also an allergic form of this disease. It is a direct consequence of a violation of the functions of the human immune system. Rhinopharyngitis in this situation occurs after exposure to allergens on the mucous membranes and an incorrect reaction of the immune defense to them. The triggering factor of the disease in this case is allergic rhinitis, which can be complicated by pharyngitis and inflammatory processes occurring in other parts of the respiratory tract.
rhinopharyngitis symptoms and treatment
rhinopharyngitis symptoms and treatment

One of the most common types among the viral types of this disease is rhinovirus, and among bacterial- pneumococcal, staphylococcal, meningococcal, streptococcal. In most cases, the pathological process begins with infections of viral origin, after which a bacterial or fungal infection joins it.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease

Prerequisites for the onset of symptoms of nasopharyngitis are any factors that reduce the natural defenses of the human body and contribute to the introduction of infections. These include:

  1. Diseases of the digestive system.
  2. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Endocrine system dysfunction.
  4. Hypercooling.
  5. Frequent stressful situations.
  6. Hypovitaminosis caused by starvation and monotonous poor-quality nutrition.
  7. Alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction.

Clinical symptoms of nasopharyngitis

The main manifestations of this disease in both adults and pediatric patients are:

  1. Copious discharge of mucus from the nose of various colors and patterns.
  2. Unpleasant pain in the nasal cavity and throat - burning, itching, dryness.
  3. Cough of various etiologies.
  4. Difficulty in nasal breathing, congestion.

The symptoms of chronic nasopharyngitis are exactly like this.

Pain syndromes of varying severity are also possible, especially with purulent processes that are observed not only when swallowing, but also at rest. The patient may be disturbed by headaches, frequent sneezing, lethargy and weakness, fever, and withthe development of a purulent form of rhinopharyngitis, the patient's condition may be accompanied by severe chills and fever.

This disease is the same in people of all age categories. However, in newborns and children in the first years of life, this pathology can proceed very rapidly, accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature and quickly spread to the rest of the respiratory tract - the trachea and bronchi. In the absence of adequate treatment, nasopharyngitis can cause serious complications, up to severe inflammatory pathologies of the middle ear and lungs.

rhinopharyngitis in children symptoms and treatment causes
rhinopharyngitis in children symptoms and treatment causes

Now we know the symptoms. Treatment of chronic nasopharyngitis will be considered a little later.

Diagnostic methods for determining the disease

Diagnosis in the development of this disease, as a rule, is not required. The diagnosis is made on the basis of the patient's complaints, as well as data from a visual clinical examination by a specialist. Its results may include the detection of certain signs of the disease in the complex, or one of those. These signs are:

  1. Swelling and redness of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and throat.
  2. Nose discharge.
  3. Changes in voice features.
  4. The presence of mucous or purulent plaque on the back of the throat.
  5. In childhood - swelling of the tongue. This is a common symptom of nasopharyngitis in children.
  6. Enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes and their pronounced pain when touched.

To make a diagnosis, it is usually performeda general blood test, which reveals the main signs of the presence of inflammatory processes in the body.

In severe forms of infection, a specific diagnosis is carried out, which involves determining the variety of microbes that provoked the disease, and also determining their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. These measures are necessary for the appointment so that the specialist can prescribe the most effective antibiotics to the patient. To conduct such studies, swabs taken from the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, throat, as well as sputum, if any, are used.

chronic rhinopharyngitis symptoms and treatment
chronic rhinopharyngitis symptoms and treatment

When determining the causes of chronic long-term nasopharyngitis, additional medical diagnostics may be required. This is done in order to identify the factors that led to a decrease in immune protection.

If these studies have determined the allergic nature of the disease, special tests are carried out to identify the variety of the allergen.

Therapeutic methods to eliminate pathology

Therapeutic measures to eliminate nasopharyngitis are complex. In classical medical practice for this disease, there is a very wide range of drugs that act directly on the causes of the pathological process. However, rhinopharyngitis is a disease in which folk remedies help quite effectively. The use of various decoctions andinfusions of medicinal herbs for gargling, as well as oral administration.

Symptoms and treatment of nasopharyngitis in adults are also interrelated.

Thus, traditional medicine uses the following techniques:

  1. Gargling with a weak solution of baking soda and still mineral water.
  2. For the same purposes, infusions of herbs such as sage, chamomile, oak bark, calendula, St. John's wort are used.
  3. Instillation into the nasal passages of beetroot juice, as well as extracts of Kalanchoe or aloe.
  4. For oral administration, infusions and decoctions of various parts of medicinal herbs (plantain, coltsfoot, marshmallow, eucalyptus, chamomile, licorice, elecampane and others) are used.
acute rhinopharyngitis symptoms
acute rhinopharyngitis symptoms

Conservative medical treatment

When a disease such as rhinopharyngitis occurs, specialists prescribe drugs from various pharmacological groups. Basically, they are medications that eliminate symptoms in acute forms of rhinopharyngitis, which is not accompanied by all sorts of complications. Antibacterial drugs in this case are almost never used.

The basis of therapy for uncomplicated nasopharyngitis is the following medicines:

  1. Painkillers.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs
  3. Antiseptics (containing iodine and others).
  4. Antihistamines.
  5. Decongestant nasal drops (so-called decongestants).

Antitussive drugs are used only in cases where the patient has an obsessive cough that worries him greatly. For pediatric patients, this group of drugs, as a rule, is not used due to the development of multiple side effects.

Auxiliary treatments for nasopharyngitis

These activities are also very effective and are prescribed in order to remove the main unpleasant symptoms of this disease. These usually include all kinds of inhalations using moist hot air with or without the addition of herbal extracts, as well as in the form of rubbing with warming ointments. Drinking plenty of warm fluids is also recommended.

Chronic symptoms of rhinopharyngitis in adults may require the use of topical corticosteroid drugs, which come in the form of ointments or sprays.

In some cases, the treatment of this disease may require the use of antibacterial medications, however, the decision on the appropriateness of their use is made exclusively by a specialist. The choice of the drug and its dosage is also carried out by the doctor.

We looked at the symptoms and treatment of nasopharyngitis in adults. Photos of people who have experienced this disease are presented in the article.

symptoms of rhinopharyngitis in adults
symptoms of rhinopharyngitis in adults

Disease prevention

In order to prevent the occurrence of this pathological process, it is necessary to implement individual measuresprotection against various respiratory infections. These measures typically include:

  1. Wearing a mask at the height of the disease.
  2. Avoiding contact with sick people.
  3. Using oxolinic and other antiviral ointments that are applied to the inside of the nose.
  4. The use of general tonics and multivitamin complexes.
  5. It is necessary to establish the right diet.
  6. Compliance with sleep.
  7. Struggle against bad habits.
  8. Avoid hypothermia situations by wearing natural clothes and shoes that are in season.
  9. Maintaining cleanliness of premises.

Symptoms, causes and treatment of nasopharyngitis in children

Illness in infants may present with the following symptoms:

  • nasal congestion;
  • swelling of the mucosa;
  • mucus from the nose;
  • red eyes and watery eyes;
  • cough;
  • shortness of breath.

Children often suffer from colds. Rhinopharyngitis in babies up to a year occurs as a result of SARS. Infants should be treated with the utmost care.

The following medicines are used:

  • "Vibrocil";
  • "Cefekon";
  • "Erespal";
  • "Adrianol";
  • "Otrivin";
  • "Panadol";
  • "Nazivin";
  • "Nurofen";
  • "Protargol".

You need to take care of a sick baby like this:

  • Mucus from the noseremoved regularly, the child should be washed frequently.
  • At night, garlic slurry is placed at the baby's crib in the head area.
  • An onion solution is dropped into a child's nose with a pipette.

We continue to study the symptoms and treatment of nasopharyngitis in children.

rhinopharyngitis symptoms and treatment in adults
rhinopharyngitis symptoms and treatment in adults

Children older than a year suffer from this disease more often due to numerous contacts with other children. The risk of viral infection is increasing.

The following therapeutic activities are carried out:

  1. Steam inhalation (better to use a nebulizer).
  2. Medicine solutions are used for rinsing.
  3. Feet soar in the tub.
  4. Decoctions of medicinal herbs are taken orally with honey.

It is important to remember that antibiotics are ineffective in viral infections.

Symptoms and treatment of nasopharyngitis, as well as preventive measures, we examined in detail.
