Plasmolifting in dentistry: reviews and photos

Plasmolifting in dentistry: reviews and photos
Plasmolifting in dentistry: reviews and photos

Inflammation of the gums, as well as damage to the dentition by caries, is an urgent and widespread problem in the world of dentistry. Periodontitis poses a threat to a pregnant woman, as it can even provoke premature birth. The disease leads to the destruction of gum tissue, tooth loss, chewing function and speech disorders, which undoubtedly worsens the quality of life of any person in society.

To solve this problem, Russian scientists Roman Zarudiy and Renat Akhmerov developed and put into practice an innovative technique called plasmolifting. In dentistry, the modern procedure is used not so long ago as in the cosmetology industry. It is important for everyone to know about the therapeutic multifunctional method. Before introducing the procedure into practice, specialists conducted in-depth laboratory and clinical studies that proved its safety and effectiveness forpatients of different age categories.

The concept of medical manipulation

plasmolifting in dentistry
plasmolifting in dentistry

Plasmolifting in dentistry is a technique using the patient's blood plasma to speed up and stimulate tissue regeneration. Thanks to this, it is possible to completely eliminate inflammation in the gums, restore its structure, color range and prevent bone destruction. It is successfully used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases of the oral cavity.

During the experiments, it was possible to establish a positive trend: the condition of the gums improved, the unpleasant odor stopped, and bleeding disappeared. The main advantage of the modern procedure is the preservation of one's own teeth.

Operation principle

Plasmolifting in dentistry is a breakthrough in medicine that allows you to painlessly perform complex maxillofacial operations. The principle of operation is based on the processing of the patient's venous blood. After filtration, so to speak, what remains is a yellow liquid - plasma enriched with platelets, proteins, minerals and vitamins.

plasmolifting in dentistry reviews
plasmolifting in dentistry reviews

The finished biological material is injected by injection into the damaged gum, into the place of the extracted tooth, into the hole for the implant, the area of soft maxillofacial tissues, in which acute inflammatory processes occur. Purified plasma is a natural tissue growth stimulant due to its high concentration of hormones and nutrients.

After a certain number of procedures, it is noticeablethe condition of bone tissue improves, metabolic processes are normalized, germination of blood capillaries is observed. In addition, immunity is significantly strengthened. The technique is absolutely painless, does not provoke allergies and side effects.

What does the procedure give the patient: benefits

Despite the high cost, plasmolifting in dentistry is gradually gaining popularity. Unlike medications made on the basis of chemicals, the procedure has a pronounced therapeutic effect. Medicines only stop the inflammation, without improving the aesthetic appearance of the gums.

plasmolifting in dentistry technique
plasmolifting in dentistry technique

Human plasma starts regenerative functions, has an antibacterial effect, accelerates healing, nourishes bone tissue. Unlike drugs, biological material helps to restore the anatomical shape, improve color, and eliminate the unpleasant odor caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Injections block the pain syndrome, prevent the mobility of the dentition, reduce the risk of infectious diseases and rejection during implant placement.

Assigned to whom?

Human plasma proteins have been successfully used by prominent surgeons, traumatologists and dentists to model tissues, eliminate inflammation and heal deep wounds. Biological material is a kind of framework for the preservation of bone and connective tissue. The main indications for the procedure are the following pathologies and disorders inmouth:

  • gingivitis;
  • periodontitis of any severity;
  • alveolitis;
  • tooth extraction;
  • implant placement.
plasmolifting in dentistry reviews of doctors
plasmolifting in dentistry reviews of doctors

Manipulation does not cause pain and is most often performed without anesthesia. Plasmolifting in dentistry lasts about 10-15 minutes, after which the patient can return to daily activities. Positive dynamics is observed almost immediately - sensitivity decreases and bleeding decreases.

Plasmolifting in dentistry: contraindications to the procedure

It is necessary to understand that medical manipulation has some limitations and obvious contraindications, which the doctor must warn about. These include blood diseases, including oncology. Plasmolifting in dentistry is not carried out with hepatitis. Reviews of doctors regarding the safety of this procedure are generally positive if the patient does not have the following pathologies:

  • mental disorders;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • diseases of the immune system.
plasmolifting in dentistry contraindications
plasmolifting in dentistry contraindications

The technique is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. Before treatment, the doctor conducts laboratory tests to identify existing abnormalities.

What do patients and dentists say about plasma-lifting in dentistry?

Reviews of doctors about the technique claim that it has high therapeutic efficacy and safety. It's the only onea non-surgical method that allows you to restore he alth and beauty to your gums. Thanks to natural biological materials, the appearance of undesirable consequences is excluded.

In 95% of cases, patients are satisfied. For a complete cure, 2 to 4 procedures are required. If you follow all the instructions of a specialist, you can restore bone tissue and save your own teeth.
