The Perinatal Center (Kirov, Moskovskaya st., 163) currently operates under the leadership of Nikolai Vladimirovich Semenovsky. The Center provides round-the-clock emergency and inpatient care aimed at maintaining pregnancy and giving birth to a he althy child by women who have any abnormalities in the body and pathologies and are at risk during childbirth.

A bit of history
The perinatal center in Kirov, while still an ordinary maternity hospital, received its first newborn on November 3, 1937. For many years, this medical institution has provided assistance to women in labor and their babies in the status of a maternity hospital. In August 2004, in accordance with Order No. 757, it was renamed the Kirov Regional Clinical Perinatal Center. Kirov gladly accepted this news, because one of the largest and most professionally trained obstetric clinics appeared on their territory.institutions.

Types of care provided by the center
The Kirov Perinatal Center provides round-the-clock assistance to pregnant women during the prenatal period, as well as during childbirth, if there is a possibility of any complications associated with the preservation of the fetus or labor activity. The types of services provided include:
- Provision of outpatient consultations.
- Provision of inpatient medical care that does not require a permanent stay in a medical institution, aimed at treatment and rehabilitation. Treatment is carried out in a day hospital.
- Provision of inpatient care for women who need intensive care and round-the-clock supervision. Treatment takes place around the clock in a hospital and includes medication.
- Providing high-tech care using ART (assisted reproductive technology).

Departments of the perinatal center in Kirov for women
Kirov Perinatal Center provides a range of services provided by highly qualified doctors. To date, women in labor have the opportunity to use the services of more than 20 specialized departments of the center:
- Department "Mother and Child". As part of the obstetric physiological department: wards for the joint stay of mother and child with all necessary equipment, a dining room, rooms for physiotherapy, examination rooms, ultrasoundcabinet.
- Obstetrical physiological department, the purpose of which is to train women in childbirth in the skills of caring for a newborn (hygiene, breastfeeding). Women who have undergone difficult childbirth receive treatment here, undergo the necessary examinations, diagnostics, receive consultations from a psychologist and other specialists.
- Obstetric Observational Unit - a maternity ward where a team of highly qualified specialists will assist in natural childbirth or, if necessary, perform a caesarean section. To date, the Kirov Perinatal Center is striving to improve the solution of such problems as childbirth from 22 weeks, the study and improvement of aspects of childbirth and caesarean section.
- The center has two obstetric departments of pregnancy pathology, where highly qualified doctors work. The Kirov Perinatal Center provides observation of women with the threat of preterm labor, late toxicosis, placental insufficiency, placenta previa (Department No. 1) and women with severe extragenital and obstetric pathology (Department No. 2).
- Two gynecological departments, whose activities are aimed at establishing the diagnosis and effective treatment of gynecological diseases, as well as termination of pregnancy at different times as prescribed by a doctor.

Departments of the Kirov perinatal center for newborns
Kirov Regional Clinical Perinatal Center has departments for newborns, whose activities are aimed attreatment and restoration of organ functions in newborns born with abnormalities or earlier.
- Highly qualified pediatricians work in the department for newborns, conducting medical diagnostic procedures, vaccinations and blood testing for genetic and congenital diseases.
- The neonatal resuscitation and intensive care unit and the second-stage nursing unit are designed for newborns born here or brought from other maternity hospitals who have a body weight below extreme (less than 1 kg), who were born with pathologies or diseases.

Doctor appointment
Due to the large influx of patients, in order to evenly distribute the workload among the staff, it was decided to establish some rules for making appointments with specialists and further admission for consultations. This applies only to scheduled appointments: emergency medical care is provided around the clock and without an appointment. You can get to a scheduled consultation in the direction that is issued by the district doctor or other specialist and by appointment. A referral is no longer required for a return visit. The queue for a scheduled appointment cannot exceed 14 calendar days from the date of registration. When contacting the registry directly, you must have a passport or other document confirming your identity, a compulsory medical insurance policy and a referral. Registration in specialized institutions or special departments can be carried out independently via the Internet. How elseget an appointment with specialists in the perinatal center (Kirov)? Electronic registry - this type of service applies to the consultative and diagnostic department (psychiatry, sexology, urology) and the department of assisted reproductive technologies (genetics and family medicine).
Paid medical services
Does the perinatal center (Kirov) provide paid services and does it have the right to do so? Paid medical services include:
- Individual medical observation post, provided the patient is in the hospital.
- Using medicines, items or procedures that are not on the essential or essential list.
- Providing anonymous medical services.
- Treatment of foreign citizens or stateless persons.

All these items and their decoding are described in a special provision on the procedure for providing paid medical services. A list of additional services provided by the clinical diagnostic laboratory, physiotherapy, radiology, ultrasound, dental and other departments is also attached to the regulation. Paid services also include the services of a consultative and diagnostic department, a family planning center, a physiotherapy department, computed tomography, anesthesiology and resuscitation departments, some services of a gynecological and obstetric department, as well as a pregnancy pathology department (caesarean section operation).
Family Planning Center
On the territorymedical institution operates a family planning and reproduction center. When opening the consultation, such goals were pursued as the attitude of people to family planning, preparing parents for the birth of children, providing psychological and medical assistance to families with certain problems in the matter of conception. The center also carries the idea of proper reproductive education of young people: pregnancy planning, prevention of unwanted conception. The team of specialists included urologists, pediatric and adult gynecologists, endocrinologists, a sexologist, and a psychologist. The result of the well-coordinated work of the team is excellent indicators for the desired conception, fertility and sexual education of adolescents.

School for future parents "Waiting"
For pregnant women since the late 90s, a school for future parents has been opened with a program called "Waiting". What does the perinatal center (Kirov) offer? Reviews of women in labor about this consultation and its specialists are extremely positive. The team includes:
- A psychologist who will tell you how to avoid postpartum depression, harmoniously combine relationships with your husband and new responsibilities as a mother.
- A neonatologist is a doctor who knows everything about babies up to a year old: how to feed, harden, massage, apply drug and non-drug treatment, and prepare a baby for vaccination.
- Instructor in physical therapy: he will tell you how to relax during physical exertion, strengthen the immune system and heart, maintain or quickly restore a figure afterchildbirth.