Treatment of barley with medicines and folk remedies

Treatment of barley with medicines and folk remedies
Treatment of barley with medicines and folk remedies

Inflammatory processes in the eye area are a common phenomenon, especially for barley. Not only adults, but also children can be prone to such misfortune. If symptoms occur, of course, you should contact an ophthalmologist as soon as possible, but if there is no doctor nearby, you can help yourself and your loved ones with handy, folk and pharmacy remedies. Barley treatment should not be delayed, as complications such as chronic inflammation can occur, and in the worst cases, meningitis or removal of the eyeball. If you follow all the recommendations described in this article, then there is every chance that the recovery will be quite fast. But we repeat once again: if possible, consult an ophthalmologist.

What is barley?

Barley is an inflammation of the hair follicle, more precisely, the eyelash bulb. This disease is very similar to furunculosis, which can occur in any part of the body.

barley causes
barley causes

According to the ICD, barley is coded H00.0, classified as deep inflammation of the eyelids.

Formationinflammation can be both on the upper eyelid and on the lower eyelid on any side (internal and external, in the corner of the eye at the temple or at the bridge of the nose). Regardless of the location of the barley, the treatment is almost the same. But many experts argue that inflammation in the upper eyelid can be the greatest danger due to its proximity to the brain and from the inside. In principle, this is also explained by the fact that it is more difficult to process the upper part of the eye area, as well as the inner one. But how to treat barley on the lower eyelid of the eye is described in detail below.

Symptoms and stages of the disease

When inflammation just appears, the person feels discomfort in the eye. It may constantly seem as if a mote has fallen. This is especially felt when blinking. As a rule, in this case, it is already possible to determine by sensations in which particular place the infection has formed. For those who have encountered trouble for the first time, it will be more difficult to understand what are the signs of barley on the eye.

The very "acquaintance" with the pathology will begin at the next stage, when painful swelling appears. It is during this period that the ripening of barley begins, which lasts about 2-4 days, depending on the state of the patient's immune system.

Next, a necrotic rod (abscess) appears, through which pus must flow. But it also happens that barley resolves on its own or under the influence of drugs. After the stage of opening the abscess, the process of recovery begins.

What are the causes of barley?

Let's see what are the causes of stye on the eye. On thethere are actually quite a few factors. For example, in children, frequent styes indicate that the baby constantly rubs his eyes with dirty hands. If the mother constantly monitors him and tries to prevent infections, then the matter is in a weakened immune system.

Adult person can have many more reasons:

  • chronic staph infection in the body;
  • stress, nervous breakdowns;
  • dramatic weakening of the immune system;
  • bad food;
  • abrupt change in weather or climate with the risk of weathering;
  • getting dirt during construction or other work;
  • touching eyes with unwashed hands.

But most often the primary cause is a weakening of the immune system, when the body is not able to fight the pathogenic flora itself.

The causative agent of the inflammatory process

Stye, as an inflammatory process in the hair follicle, does not appear on its own. It is provoked by a pathogenic microorganism. Most often, the causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus, a little less often - Streptococcus.

Despite the cause of barley on the eye, based on external factors, inflammation is always formed under the influence of microbes that multiply in the affected area.

barley eye drops
barley eye drops

In the area of the affected tissues, pus accumulates, which, at the stage when the barley ripens, comes out along with the dead microorganisms.

When can't I put off seeing a doctor?

Often, barley in many people proceeds normally, without complications. But there are,Unfortunately, there are moments when a visit to a specialist cannot be postponed. The reason for emergency medical care may be:

  • increased body temperature;
  • the occurrence of a large abscess (swelling around the eye);
  • pain in the eye itself.

In such cases, the treatment of barley is carried out under the supervision of a doctor with potent drugs, it is also possible, if necessary, surgical intervention. The sooner the patient sees a doctor, the greater the chance of a successful and speedy recovery.

To avoid complications, you must first of all observe hygiene: do not touch the inflamed area with your hands, treat the affected area with an antiseptic. This is the only way to reduce the risk of unpleasant consequences.

Action at first symptoms

When the first signs of barley appear on the eye in the form of pain, but there is no swelling, then some methods can be used:

  • wipe both eyelids with alcohol;
  • lubricate with iodine the place where pain is felt;
  • apply cold.

The first option implies that you have medical alcohol at home or at least alcohol propolis tincture. Soak a cotton swab in alcohol and gently apply the liquid to the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyelashes and eyelids. Avoid contact with mucous eyes. Iodine can be used in the same way. But you can not spread it intensively, otherwise you can get burned.

The third option is the opposite of heat compresses. In general, heat is best avoided by applying heat to any infected area. And hereStaphylococcus is afraid of severe frosty cold. Therefore, you can safely use the method of applying frozen objects for 10 seconds, such as chicken or seafood. Only the object should be wrapped in two layers of cellophane so as not to get frostbite. The scheme is something like this:

  1. Exhale, hold your breath, apply frozen food to the sore spot.
  2. Count down 10 seconds and take the cold away from your eye.
  3. Wait 1.5 minutes, then repeat the procedure.

This is an effective remedy for barley. But to achieve the best effect, you need to do this procedure 3-4 times a day until complete recovery. It is better to treat in a complex way: cold and rubbing with one of the remedies listed above.

If eyelid edema appears

If the patient missed the first stage - the beginning of barley, then do not despair. Often, regardless of whether the correct treatment is started or not, the occurrence of edema is inevitable. In such a case, heat or cold should not be applied. Here you need to treat the diseased eyelid with an antibacterial ointment until the necrotic rod opens or the inflammation resolves.

stage of barley ripening
stage of barley ripening

If the inflammatory process went further, there was an increased body temperature, often ointments alone are not enough, you need to take an antibiotic inside. But only a doctor should deal with such cases.

In the second stage of styes on the eye, when the eyelid is quite painful and there is swelling, you need to be careful. The administration of medications shouldcarried out with clean hands.

Instead of antibacterial ointment, eye drops with antibacterial properties may be prescribed.

Maturation stage

The third stage can be considered the stage of maturation. This is the moment when the pus is preparing to come out. You should continue to use antibacterial agents.

If maturation takes too long, you should consult an ophthalmologist to prescribe a barley remedy to speed up the opening of the necrotic rod.

abscess formation stage
abscess formation stage

When an abscess appears, many believe that it is necessary to squeeze out the contents of the eyelid with your fingers. But you can’t do this, you can drive the infection deep and provoke it into the brain or through the bloodstream into the body. You should not touch the sore spot, let the pus exit process on its own. You can only moisten the abscess with special medicines so that it does not dry out.

What to do when pus flows out?

The healing process occurs when the pus comes out or resolves. In the first case, you should carefully remove the outgoing liquid from the eyelashes with a sterile bandage. It is advisable to refrain from going outside. If it is not possible to stay at home, then cover your eyes with a clean handkerchief.

When the barley breaks through, you can breathe a sigh of relief, as the healing process has begun. This stage can last from several hours to 1.5 days. It all depends on the volume of purulent fluid and the number of microbes contained in it.

Even if the swelling has completely subsided,the pain is gone, you still need to treat the affected area with an antibacterial ointment for at least a couple of days or instill an eye in order to prevent a secondary infection from entering an unhealed wound after an abscess.

What tools are used?

Various medicines are used to treat barley. Often, doctors prescribe eye drops, for example, Okomistin, Vitabact, Tobrex, and so on. They fight infection and reduce inflammation. But it also happens that certain drops do not help, it may depend on the type of infection.

Also, various ointments are often used both to relieve puffiness and to quickly ripen barley:

  • "Ichthyol";
  • Vishnevsky's ointment;
  • "Levomekol";
  • oxolinic and others.

But how to treat barley in a child, only a doctor can tell, since many medicines have contraindications for children.

Treatment with folk remedies

Many of us are adherents of folk remedies. Of course, lovers of herbal medicine will recommend applying a cut aloe leaf or baked onion. But such methods are good for furunculosis, if the area of occurrence is not in the area of the nasolabial triangle.

It is better not to treat barley with aloe, onions and other herbal remedies, so as not to provoke a relapse and not to earn an abscess. But if the doctor believes that in a particular case, folk remedies can be dispensed with, then the recommendation can be applied. You just have to be careful andcontrol your condition. In case of deterioration, such treatment should be stopped immediately.

Folk remedies for this disease can only be auxiliary, for example, ingestion of echinacea decoction or propolis infusion to fight infection and to boost immunity.

Should I diet?

In general, experts do not prescribe any diets, but in order to speed up recovery, it is still worth limiting yourself to sweets. The fact is that any pathogenic flora “loves” sugar very much. The more sweets you eat, the longer the infection will stay in the body. It is better to switch to sour, bitter and insipid foods, drinks.

refusal of sweets in the treatment of barley
refusal of sweets in the treatment of barley

Pay more attention to drinking:

  • more clean water 15 minutes before meals and 1.5-2 hours after;
  • drink cranberry and lingonberry juice/fruit drink;
  • drink herbal bitter teas and decoctions.

Above in the article, recommendations were given on how to cure barley at home with the help of available medicines. But they are not enough. Be sure to follow the nutrition rule: less sugar - more water.

How long does the illness last

If it is not possible to eliminate barley at the earliest stage, when the disease only makes itself felt with pain, then the treatment will take about 1 week. Experts warn that if after 7-8 days the barley does not ripen or the abscess does not burst, then you need to seek help from a medical institution.

A sore eyelid gives a feelingdiscomfort, temporarily ruins plans and spoils the mood. Almost all beginners ask: “How long does barley last, how long to endure?”. The whole process takes 4-7 days.

Psychological support for illness

Often, when barley is formed, people feel not only discomfort, but sometimes a decrease in visual acuity. But the latter depends on how much the swollen eyelid covers the eye. Possible tearing. Therefore, it is recommended to carry a pack of clean paper handkerchiefs with you. In addition, there is pain even when closing the eyes.

Of course, such a nuisance overshadows all plans for the next week. But in order not to spoil your mood, to recover as soon as possible, it is better to relax at home, for example, lie down and think about the meaning of life, dream or make plans for the future. Then the treatment of barley will be easier, and recovery will come faster. In addition, you need to avoid drafts, wind.

Eye Prevention

So that barley does not reappear, you need to follow some rules. You can’t rub your eyes with unwashed hands, but it’s better to try not to rub unnecessarily at all. If you are on the street, it is better not to touch the eyelids at all, and indeed to the face as a whole. When a strong wind, dust appears, it is better to close your eyes with a sleeve, a handkerchief. Wear protective goggles when working in dusty conditions. Makeup may also be the cause.

barley due to cosmetics
barley due to cosmetics

Often, due to poor hygiene and adverse conditions on the street, barley occurs in a child. What to treat, the doctor will tell you, but prevention should be carried out: followfor small children, and explain to an older child that you can’t rub your eyes.

Prevention from within

Everything in the body is interconnected, even barley, jumping on the eye, appear due to not only external, but also internal factors. For example, a similar disease appears in people with weakened immune systems. It is better to carry out comprehensive prevention, because it is more difficult to treat than to prevent, especially barley on the inner eyelid.

Try to temper regularly, eat he althy food. The more vitamins you have on your table, the lower the risk of inflammatory processes not only in the eye, but throughout the body.

the cause of barley in a child
the cause of barley in a child

Also, this trouble can be psychosomatic. Be calm, love everyone around you and accept life as it is.

Why does barley pop up often?

Some people get sick again. Even if you already know well how to cure barley at home, but inflammation appears again and again, then this is a reason to contact a generalist. It is possible that immunity is weakened, and on any organ or on the mucous membrane there is a focus of Staphylococcus aureus. When the true cause is removed, recovery will come.