Hebephrenic schizophrenia: symptoms and treatment

Hebephrenic schizophrenia: symptoms and treatment
Hebephrenic schizophrenia: symptoms and treatment

One of the most malignant forms of mental disorder is hebephrenic (hebephrenic) schizophrenia. Patients with this pathology are easy to recognize. They are constantly grimacing and grimacing. The disease is characterized by an unfavorable prognosis, since it is difficult to treat. We will tell you more about its causes and symptoms in today's article.

Short description

Since 1871, the history of schizophrenia hebephrenic begins. The form of this particular disorder was described by Ewald Hecker. Initially, it was considered as a set of mental disorders, since it was difficult to differentiate from neurosis or psychopathy. Over the next few years, the boundaries of hebephrenic schizophrenia remained blurred. Even today, many scientists are of the opinion that this pathology does not occur in its pure form.

hebephrenic schizophrenia
hebephrenic schizophrenia

Most often it manifests itself in older adolescence. The disease is dangerous because with each subsequent attack it is getting closer to the transition to a malignant form of schizophrenia. In this case, the patient may become dangerous to society in the next 1-2 years. In the absence of treatment, he is capable of criminal acts, and with sexual overtones. Patients without quality treatment in most cases become alcoholics and drug addicts. The combination of such negative factors significantly reduces a person's life expectancy.

Main reasons

Even today, doctors cannot say exactly why the hebephrenic form of schizophrenia develops. However, most of them are inclined to the version of the genetic and viral nature of the pathology. Poor living conditions and an unfavorable situation in the family are considered as provoking factors. Various disorders of the neurobiological group, traumatic and stressful situations also increase the likelihood of a mental disorder.

hebephrenic form of schizophrenia
hebephrenic form of schizophrenia

Prevalence and susceptibility to disease

The first symptoms of a mental disorder develop during adolescence. According to statistics, among residents of large cities this pathology is diagnosed several times more often than in rural areas. In male and female patients, cases of hebephrenic schizophrenia are recorded with almost the same frequency.

Usually, long before the first symptoms appear, potential patients experience difficulties in social contacts. They have a lowintelligence level. In some cases, underweight is observed. As the patient grows older, he begins to experience strong attachment to his parents. However, he neglects communication with strangers.

Initial stage and course of the disorder

Hebephrenic schizophrenia makes itself felt between the ages of 14 and about 25 years. Initially, a teenager begins to behave unnaturally, often being naughty and grimacing. Parents rarely pay attention to such changes in behavior. Subsequently, such a person is very likely to suffer from hallucinations and delusions.

hebephrenic schizophrenia symptoms
hebephrenic schizophrenia symptoms

The formation of a schizophrenic defect takes no more than three years. Gradually, the patient loses vital motivation, becomes apathetic, commits unpredictable acts. The nature of the pathological process is continuous, so the so-called light gaps are absent. However, the possibility of an episodic course with alternating periods of remissions and exacerbations remains. But even in this case, the disease will progress. Its outcome is a complete change in the patient's personality. He becomes lethargic and weak-willed, unable to serve himself.

Key signs of illness

This disease is classified as difficult to diagnose. However, a number of clinical signs still make it possible to suspect an ailment. What are the symptoms of hebephrenic schizophrenia?

  1. Sudden mood swings (laughter gives way to depression, withdrawal).
  2. Periodically there is delusionalcondition and hallucinations. They are short-lived and have little or no effect on human behavior.
  3. All actions are characterized by primitiveness, and thinking is preserved at the level of a small child.
  4. Speech is incoherent and often lacks meaning.
  5. The mannerisms are visible in the behavior.
  6. The patient cannot accept criticism and comments addressed to him.
  7. In especially severe cases, there is an increased sexual desire.

Also, the hebephrenic form of schizophrenia is characterized by catatonic symptoms. They are manifested by movement disorders. Catatonic disorders are followed by paranoid ones, and after them affective ones. Everything ends with hebephrenic excitement. It is very difficult to determine the exact sequence of manifestations.

The behavior of patients is like a bad actor playing a small child. They may change their voice, fool around, or show unnatural emotions. Love for others is quickly replaced by aggression. Patients do not hesitate to expose the body.

hebephrenic hebephrenic schizophrenia
hebephrenic hebephrenic schizophrenia

Diagnostic Methods

To confirm a preliminary diagnosis, follow-up of the patient is required for 2-3 months. Many experts in this field believe that pathology can be identified in the presence of a triad of the following symptoms:

  • phenomenon of "inaction of thoughts";
  • grimacing;
  • unproductive euphoria.

If a suspected patient has hebephrenic schizophreniashould be shown to a psychiatrist. At home, it is not possible to correct his behavior or completely cure. Only a qualified specialist can correct the situation. The final diagnosis is confirmed after a long observation of the patient, a series of pathopsychological tests, and a study of his anamnesis.

case history of schizophrenia hebephrenic form
case history of schizophrenia hebephrenic form

Drug therapy

Unfortunately, hebephrenic schizophrenia always shows resistance. You can’t get rid of it, but you can alleviate the condition a little. The disease must be treated in a timely manner, do not hope that this is a temporary clouding of consciousness.

A patient with such a diagnosis must be placed in a hospital, where he will be under the supervision of specialists. Due to the high resistance to therapy, high doses of neuroleptics (Klopiksol, Rispolept, Azaleptin) and vitamins are prescribed. The following medicines help to soften and somewhat delay the approach of a schizoid defect: Fluanxol, Rispolept, Seroquel. All drugs are selected individually, taking into account the state of he alth of the patient.

treatment of hebephrenic schizophrenia
treatment of hebephrenic schizophrenia

Other Therapies

During remission, drug treatment of hebephrenic schizophrenia is not interrupted, but supplemented with psychotherapy. The latter is used to adapt the patient in society. As a rule, various group therapy options are used:

  • cognitive behavioral;
  • psychodrama;
  • rational-emotional.

In especially serious cases resort to family therapy. The doctor invites close relatives of the patient, other patients with similar disorders and disorders to the sessions. So it is much easier for him to adapt to the disease and survive it, while the effectiveness of the treatment is noticeably increased.

Short-term therapy most often shows good results at the stage of exacerbation. And long-term treatment is needed for:

  1. Establishing contact with the outside world (using pantomime, art therapy, simple dialogues).
  2. Development of communication and behavior skills (dialogues with discussion, modeling of scenes from life are used).
  3. Corrections for interactions with friends and family.

What are the main benefits of family behavioral therapy? This method of treatment helps the relatives of the patient to understand how to behave correctly. Hebephrenic schizophrenia is a rather serious illness, which is also a test for loved ones. They may also develop depressive and neurotic disorders over time. With the help of a standard course of psychotherapy, they more easily perceive the disease and build relationships in the family.

hebephrenic form of schizophrenia is characterized by
hebephrenic form of schizophrenia is characterized by


It is necessary to understand how dangerous hebephrenic schizophrenia is. If timely measures are not taken and therapy is not started, the patient will be dangerous to himself and others. Very quickly, he will cease to control his own actions, will begin to do everything that comesmind. In such a situation, immediate hospitalization in a psychiatric clinic is already required.
